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Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gregory have a loy. Mrs. Caroline riilllips lias been granted a wWow'-b pension. Frank Josliii was eleobed justice of the peace at the recent special eleetion. Mrs. ili'vvland's sister, Mrs. Sleighit, ha;? returned to her home Lu Anienia. N. Dakota. Mrs. C. W. Hogers has beea entertaining Mrs. James H. Itogers, of Columbus, Ohio. The farm known as the Abram Gorsliu farm has been purchased by John Lang, for $4,000. Miss Helen Salyer of Ann Arbor, is to organize a dressmaking class at the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Walton, son. of Edgar Rexford, feil on the ice while skating the other day, and broke his arm. Miss Nellie Pomeroy has taken her place 'agaim in I, D. & K-s store, af■ ter belng ill for a time. A ba 11 wih one-quarter off for cbarity, Is being talked up for St. Valentine's Day or thie evening following. Frank McKinetry has dissolved partnership with E. M. öomstock & Oo. and en+ered into partnership with M. J. Lewis & Co. An artist from St. Louis, Mo., was sent for to retouch the scenery in the opera house, which was injured by smoke a few days ago. Three slelgh loads of students went to Whitmore Lake last Wednesday night - 18 miles - and liad a party. It wasn't cold a bit. The Michigan Central Btarted 125 men cutting Ice last Thursday here, which force was enlarged afterward. They pay $1.25 per day. Mies Darls was presented with a ring of opals and diamonds and a souvenir spoon, by the students of the C. B. C, last Thursday evening. Chas. D. Ooon, a former resident, died iax Bam Francisco, Cal., Jan. 4, aiged 62 years, 4 mos. Mrs. Ooon ie a sister of Mrs. Hersehel Goodspeed of tliis city. Last November the 2d district of this city cast 542 votes, but on. the recent special election for justice only 183 votes were polled. Of ■vhich Joslyn ree ei ved 133. Cliias. Stevens received 31 votes for gramd marshal of the grand lodge F. cfe A. M. last week. Cliarlie would receive more votes for the P. O. if ne sluóuld try for them. The Students' Christian Association were inrit-ed to attend a social givec at Newberry Hall, Amn Arbor, Saturday eveniing, by the S. C. A. of that place, bnt could not accept. A. Xi. Nowlin. has gone in with a company that has bought a farm of 930 acres near Owosso, which they will stock wiith trotting horses. The eompaay padd $65,000 for it. Warren Lewis, of Ypsilanti, has sold his handsome black Cocker spaniel Ino Obo, C. K. C. 3511, to B. I. Cuyler, superintendent of the C. B. & Q. E'y, Galesburg, 111. Price $50. A grand whist evening tas been arranged for the evening of Feb. 11, in the Hawklns house. The contesi will be the ladies against the gentlemen, 32 on a si de, all tJlie clubs of th city being represented. Hem-y D. Platt, of Pittsfield, had something in the line of stock whici he says h woulid like to know if Is beaten in thiis sectlan. He yesterday solfl nine pigs, slx months old, which averaged 240 pounds apiece. - Daily Times. The stockluoliders of the Ypsilanti Mineral Bath Co'. h( ld thek flrst meeting ïast "Wednesday. The following offlcers were elected : James H. Lepper, president ; Edward A. Wllcox, vlce president ; Chas. M. Hemphill, secretary and treasurer. The Ypsilanti L. A. "W. has a membership of twenty-five. At the election last week the followlng officers were chosen : President, D. P. Sullivan ; vice president, Prof. "W. P. Bowen ; Becretary, W. I. Feil ; treasurer, J. B. VanFossen ; Capt. Arthur I. Bullivan, Mrs. Myrta Pallmer went to Toledo Tuesday to accept a position as secretary for Capt. Willard W. (Jlazier, who Is a wrlter of some note. During thie coming year he will take a tiïp to the Pacific coast and Alaska and write a' baok on hia travels Senitinel. Mesers. Garelfisen and Dodge will glve the opera of Olivette on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 25 and 26, with with matinee on Saturday, Feb. 27, at the aew opera liouse. Prof. Frederick H. Pöase has ktodly consented to act as conductor. Great efforts are being made to make thia the event of the season.- Ypsilantian. Deubel Bros. have sold another 200 barrels of Ilour for the use ia the oelebiiatton of the Jewish Passover, amd expect a, visit froui the church a-uth-oiltLes next week, who will inspect the maktatg of the flour and sealimig of the barrels. The contract is made with the same parties as last year and is a fine testimonial of the cleamliness of hts flour. - Daily Times. Mr. and Mrs. Alivn Mead celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday last, having been man-led 50 years prevíoTis, at Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y. Among the gifts were a pair of gold spectacles ïor the groom and a beautlíul breastpiln íor the bride. A large number of relatives and neighbors "svere present. The Sentinel says : "Dean G-avdam, rector of Bt. Luke's, compteted Ws first year -wi'th that parislx last Sunday, and a portSon of hls discourse was devoted to a review of the histtory of tlie charge durlug that time. The rector dweüt feelingly upon the pleasant relations that had exlsted and spoke encouragingly of the future. It is but justice to Dr. Gardam to voicé the general satisfaction his iabors in Ypsilanti liave given, and to express the prevaiiing wisli that hls service in this place may long con-trinue. A scholiar, devout Lu his calliioig, and a gentleman whom it is an hionor to cali a friend, there are many 0utside hls congregation who liold him In the same esteem appai eni among his people. Dr. Gardam, la bis wwk, has the assistaiice of a wife to whom a like feeling is exteaded by all who have met her."


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