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Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wortley go south to remaln until May lst. A Jvonsense social at Proí. Barfoour's netted $8. Some cents Ín that. Jolm Gannon, ïor being drunk, la boarding wiüh Sheriff Judson for a month. , The Ypsllanti Mineral Bath Co. la now incorporated, WÏth $5,000 stock paid in ? A new 13-hoTse power Otto gas mgino ia being put in by the DressStay Co. Dr. Boome was at Lanslng last week telling the authorities the needs of the Normal. The board of public works lias dectided to run the electrlc lights all night after Feb. lst. It cost H-arry Lawrence just $6.15 to heal the offended djgnity of the law by gettfcig full the other day. The 20th Century Club give a party every two weeks at the Ladles' Library, commencius with Saturday nllght. The acetylene gas will eoon be brought Into use in this county, a company haring been formed for that purpose. The antnual meeting of the stockholders of the Cleary Business College will be held at the college on Blonday erening Feb. lst. Herbert Millspangh deserted his wife and two little children some time ago, and now he ia serving 30 days in jail at Ann Arbor because of hls pure cussedness. James Scotney Jr., who went south for his health some time ago, dled at Clnclnnati, Ohio, recently, and his remalna were Interred in the cemetery here last Thursday. Bdward H. Bedell, au old Washtenawlan, and a relatiTe of A. A. Bedell of this city, waa killed recently at Ijajislng, by being struck by an engine while driving across the railroad track. Mrs. Charles Bimpson, mother of the Jones boys, who creatd so nmch excltement here a couple of years ago, when Deputy Shariff Peterson (Was shot In the ha,nd, died Sunday ancnuing.- Sentinel. It ís sa-id that four yioung gentlef men, two In this city, and two in Ann Arbor, hare organized, and will carry and delirer packages between the two cities at half the usual rates charged by expresa campantes.- Daily Times. When Prosecuting Attorney Kirk vlsited the state prison at Jackson last week, he is said to hare been Introdneed with considerable gusto by hte official title. "That's nothing:," quiitiy remarked the warden, "we have three prosecuting attorneys in liere, serring time."- SentLnel. Mr. amd Mrs. Alrin Mead nee Margaret Charlton, has been married fifty years last "Wednesday, and their friends found It out and surprised them with the fat. It was a happy party that gathered at the farm home just west of the eity, where ttiey hare lired more than forty ypars.- Commercial. Twenty-four years ago to-day, Jan. 19, Mr. -W. H. Sweet, In company with ïm. Robblns, started lm the dry goods business in the store which he still oecupies on Congress street. Many changes In the business of the street hare taken place slnce then, but Mr. Sweet renews Ms age erery year and enlarges hls business, and no one would mistrust from the few silver threads amang his raren locks tihat he Is one of the oldest as he is ome oí the most successful of Ypsilantl's merchante. May hls shadow- nor his Income - nerer grow less.- Tpsilantian. "Worshipful Master Carpenter, of Phoenlx Lodge No. 13, F. & A. M., suggeated at the last regular communlcation a plan for a Masonic celebration of Washington's birthday, which, being approred by the Ixjdge, will be undertaken. Ypsilanti Ixdge oí this city and Fraternlty Lodge of Amn Arbor will be invited to confer the thlrd degree upon. one ca.ndidate each, and Ph'oenlx Lodge will also oonfer the same degree upon anerther. Lodge will open at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Aftér two degrees hava been conferred, refreshments will be served, and them the members will be called from refreshment to labor agaiii, and the program of "work will be completed.- Sentdnel. It Is generally understood that Mrst Starkweather, lm her most generoiia gift to the Library Association, lioped not only to furnish a beautiful and convenlent building ïor the Ubrary but atoo to proride a place which should beoome in time a natural center and home for the varioius literary clubs and other similar organiza'tlons of the women of tlhe city. We hjave no doubt it is tihe pollcy of the AsBOclatioii to carry into effect the original purpose of Mrs. Starkweather, as rapidly and as fully as posslble. The offering of their rooms to clubs and classes, upon the most favorable terms poesible, ia a step toward the accompHshment of this purpose. The management of an organIzatlon ol any kind, religious, literary or social, whose prosperilty dependa very largely upon the good will of the community, is a matter of no small dilfieulty. Not only the principies and convictions of people have to be taken, into account, but also their tastes and, not Beldom, even their prejudices. Consequently progrees toward the attainment of


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