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Clark C. Wortley spemt last week In N. Y. City. J. B. Colvain has gone cast on a business and pleasure trip. Ed. ÍDoersam will be found at the Cook House, Aun Arbor, hreaftr. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. öovert have gone to York stiate for a few week's stay. The Nwmal football champions llave had fcheir pictures taken in a group. The stockholderg nre more than deiighted wl'th the new scenery for the new opera house. The Presbyterian Suniday School has made aai offeriing of $44.50 for the starviing Armenían children. A noble deed. The motor on the big electric car burned out last Thursday, and the Facakrd st. car had tO' be substituted íor a few days. Miss Mabel I. Field af the present Normal graduatkig class, has secured a teacher's position ia the upper península. The mother of Dr. Hueston of this city, died at her home in Pontiac last Thursday, aged 97 years, having been bom in 1800. Slue was a nurse o(f the Federal soldiere in 1812. Master Cyril Tyler is undergoing a change of voice at Ypsilanti. Altbough strictly forbidden he occasiomally breaks out in song, in spite of all he can do to hold the notes in. Mrs. Geo. B. Young, mother of Cari Young, the pianist, died at her home in this city, Friday afternoon. She had lived here some three years. The remains were taken to Clinton, lowa, far burial. Our citteens can nott wait for the the Ist of April ,to fiill the vacancy caused by Justice Beach's death, but propose to hold a special election as soon as possible. There are several candidates after it. Mrs. Marshall Pease, who is so well kwwn as a soloist, aod who sang ir. the Ohoral Union concerté at Ann Arbor several times, is to appear at a concert soon to be given a;t Munich, Bavaria, where she is spending the winter. The stockholders of the opera house company met and elected th following directors : Bamue] Post, Charles E. King, J. H. Lepper,Thos. McAmdrew and R. W. Hemphili. 'Samuel Post was made president ; J. H. Lepper vice president, amd Cliarles E. King secretary and treasurer. Mrssrs. Ooivan amd Pack tlie retiilng ofiicers, were given a vote of thanks.- Oaily Times. At a meeting of the Light Guard held last Wednesday night the following civil officei-s were elected; President F. D. McKeand, vice president David E. MoTford, secretary Frank Ivirk, treasurer Fred L,. Gallup, manager of the "Hammerstein Grand," Diavid K. Morford. The former restrictions reliaitive to venting Light Guard liall were withdrawn, and now the colored people can hold their dances there. When the management of the elect)ric line heard thiat the Light Guards were to be the gueets of the light Infantry at Ann Arbor last evening, a special car was placed at the dispoal of the company for the tPansportation to and from Ann Ap. bor and cigars were passed around on the return trip. Company G, through Fred Green, thanked the management far its oourtesy and generoeity.- Daily Times. Earl Nash, a blacksmith, has been arrested on a charge of committing a burglary at the shop of John M. Tucker a week ago last Friday night, land there Is pretty conclusive circumstamtial evidence agalnst him. At the examiination before Justice Childs Saturday he was bound over to the circuit cotirt for trial, with bonds at $500, which he cooild not fui-nish, and was oonsequently sent to the county jail Bt Ann Arbor. Some time ago Jerome Schemmerhorn put in a claim against the Mtollle Bennett estáte for $1,278 for work done. The claim was referred to a board of special commissioners oomposed of J. N. Childster, Joha L. Hunter and Tracy L. Towner, who decided against tlie claimant. Schemmerhorn, by hls attorneys W. J. Wallace, F. J. Webb, Seth C. Randlall and Frank Jones, has now appealed from the decisión to the circuit court.- Daily Times. Prof. Robert J. Stevens, a former Ypsilanti boy, now of Benton Harbor, bas a wtoie glass that was once the great Napoleon's, a piece of the palm tree under which Oolumbus' priest celebrated the first mass in America, a feather from Lincoln'a funeral car, a piece erf the Blarney stone from Ireland, a fragment of the battlements oí the old R-panish fort at St. Augustine, and (tlÜB information is furnlshed by tlie Nbws itself) a copy of the Grase Lake News, all of which he values as rare and prlceless curios. -


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