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The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Reeve, merchant of Chil" bowie, Va., certlfies that he had conHumption, was given up to die, Bought all medical treatment "that monej; could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent man y nlgbte sittlng up ia a chair ; was lnduced to try Dr. Dr. King's Ne-w Discovery, and wal cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been attendlng to business, and says Dr. King's New Disco very la the eramdfistremedy ever made, as lt has done so much for blm and aleo for others in hls communlty. Dr. King's New Dtecov ery is guaranteed for Coughs, Cold and Consumptlon. It don't falL Trial bottles free at Eberbach Drug 4 Chemical Co's Drugstore, and Geo. J. Haeussler, Manchester. Undoubtedly the hamdsomest train betweeo Chicago and St. Paul, Minneapolis, the Superiors and Duluth la the "North-Western Limited," whlch ïeaves Chicago at 6:30 p. m. daUy vla the. Western Lime (Chicago & North - estera R'y). lts eqtilpment whlch Is entlrety new throughout, and embraces Compartment Sleeping Cara, Buffet, Smoking and Ldbrary Care, Standard Sleeping Cars, Dlnlns Oare, and Tiadlee' coaches, has every luxury ■wnlch Imaglnatlon can concelve or mlnd tnvent for the comfort and con■venlence of passengenR. All agente sell tickets vla the Chicago & NoctliWestern R'y. For fuM Information apply to agents of coinnectlng line, er addres W. B. Kniskern, O. P. and T. A., Chicago, 131. OIL! OILr Red Star "" ,rBurns without smoke or odor. Price I Oc per Gallon. Sold only by DEAN & CO. 44 South Main St. I C. L McGUIRE - - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Mechanica Bank. 1 Huron St., E., Ann Arbor, Michigan. All legal business attended to wlth prompt ness and accuracy. W. F. MOORE. DBNTIST Work done In all forma of modern dentïstry; crown and 'bridge work a special ty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office, 27 8. Main Í. Ann Arbor, Mich. i y MEL GILLESPIE TEACHER OP BANJO, GUIT AR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MÜSIC. OFFICE, Ann Arbor Obgan Co. Wanted-An Idea LiiS Protect your Ideas; they may brlng you wealtb. Wrlte JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attorneyg. Washington, D. c, for thelr (1.8UU prire oBat and list of two hundred luventloss wanted.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier