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A Cook Book Free. "Table ánd Kitchemj" Is the tltle of a new oook book published by, the Price Iiaklng Powder Company, Chicago. Just at thte time It will be sent free if you write a postal mentiioning the Gourier. This book has been trled and Is one of the very, best of i'ts klad. Besides containíng over 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry aixi hiome oookery, there aro many hints for the tiable and kttcheu, showinu: hiow to set a table, how to enter the dining room, etc.; a hundred and ome hints in every branch of the culimary art. Oookery of the very finesrt and richest as well aa of the most economical and homellke, is provided for. Kemember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent postage prepiaild, to any lady sending her addreas (name, town and state) plainly glven. A copy In Germán or Scandinavian will be sernt if desired. Postal card s as good as letter. Address Prica Baking Powder Oo., Chioago, Hl. CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majarity of eufferers from Aethmia iand kdindred oomplaijnts, af ter tiiytag doctors and mumfoerless remedies advert ised as posi'tive cures without avaH, have come to the conclusión tthiat there ia na ouire ïür thtei most dfebressimg disease, and tbiese sama peraoos will be the more im doubt and Bkeptical wtoön tttiey learn througl th columns of the press that Dr. Rudolph ScMffmiamn, the recogoilzed ap"öhiarity wfoo has treated more oases af theso üseases than. amy living doetar, hias adhleTed success by perfectiag a remedy whitah not only gl ves lmmedítate relief In the worst cases, bat hias poeiltively cnred tihooisands of uiferers who were consMered incurable. Thase Vere juist as skepticat aa som of onr readers hotst are. Dr. SchüV mann'rt remedy no dioubt possesses tb whdloh Is claimed for it or ha wonld njot autbortee thls paper to anmotmce that be is npt only willing to igiTe free to each pereon suffering from Asöh-ma, Hay "Fëver oí Bromc&dtis te this city, one liberal "free trial bio-x" of h,Ï9 Ourei, but urgently re'quof'ts all sufferers 'o cali at Goodyear'e Drug Stiore. Aan Arbor, witbln the next three dlays and recelve a package absolutely free of fiarge, knowing taiat iln making the claim hie dloes for hfe Otire, a strong doubt miay arise In tibe mindB oí manyí.and ttuat a personal test, as he offers to all, will be moire cotnvtmcing, and pnore lts méritos, tíhian. the publlshlng ot tfoousands of testimoniáis from persons who hiave beem permanently cured by thíe use oí 3uls Asthma. Cure. "Dr. SoMffmanm's Asthma Cure," as tt te called, has been sold by dniggtets oí thds oilty Over tace lti waa flrat Íntroduced, altlwugh mainy persons may never have heard of tt, andi it is wlltb a viiew t'o reacbline1 thee that he makes thte offer. Thte is certalnly a most gemeirorus and fai'Jr offer, and all who aire eufferilng froim, amy1 of the abo ve complalnts ehould remember tlie date amd place wliere the Htriibutlon wlll be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons llvüng 011 1 of thiB city who desloe to test fhe effScacy of thte moet woodertul remedy will recelve a package free by wrlitlng to Dr. Sohiffmajin, 330 Rosabel street, 8t. Paul, Mlnn., proVidlmg thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16th, as no free samples can bs ototatoed after that date. . LE8S TUIN ONE GENT EAGH B1RE CH1NCE 5 lg%'S!,BEs 156 F0R $1.50 An arrangement Just made wlth The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to sare ome money for every reader who takes ttávautage of thls epportunlty. We undertake to furuish THE ANN ARBDR CüUREER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for The Wen-Weet h te Is the Best Possible Substituto for a Daily Paper. Pobllshed on Taesday and l'rldar Morntngs üt time to catch the Karly Trains. All the Lateat News up to the time of golas to press. Complete Market Beports Ín eaeh' lsssne. All who cannot get a Daily ehould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press Is ofleiing Premium at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, and you can easlly save tbe cost of botb papera by takiug advantage of THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBED. WRITB THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. ín No Other Way Tan Ton Get As Much For S Iiittle Moncy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEUY.


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