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A barbel' hOiop has beem opened Ín WilliB Vy Bert Hanïs. Tke lyceum fe wne í the good tlukiss of Scio Cnit !■!■ thls winter. Mix-.linel Klrk, oí Manchester, (lied Feb. -, oí neuralgia oí the heart, aged 75 yeárs. Mrs. Len&h A. Saaiford, [ormerly f Sliaron, died a.t Perry, Mich., Jan. L' I , aged 50. Hmiry Hammond lias rented his ía:rm lo liis son, aod he wil move to Saline to Uve. Eem-M Elsasser lias imMt a new ice Jiouse on the west bank oí the mili pond at Dexter. At the Eckert P. O. in Freed'O'm the thermometer registereii 18 deg. below zeno, Januury 25. Pinckney has a lady 00 years old named Fewlass. Indeed there are Fewlass's like her. Aaron Du rand, who was a pioneer of Chelsea, died at Battle Creek, on Jan. 30, aged 70. A Sylvaaiite claims to have heard and seen robins recently. Must have hJaxl an halucination. The republicana of Superior will hold a caucus at the Town House on Monday next, Fels. 15. The low price of corn me&l is seriously injuring the price of flour iu many of the large cities. Adrián has adopted the Abbott voting inachine, and wül start In tliis spring. G-O'Cxl íor Adrián. C. F. Riggs, of Superir, will move to Bellevllle eoon to ciare for his aged parents who live thiere. Mr. and Mrs. Grien Howard of Saline, lost their little soo. EDarold by doath, Tuesday of laat week. The republicano of Ypsilantl town wiill hold a oaucus at the Town House, on Baturday, Feb. 13. The church at West Superior, some 12 miles east of Ypsilanti, In Wayne oounty, bumed Kunday nlght . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kress, of Lodi, Observed the lOth anniversary oí their marrlage last week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allison, who live east of Saline, were quite badly Inju red by a runaway team vecently. Fred Ganss, of BMdgewater, died Wednesday last, aged 39 years, alter au extended Mness witli consumption. The republicana of AVebster township wLll hold a caucus om Frlday eveniing next, Feb. 12th, at the town hall. Bd. 'McKuTie, of Chelsea drew a horse Jai .a rafflte last siunmer, and a few öay's Bluce he drew a cutter. Lucky. .Tared Warner, aged 75, who fornierly livpd in Sylvan. dted at his lm in (".'; . Gteneee county, .Tanuary 28. The Ladlee' Aid Society oí the M. E. church, Salino, will hold a social at II. AV. Bassett's, Frlday evening, February 10. Mrs. Eiteha Freer, who was once a resident oí T,hna and later of Sliaron, diod at lier homo fci Eiiton Itapids Jamiary 21. The next meeting of the BrMgewater Ueading CIrcle will be at the home of Thos. Ven Geteon, onMonday evenlng. February 15. Ivife Insurance agents have been inuring every live man In Saline of late - a regular ïlootl of agenta havIng vfeited that vlllage. Badliroad prlces have had a so-mersault, and the old charges of 25 cents hiave been resumed.. The merchaats are htappy.- Chelsea Herald. It Is reporte that W111 Gage and Will Haselschwardt, of Sharon, intend golng to Colorado with Kdgar Holden when lie goes back. The recent run of sleighlng has furíiished loga nuf f lic lont so that saw milis about the county have commenced chianking xip the logs. Mrs. Hall, a former resident of Saline, died at the Pontlac asylum on Wednesday, and her remains were taken to that place for burtal. The Dundee canning factory has got into court, a receiver has been appointed. and the property will be sold and idivided among creditors. The banns of marrioge were publds-hed last Sunday In St. Mary's öhurch between Willinm D. Fox, Esq., of Detroit, and Miss Susan M. Howe, of Chelsea. - Herald. Horse roclng on the pond ia whatl the aTorage Dexter oitizen has been indulg-ing in for the past week or so, and the one who doesn't own a fast mag isn't In it a little bit. Br. E. F. Chase lias gone to Arkaneas City, Kansas, to look after his and the Gregory estate's 'nterests as stock holders In the First National bank of that city.- Dexter Leader. So much milk is received at the Manchester cheeee ïactory that they are obliged to make cheese every day now lnstead of every ether day aa heretofore. - Manchester Enterprise. We liave mot heard of an ice cutter gettlng ducked this season. - Saline Observer. Must be that the Baptlstg are neglectmg their duty. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Warren- he of the Observer - have more constas thaa amy two people in the oounty. Honest faet- all good looking and jolly, too. Although Senator Andrew Campbell, of Pittsfield, is a farmer and elected as a representative of their Interests, yet he is quioted as favorimg the railroads. Mnd ! Well, just a Httle ! Startod in on one of tliose spicy and sassy art leles in the Grasa Lake Xews, and wh about half through discovorcd it to be a patent medicine ad. Vengeance is ours. Mrs. Harmo-n a pioneer of the county, wh-o lived wSfch Mts. B. B. Stone of York, ilied Jan. 29, aged 83 years. Slx brothers, Rreatt nephews of the deceased, acted as pall bearers, at the fnneraj which was held at the M. E. church, Btony Creek. There wa a great fox humt and round up In Marton, Livingston Co., last week - wliere 100 men formed ïines around a square, beat the bush iind came together. The result '.vas one poor little lame rabbiit, and nary a fox. Lots of fun, though. Our flshermen have gak the wind blowiing their way now, and they are catching some wfroppers. Messrs. Arnold, Parker and Van Tiiper -.vent ont to North Lake last Saturday and caugut 20 pickerel that drossed over 100 pionmls, the largest weighing 10 pon tuis.- Olieleea Her&ld. A good many sneep feeders complain that their stock ia not doing well. Tliey Bay that sheep and lambs went luto winter quarters thin in nesh, and that it has bsan so far bard work to get them tip. A good many are feeding "second erop'' dover hay, whAch is not consldered very giood f eed. A man Bigning himself "Addison Berdan, Secretary," balling from Saline, iin a communlcation :o the Detroit Free Press, is very severe on teachers anl sclioals. It is quite evident he never was a teacher, and he has no doubt forgotten hls schoo' days, or lie -vvouldn't howl for eix days a week, of 12 hours each, of school. The People's Bank has had a great deal of trouble getting possession ol the Allen farm in Cambridge arnd in gettdng a eettlement with the brothers. Now, "we uuderatand, the wlie of one of the brothers comes in witli a claim for a homestead right. The bank's attorney thiaks the claim a tldmsy one, but there raay be litigatdon over It. - Manchester Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Josepli Webber, of Syivan celebrated the silver jubilee in tlielr we-dding last Monday, Keb. lst. Til lionored couple were eurrounded by uear i'elatives wliio tendered fellcitaticHis oa the happy event. An elegant dlnner was served and a delightíui social time was enjoyed by all. A liandsome silver set was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Weber.- Che sea Standard. The farmer whio puts salit ín hia bntter intil his "oonscience tickles," thinking that he is making it heavier, only deceives himself. Receat experiments at a well known creamery sliow tbat eweet butter, that is, butter not salted, weiglis more than salfced butter. The creamery 's aow supplylng a trade in New York which demands sweet butter and by carefully experimenting it aas been proven that eme pound in flfteen is sa ved by nol ualng Kalt. The galt absuibs the molgtoure and In the additional inixing that is reqnired when salt i.s u.sed, a lange part if tli,e 'water is drawn out of the 1 ii ter.- Etaterprlse. The Iyadies of Oysfalluir. Hive Ij. O. T. M. vcry pieasantly surprised of their number, Mrs. J. O. Thiompson, at ]ier home last Saturl, il befaig the fifth annlvereary oí her marrlage. About tli"ty were prrspnt rm:l the afternoon was spent In a A'ei'y happy mannel'. Ivlirht refreehments were servetl. Sucb kind remembrances are bright spots in Hie's pathway and make thls wai''lc a vei-y pleasarot place in whicli to live. - Df:xter Ieaider. The Greigory estáte in Dexter is the uTifoftunate possessor of about $23,000 werrth oí stock in the First Natiional Bank, of Arkansas City, Ark., wbich has goiie into liquidation. The iive heirs of the estáte have already had to put up some $0,000 to protect tihás stock and the present indicatiions aTe tbe stock, which represents oneíourth oí the total capita of the bank, wil] not realize ver -10 cents on the dollar. Ex-Sheriff Wallace at Saline ownj tJie cai'riage used by Gen. Lewis Cass when territorial gttvernor of Mlohlg-au, and has kept it in go'Od condLtion. It bas been in hls possessiqn 40 years. Tliirty years ago he drove to Detroit wit'h it, and found many who reoogaized tlie eaurpage. It is proposed to exhibit this vaJuable r&3ic at the "Washtenaw County Fair next fall, wdth other similar curiosítles, atid Mrs. Babbitt, superintendent of the ïiae arts department, has suggested tlie erectLon of an old time log c.aMm, in which to place them, a suggestion that is rewiving consideration by the fair management. - TpsÜanti Oe-ntdnel. A few days simce IVist-master Gillen received, th,rough t-he kindness o Mrs. H. R. Mead, a quarterly report jüade by lier father, Oraage Risdon, dated December 31, 1832, "when he was then postmaster. The office then and now diifer very iiuch. It mas the order in those days that a:i letters were sent postage due at th delivering office, and in this report we ïinil due tor that quarter alone $117, besides $30 carried over from a prertous quarter, niaktag nearly $150 due the office. The rates then were much higher aud stamps not used. Mr. Risdon's commlssion for the quarter amounted to about $50.


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Ann Arbor Courier