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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FliVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Suffirers in Ann Arbor Tiue majorí'ty of Bufíerers from Astlhmaiand kindi'eil eotnplaiiuts, aíter tiryIng doctors and mimbeiiess remedie advertfeed as positive cures witthout avail, íiave coime to the conclusión thiat tihere lis áo cure ïor thiö most dis tressimg dlsease, and these same persons will be tüe more im doubt and KkeptíBal wliea íhey thronigb tlie columns at' the presa that Dr. Budolp'li Stíh'Lífmano., the recognized ap tluorlty who has treated more cásea oí these diseasea ttan any living doc toir, tas aohieved euccess by perfecting a lemedy whátóh not only glves lmmediiate relief In the -worst cases, tmt lias poeiltlTely cured tlhousands of raíferers who were ooosiidered Incurable. These were just as skeptieal a some oí oav readers now are. Dr. Schtllmanm'.s remedy nio dioubt possessea th merit -whdteh is claimed íor lt oí ha would njot authorize tfliia paper to anmioxnice that (he i9 niot only wUllng to giTe free t,o eachi peraon suffering ínom As'tihma, Hay "Fe'ver of Brofttdhdtis in Ohis clty, one liberal "fre tr-jai hoi" of hts Ouref. but urgent röques-U all sufíerers io cali at Goodyöar's Drug Store, Ann Arbor, wlrtW tjie next three days and recelve a package absolutely free of rJiarge, kniO'Wtag thiat ta making tlhe clalm hie dioee foír his Cure, a strong doubt may arise In tHne mlndis of and itfoat a personal test, as he offers to ftll. will be moire coinTiinctng, and prove i'ts merits, tíhan the publlshing of thonsands of testhnoniala from persons "v'ho hare been pennanently cured by tüe use oif hi! Asthma Cure. "Dr. RoMffmanii's Asthma CJure," a tt Is called, h-as been sold by dmgfflBt o f thto cïty Ovors toce lt waa f Ir at lntroduced, although many perons may never have aeard of tt, and lt Js wlth a view t reachin'Er theie that he makes this oTfer. Thte Is certatoiy a most genero-lis and fa offer, and all wiho airO mifferltng frotm. amy of th above complatabs tfhould remember thO dat and place where the dl' tirübution will be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persona lly tog out of this city vrho destr to teet the effücacy of thls most wo-ndertul remedy 111 recelve a package free by wrïMmg to Dr. BehltfnMuin, 330 Rosabel etreet. St. Paul, M1na., providiing tfcelr letter Is received befor Oct. 16th, a no free samples can. b obta'.ned after that date. LESS TH1N ONE CENT EAGH iïURE CHANCÊTïglSgifEil,"""5 iseTToR $iBo An arrangement just made wltli The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some money for every reader who takes ad vantne of tliis opportunity. We undertake to furulsh THE ANN ARBOR CüURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for Hu TwH-WflA Free Fress In the Best Posslble Substituto for a Daily Paper. Published on Tupsday and Frldar Slornings la time to eateh the Early Trains. All the Latent New up to the time of golng to press. Complete Market Reporto In each Isssue. All who cannot get a Daily sheuld Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press la oflering Premium kt Special Low Bates to Bubseribers, and tou can eoBlly save the cost of both papers bjr tak lus advuu tage of THE MAX F IÍARGAINS OFFERED. WRITE THEM FOK A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way fan Ton Get As Mach For 8 Llttle Monej. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO HOT DEUY. _ Estáte op Lucy A. Nowlaxd. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte.. iiaw, sb. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the27th day of Januarv in theyearone thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judgeof Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Lucy ANowland deceased. Wllllam Goodyear exeoutor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes luto coart and represents that he is now prepared to render hls final account as such executor. Thereupon lt is ordered. that Friday, the 20th day of Febuary next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examlnlng and allowing such account, and that the devisees, Iegatees and heirs-at-law of sald deceased, and all other persons Interestedln said estáte, are required to appear at a session of sald Court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show cause, if there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And lt is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persous lnterested In said estáte, of the pendeney of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier a newspaper printed and circulating In sald county, three successive weeks prevlous to said of hearing. IA true copy.] H. AVirt Newkikk. „ . , _ Judge of Probate. P. I. Lehman, Probate Register. Wanted-An Idea LSS Protect yonr Ideas; they may brlng you wealth. Wrtte JOHN WKDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attorneys. Washington, D. C for tholr $1,800 prize otter aud list ot two hundred inventlons wanted.


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Ann Arbor Courier