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Harper's Weekly IN 1897 Witli the end of 1896 HARPER'S WEEKLY wlll have lived forty years. In that time it bas partictpated wlth all the zeal aud power al lts command In tbe greal political events of the 1 1 1 j .- t Interesttng and important period in tho history of the country, and it has Bpread before its readers tbeaccomplishmenw of scleuce, arts, and h for the instructiou of the human niind and tüo amelloratlon of humau conditions and of inanners, What tlie WEEKLY has been in lts spirit and ptirpose,u9 these have liecn manifested principal ly in lts editorial pages, it wlll continue to be. Il is irapossible to announce wlth precisión all that the WEEKLY wlll contaln during the year 1887. It were as easy to announce what is going to happen in the ivorlil. what triuniplis lor gooa iroveninieiit are to be won, what adriiiiccs of the people are to made, what is be the outcome oi the continuous struggle between the spirits of nar and peaee, what is to happen in the far Kast. wbat is to be the state of Knropc twelve months heuce, what non marréis of scicnoc are to be revealed, or what are to be the arliioremcnts of arts and letters, for the WEEKLY is to be a pictorial record of all this. Cartoon wlll continue to be a feature. Serial stories. A New England Story by Mii-s Mary E. Wllklns, wil] begin in Jauuary. A tale of a (iieek uprising ngalust the Turu's, by Mr. E. P. Benson. the'author of 'Dodo," will follow. A sequel to "The House-Boaton the styx," by Mr. John Kendrick Bangs, illustrated by Mr. Peter Newell. Uure Short Stories wlll appear in the WEEKLY than it bas 'been po.-sible to publish during 1806. Departmenfs; Mr. W. D. Howells' "Life and Letters' have been among the most charraIng features of ptrlodlcal llterature; Mr E.S Mnrtin. and otbers wil] contribute observations on what is going ou in -The Busy World." ' Amateur port" wlll reinal n the most important department of its kind In the country. Tlie WBEKLY wlll continue to present to lts readers tbc world's news most interesting to Aineileiins. to make important a'ivanees In botb the literary and arti.-tii; features, aud to retain for itself the leading place In the ilustrateii journalism of the wond, Newspapers are nut to eopy this advertisement without the exprese ordtr of Harper & 11 1' HARPER'S WEEKLY For One Year - - - - $4 00 Potlage Free to all subscriben in the I States, Canada, and Mexico, Address HABPEB k BBOTHERS 9. O. Box 5. X. ï. city. Harpep's Magazine IN 1897 FICTION: The Martian, the new novel bv Du Mamier, the eagerly expeeted suceesor tb "Trilby." beguu in October Nnmoer, lsitii, wuh lllustratious from autbor'a drawings A new oovel by Krank R. Stookton- developlng a Twentieth Ceutury Renaissance- ful! oí humorous situations and characteristically ïllustrated. A l'air of Patiënt Lovers, by William Dean Howells. Other st.ikins i ovelettes by Airerlcan aulhors. tihort Storfes by Mark; Twain, Thomas Nelson Page, Richard Hardm Davls.Oweu Wister.John Kendrlck Bauss Ruth McEnery smart, Octave Thannet, Mary E. Wllklus. and other popular writers. 8CIENCE: story oí the Progress of Science during the Xim-teenth Century, a series of pnpersby Dr. Henry Smitli rtilliauls, supplemented by comrihulious on special subjects by expert scientlsts. Articles on the curious psychological manifestations to uhvioloev by Dr. Andrew Wildon. si AMKRICAN FEATURES: The Mexion of ToIay. a series by Charles F. Lammis, splendiilly illURtrated- the resul t of a recent vislt to Mexico undertakeuforHAKPEK'S J1AGAZINE, Mexico Is pre-emlneutly a silver-producing country, anti its monelary operations rest entirely on a sllver basis. Oivingtothe keendiscusionof certain economie problems Inconnection with issuesuf urgent importance in American politics, these papers, will coraniand eeneral attentiou. American Historica] Papers by Woodrow Wilson, Jonn Bach MaoMaster. and James Barnes. Thetruestorv of Sheridan's Kitie. by Gen G A Korsyth Contlnuatlon of Howells' Personal Bemlniscences of Eminent literary Amerloaus. ÁFRICA AND THE LAsT: Han's Africa. B fully il lus tra ed series of papers by Poultney Blgelow, the remltof personal obseryations daring a recent trip to África, coverlog the hole fleld of European exploitation ol thal country. Mustrated artjcles by Stephen Konsal on the transformatious goingon In Kastern Siberia, recently visited by theauthor. Hunearian Sketcbea, wiitten and drawn by F. Hopkinson Kmith. The l'ull storv of the recent Coronation of the Czar, by "Richard Harding Uavis, illustrated by R. Caton Woodville.who was commisioned by Queen Victoria to paint a picture of the cereinony. Newspapern are, not to covy thts advertisement without the expresa order of Harper d' Brothers. HARPER'S MAGAZINE For One Year - - - - $4 00 Postage Free to all Subsoibirs in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARI'KK 4 BROTHERS P. O. Box 959, Jí. T. Uity. Harper's Bazar IN 1897 The BAZAR, a thoroughly up-to-date perlodical for women. will enter upon lts Thlrtieth Volume in 1897. Asafashion journal it is uusurpassed, and is an indispensable requisite for evory welldre3Sed woman. Katharine De Forrest writes a weekly letter on currenl fashions from Paris In New ïork Fashions, and in the forti)is;lulypattern-sheet supplement, ladies flnd full details, directions, aud diagrams for gowns, wraps, and childrens clotliing. San(ioz, Baude. and Chapius draw and engrave the newest and flnest Parlsiau desiens everv week. ' The seriáis lor 897 will be: The lted Rridire Nelghborhood, by Maria Louise Pool ; and Father ((uiiiiiallioii. by Octave Thauet. Short stories will be constantly presented by brlllïant writers among whom re Mary É. WHkins, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Marión Harland, Ruth McKnery Stuart, Viola Roseboro, Ahiraret .Sutton Briseoe. Wfiat Women ure Dolng in various parts oL the Union will ibrm a series of special interst. Other interestlng features are The Out-Door Woman, devoied to healthful sports and pastunes; Music, weekly crltical SU m mary of muslo In New York; Amateur Iheatricals, Embroineri and Needlework, Ceremony aml EUquete, Qood Houaekeeping, ■ What (iris are Uoing," - Ourrt ut Social Eventt," and Personal gleaned from origual sources Women and Men. Colonel T. W Higginsou will regulany continue his valuable essays. Ansners to Vorrespondents. 'Ihlfi column is conducted for the benefit and convenience of readers, and all questions received are answered in rotation, as promptlv aud fully as practicable. Art. The BAZAR is a notable picturegallery. reproducing the most beautiful works of American and foreien artiils, as presented in the minimi Paris anti New Vork pxhibitlous. vi it and Humor. Everybody i unís for a heartv laugh to the BAZAR'S last page. Au all around Woman 's paper. What more appropriate gift eau be made to wife. daughter sister than a subseriptiou to HARPER'S BAZAR? Secure it as a welcome visitor in vour household for 1897. Xewspapers are nnt to covtj this artvertisemen without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S BAZAR For One Year - - - - $4 00 Postage paid to all subscriben in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HAUPEli 1ÜÍOTHKKS P. O. Box 959, K. T. City. C, L McGUIRE - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Meclianics Bank 1 Huron St., E., Ann Albor, Michigan. All legal business atteuded to with proraptness and acouracy.


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