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all for a eounty eonviMition to be und cm another page. A county exchange, couunenting on the announcernent oí an advertiser, remarks that "lt wijl bear tovestiga■tton." Said a mrrchaut in hls plaOard above liis door, "Ikin't go else■wbere to be clieated ; come in here" - Adrián Press. Chicago is growing at a marvelen rate. According to the present increase the population of that city fa 1900 will be atoout 2,500,000. Sfoe claims a lower death rate than that of aur other city of the first magnir Imde In the civilized world. An Adrián paper tells how a Bneak "fchief entered a house and was frightned away before he coiifld geit a.ny thing. The paper does not go hito the particulars, but Lt is presumed the feht of an Adrián Press on the door ■gUep made him pause aad read a few Hnes of editorial, -n-hen he fled wtth itorror from the calamity howl wtth ■wiich itL columns are filled.- Hudson Tost. The Michigan Farmer advocates "Reform," whateTer that may mean, 3n ane paragrraph, and in another opposes any movement looking toward S00H roads, and endeavors to make "Bt farmers believe that in some way ?&ie making of good roads Is a direct Kloir at them. How it ca.n claim oonsfetency is one of the things to lie íound out. By some Btrange mental process the aTerage populist statesman regards x. bank failure as a sart of vindicatkm for hls political principies. He Jorgets that for every such failure otv there would have been four or Bve il' his party had won at the polls. And also that lt is Invariably the poor people who suffer by bank fail■stres, as they are the depoaiitors and largely the stockholders also. Tears and years ago, when the sub- i?ct of employing prisoners In trades "Shat came ia competitijon with honest labor was first aHated, the öourior saggested a way out, by employing prisoners upcwi tlie roads or in preparing material fnr maeadamizing "Poads. Gradually t!iis Mea i g?ainIng headway, and the day is not distant when our prisoners will be enyaged iu that kind of employment. Speed it. Fhe TVorld-Herald of Omaha, editorially suggests that this would be n excellent time to briug the propoaition of a uniform divorce law beiore the varkms legislatures that are w will be in session. It proposes that the Xebraska legislature adopt 3 resolutioin favorable to uniformiity and authorizing the governor to appoint three commissioners, whose du7 ir shall be to Invite the legislatures '■xecutlves of the other states to same similar commlssioners, and then all meet and frame a divorce law, ■whfch shall hereafter be submltted to the vaifeus legislatures or actioiu


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