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A Happy New Yerir to our readers. Before the Courter shail -reet you agaln the year 1896 wioi be numbered among the cyeies oí the past, a thlng foT the historian alone to deal witli. It lias been a pood year in some respecta ; a poor year in other respects. The Dord has poured biessing.s upon the human i'amicy in tlie way of bountifuL crops, and 1lio ■weeks and months have been füled ■n-ith more deliffht.fully perfect lays thau any within the memory of any of tlüs generation. In man's afíairs alome, in business, in inoney matters, ia trafile betweea people only, bas there been íaiíure ; and those things wifJl right themselves witi time. Taken affll together we have niany things to be tiiankfn! tor; far more tlian to be despondent over, if we oW.y look at it right. May our Heaven'.y Father shower ns many nnd as greal bleesings upon the year to come as He has in the year ■fchat has just gone. Bicyole paths are the marrow gauge hiighways of the land. You wifll have ix drop the 6 and niake i)t a 7 after to-momnv. Il .you waiït to do nu extra, sood thing to start off the year make the Y. M. C. A. a presera of $1,000 tor its bulMi'nig bund. Ohnistmas was a perfect winter day. Biilght and cheerfulb, yet mot warm enough to thaw. It added one more to the many perfect days of 1896. The Chrlstmas page given the Oourier readers last week has received many compiliments from lovers of goort haüday literature. This wee-■we give a New Year's page that we hopo will be an pleasantly received. The next entertainment in the Y. M. C. A. oourse win be given by the Mozart Symphony öiub of Nev York. on the evenlng of January 21st, at the Prestytertn.n church. This is one of the best concert troupes travelling. Hold it in memory. The man who owns a bifcyclie and wants good roads, shouCid walk up and pay hi po;i tax, whlch when collected trocs tarto bhe good roads l'und, Q4ke littlr man. Hut tlien tliere is tío pol:] lax in liiiw town Eor iny fund. Why not ? II Únele Sam WOlllii ask the horge, Who hs lo pul] the loads. ThPglfl hc'd Ilke l'or New Year, He would Bhout, "Good Roadsl" We sfoouïd nol depend on ïhc weather tu make our roads. Tlio inspootion oí Co. A takes p bo-nigfait at the armory. A Happy New to yoa all, and te all] a jjnod year fnll of happteess. Tlio Aun Arbor Savings Tiank has (lecjaiTcl iis regutór semi-annual 5 per icnl. divident, pnyaWie on Jan. 2'd. Th.e circus wlU be a ei cus in earneet, and one tliat our peopie wíll want to k and se. The mnsonl" committee meets tonight at the tompte, to arrange the New Year's baskets for distrihution. Capt. Gramger wouítl be glad to Iravp. the eltizens generally attend fie taspection y Co. A to-nirht at tbe armory. Can't yon affoi'd to glve, say $500 to the íicw buIMing fund of the Y. ïr. C. A. nnd thus make yOurseM happy for a Ufe time? Tlie Odd PefJlcws hold ilieir seeond so-cial and dance in fchelr ncw hall in tjie Heirain}; Möck on to-morrow, Tlmrsday eveuing-. As as can be learned there wlfi] be very lititle New Years calliing I'riday, It was a pretty custom, and it te too hnd I lia i fashion sat lown Olí Ib. Tliere Is to be a New Year's lance gi-veii Tjy Whitmore Lake Tent No. 072 K. O. T. M.i on Frlday everring Januai-y lst, at the CStíton Hoiise. A nuraber of Ann Arbor yqung folks oontempiate attending. The chijdi-eii of St. Andrew's Sunday Schooi, enjoyed a Christmas tree whicb boro as fruit: a present for eacli and every one oi tliem, on Thursday .■iilci-iinon. it was a grand time for the Httle ones and they made the cttpst oí it. The canmes oí Ann Arbor are subject to a doublé dog-tax. One is a statutory tax which the dog pays for the right of existllenee, the other a penalty tax for exeroining the right. It Is Jooked upon by the owners as a niaiiiijr piece oi business.- Adiiau Press. The annual meeting of the Tri-State Oider Makers and Producers of Fruit goods of Ohio, Mi2higan and Indiana, win be held in1 Toledo, Ohio, on Wednesday, and Thursday, January 13 and 14, 1897, with headquarters at Iluriu'tt House. Membership Fee $1. AU interested are invited. On next Suuday night the oeautiful cantata, "Jesús of Xazareth," will be given at tlie Zion Lutlieran .liurcli by the clioir, mixed chorus and clii dren's chorus ander Ihe direction of IjouLs Boes. Xo admission fee wö be charged and everybody is nvlted. Oantata begins at 7:30 p. m. promptüiy. We have all heard of the trlcka of Foldlng beds, when not properly nanaged, and now comes the unfortunate experience of a man near Chicago, wbo was out in a drizzling rain, liavinig put on a unión suit. After dryirug it shrunk so tliat he could :iot gei his feet to the ground.- M. A. C. R, Record. Ohms. J. Oonrath, one of the firm of Oonrath Bros., who formeren ran a fruit (arm east of the city, was in town the first of the week, but left Tuesday n%Wt to join his brother at Tampa, Fffla. It Ls understood that their brother Emil will join them in the spring, where aiil will engage in truck farminir. C. R. Stüokney, rit '89, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Btickney, of this city, was marriied on tlie 2-tth 'iinst.. to r!ss Grace E. Itobinson, clangliter of Henry C. . Robineon of Detroit, the former storte commiesioner of lhbor, and at present commlesiioner oí "labor statistfcs, at Washington, D. C. The gnooiri lias many warm friends and acqua.iintances iiere ■wlio will'l send good wisixes tor the gOad evenit. One öf the happiest events of the EOcfliday seascm was the dtaner that was eerved on. Saturday afterniOion liast to the ïlttle folks belonginiK to the sewlng schooft, of which Miss M'atfJQa S. Brown is superltttendenl . Ii was heM In the Oourier building, anti 108 littlo ones were present, and that tliey enjoyecl it, couf.d not be doubted by tliose who gazed imto tiheir happy faces. was eerbadnilgr one event in the lives of these Mfctle ones that they will never forget. The Masonie bodies of this city did not distribute thetr baskets on C'hristmas Day because of tack oí time In Ketting the arrangements eompleted, oomsequently thetr baskets will be g-lven out on Thursday, to-morrow, the day preceding New Years. This Is better anyway, tor usually Cliristmas iinds Uk needy pvovideid for, and at New Years few prifts are made. The üüfiasonic brethren do a world of .srood in tlvcir way, and their thoughtfullness and eare has quietly and unostentíitionsly asslsted many a -íeedy one. Bear the burdeu i the present, Let the morro bear lts wn; lt the mormng skv be pleasant, Wliy the coming uiglit bemoan? Holy Rtrlvings aerveand sirengthen, Long eudurauce lus the crown ; when t eveulng shadows leogthen, TI1011 shalt Jny tlm burdeu down. -Selected. 'l'iic leai of the calendar romc off t.o-morrow. Ruts are the most expens&ve things a roadbed eau conslst of. Mr. .'111(1 Mrs. Henry Koen liad a Chrlstmas present of a baby boy. A very püeasant surprise last Thursprlse at the home of fi. W. SeyboM, oa. W. Huron st. riias. Schenc-k, of Preedom, aorazy man, has been making things Iively for the jail attendants durlng the past few days. -V ivood way to start In the new yöar : G-ive Geo. L. Hoore, treasurei oí the Y. M. C. A. your check ioi $100 to be added to the building fund. Tlii' annna! Cührlstmae tree and snpper of the Unitarlan Sunday Schoo.'j as hieM Thursday evèning last at tli? ehurch, and was a very enjoyablte occasion.. Stoddard W. Twftchcïl, ivho Uves with hls daughtér, jrrs. Oamer, cm E. Hun st., celebrated his OOth birtlHlay last Sxmday, and is quite hale arad hearty yet. Amoni th" many beautdi'ul calendars t.hat are being hung up in our homes and offices, those of Hood's Sarsapariji'a are as usual in greati demans beca use oí thelr beauty. The members af St. Aindrew's pnrlsh who wout to the county house Saturday aftemo-on, -vvere pïteased with the services. A present was ü-ivcn ëvery inmate. much to thelr evidemt great joy. Every elerk in Schalrer & Millen's store received a niee handkérchief and a pair oí gioves as a Qhristmas present. Au act that made. the proprietiors feel that it was quite as pieasant tlo gtve as to recelve. Speaking of the appointment of Pro'f. Sbaü'.er as ehiei consul for the L. A W., tire Adriün Press pun-nilly remarks : "He slwujd be able to "oraau'"-lze a sentiment that wlll eventuate ini "good roads." The Chicago News-Eecord Insuitte Hon. A. J. SaAvycr oí Ann Arbor, witih a cut of hira, attrocious enough to "lioM up" an express train. It t-alls liim "Ooi.," too. It is a paper that is capablie oi a great deal of meanness.- Adrián Press. A recepti'on which was greatjy nijoyed by the colored jjeople of the city was giveo by Iavi'e Eobinson ou Saluiday aiternoon last, in honor of hls sister, who is here from Saginaw, iisitinig, and his friends Messrs. Derat and Bueby, ol Toado. ' The subject for the nien's meeting at the Y, il. C. A. next Sunday wi.l be : "I have ïearned by experiemee." There will be a number, oí speakers, and special music wlill be provided. Alll men are cordially invilied to be with ns on the l'irst Sunday of the mew year. The general seeretary will have Charge of the meeting. The A. A. L. I. Mid-Winter Circus "Advertising Wagon No. 3'' was stiarted on its rounds to-day and it Isa ''daisy." It i iliilwrat-ely palnted - th work having been done by Vet" Armstrong, and wi.U no Joubt attract much attention white maííIng the round oí tihe country. Deao Seaboflt has charge of the wagon.- Dai'.y Times, Dec. 28. At t.he Y. M. O. A. rooms Juring the a'ftennoon of New Y"ear's Day, a program wi;i be rendered that wlM be very entertaiuing. Among other things wilil be a solo by Mast er Freddy Daúy and the rendering oï several piecee by a mandolin trio, there will ateo be a tew selections by an orchesestra, a debate a.nd a number oí vca.". ■■solos anda readiim'. Bverybody is uviteil to the rooms on bhis day. The story is ta'jü that a fidgety ghvl came Erom 1lu country the other day and weni to the photograph ix:V.lery to have lier piet tire taken." she sat down in the chair ready for tlie picture, and jusr as Hir artist was ready to "shoot." the girí! fisked: 'Will my feet show?" "Oh, merey no '." eaid the photogi-apher, "I'm iiot gioing to make tlie picture as big as thjat." Afber the piieture was 'aken it tooked as bhotigh the !ïi''l was mad. Wm. Dainsingburg, whose term o office as couiïty oíerk expires to-inormorrow, has bought out, together wit ii a partner, Mr. Ball, the buslaesa of the Detroit Produce Commission House, coaulueted at SO WoodbrMge st., letroit. Mr. BaBl iias been fora nuniber of years bookkeeper for the house, and thoroughdy lami.iar witi the business. Mr. Damsing-burg ought ho do a good business in that line. He been a farmer, is well kiwiwu throug'hout this sectlon, and Deing a man wiio lias i lie eatlre confidence o ihr peopje, he will no doubt be trustcm] uitih the produce kf fruit growers and farmers to a g'reat extent. Mj; DBTislnigburg possesses mie great req allslte Por Buccess in thls linie, and that is strict honesty. He is deservlng ol success and we beüieve will meet wi'ili il. He certain'y carrtes with him the very In-si wishes of hosls qf frii'iids here in Washtenaw. Jf t werf a mulé A ad -imic blanie fooi Wouhi tu bisi, ure through A 'Mead tough" rond, With rt greut big loüd. III teil you ulmt I'd do; I vvonldii't crow Bal m lust (ie low And keep most miglity "mum" Till I got i chance Wheu I'd kick bis pnnts Clear luto the Kingdom come. - L A. W. Bulletin. Two boxea ui flme nice o ranges were received by rs Ida Pease as n (In Set. mas gUi f lom hrr n-iriHls in Florida. The Board of Supervisors wi'A meet Mkmday to eefttte up with tin' eounty ■[ i'ii-ers and transact such other bustncss as inay eome before them. The iirst of the series of portraits of Benj. Franklin, sent oxit by Mc("ini's .fagazine, are excellent. Thlt Cine oí popular articlew, adopted by MeOure, oommencing with the li;'e of Abi-aham LLncolii, is making it one of the most popul-ar magazines pub:ished. The Register, Aun Arbor, says.''Between ton and twenty people have beem arrested within the past te days ior ridtag wheelia upon the pavements." The exactness oí numerlcatt statement, was hardly equajel by the Adrián servant girl, who, fravtng announced the birth o:' a ;itter of eataets, and being interrogated by the madame concerning the number, replied, "Sure Oi belave t here's between foive and six, mum.'"- Adria Press. On öhrfetmas Day there was lield at the home oí Mr. Fred A. Howlett, No. 50 E. Ann st.. a famiíy reunión, al which there were about thirty peopie present. Amoiig the guests were tihe faíher and motlier of Mr. Howlett aged 80 and 83 years, respectively, who stood the journey from Lyn? don. wliere tliey live. admirably, and who enjoyed the happy occasion. It was au event tliat wül be held in remembrance by the particlpanta for many a year. In the December Olack Iiook tliere is a pathetfc little story entitled "The Going Out," by Part Edwin Harriman, of tliis city. The scène is luid in the Xew Engfland hills, and the descripttons are very reaüstic. The autlior lias woven from his faney a very pretty little chnpter from every day life in. that región, and the reader oan but admire the naturalness of it 1.11. The Clack Book, although givtng articles Irom the pens of the best writers of the day, has brought out gome charming bits of verse and story by young Michigan authors who v ia ye write thoir ñames on Fame's pages. Old Santa Claus is something Of an .ïistocrat, after all. To those who plenty he gave more, while to tlnose with little or nothing he gave but ooad winds with no means of warmthi aiul vorarious appetites with tk food to appease it, thus verifying the BiMlcal quotation : ' To Ivim that hath 8haU be fïiven, to Ixim tliat hath tiöt shadl be taken a-n-ay even that whieh lie nath." The Saufa Claus myth may be a luappy one for some, but ior others it is cruel. But so are many of the tluugs o f tLis eartfi, which as the years roll over us are gradually proven to be trat fancies. We a.11 live in the ideal to a certain extent, and but for Diir gijorious castles in Spain we would be miserable indeed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier