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Y. W. C A. Notes

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One oï the ph'iismiti'si business meetings ever held by the Aso 1 1 1 ion, took place nt the eoey rooms over tihe post office last Monda y erening. Business bega.n promptiy at 8:00 o'clock, with a well füled assembly room. The praiide.nt led in a short devotionsil service, af ter which a concñse outlfae of the ilutics of each offk'ei' was given, followed by 'Mie reporta of these Offiöers. It had been asked how the work of the assoclation is earried on with only four of fhese 1)118111688 meetings each year. Th is question was answered by a description of the committees and the Board of Managers and reporte were aalled for from eacli of the nine committees. Only two failed torespond. When the educatdomal coimuittee was caJled upon the clia innam made a brief statement regardifflg the dasswoik. and inti-oduced the teachers tt-ho were present. Bach spoke of the work dooie by the clase under her cliïune. The elocutiioin class is the laTgest-, tlie dressmaking and music cltinses are about equal to eaeli otlier in members. The four others are smaller, but much inrterested in their woi-k. Mre. Pardon closed her claea in Physioal Culturo last week, as she wlll lie away frmn the city. l!ni arrangemoats have been made ly whlch the work wlll be contiaiued, wHh a i hajiue of evening, under MisB McMotuagle. The librarian reporte an increasing interest in the library and that books are beding taken out regularly. Four new "bo-oks h-ave been brought in duriitg the p-ast week. The reporta trom the úiitation and deviotioinal committees Bhow that the 'gtrls are doing much along those line and all present realized mure tJian befo're how potent a factor the Y. W. C. A. ís becoming' iniimg Aon Arbor girls. .' Xew members recedved during tlie quarter were 17. Names taken trom the roll were C, one gooe from the city, and 5 non-attendante for kix months and witli dues unpaid. Largeet attendance fit Sunday meeting was 60. The total attendance at rooms, inoluding classes, Sunday meetinss, New Year's day, aaid caliere, 1,900; aftemoon callers 300, calis for lomestde help 45, calis for situattons (57, number oí eitnations secured 22. Lunches taken at ro mis, 100. Fifty envelopes were piveii out for the 2 cents a week for two months, towards the work of the state committee. There are a number of these ,ci undistributed. Ask aibout them. Last Sunday aftenioon Prof. Coler wiae again at the ro mis and gave au interesting BlbLe study, taking up the first cbapters of Mat th-ew. The only regnei was tbat tlie time did not allow for tlie asking of questions as so many wislied to do. The room was weli filled and many will remeinber it as a i-ed-letter day. Xext Sunday lliss Crippen will take up the second lesson Ín "The New Testtament Story," and it is asked that Bijles be brought to the meeting. Please be as prompt as possïble. The meeting should begin at 3:3o eharp.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier