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Troubled With Rheumatism. Saliaie, Mich., Jan. 24, '97 : About a year ugo I was troubled with rheunuatlsm mearly all winter and I oo'uicl hardly fïet aroumd, but this winter I have luaid ondy one attack and tilia t was in my fcnot. Hood's Srsapai-ilila has relievod me of this trcnibte, and I do not intend to be without this medicine ar Hood's pills. Ktta Bassett, Box 43. Something to Depend On. Mr. James Jones, of the drug f b-m of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in üspeakIng of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last wiaiter his wie was attaeked with IyaGrippe, and her caso grew sd sorious tbat physlctans at Cowden and Pana cou'kl do notlnimg for her. It seemed to develop int o Ilasty Consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in tlie store, and selling lots of ít. he took a bottle home, and to the surprtee of all she began. to get better from the first dose, and hall a dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. Kiog's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do thls good work. Try lt. Free trial bottles at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's Druarstore and Geo. J. Haeussler, oí Mancliester. Excursión Rates to Washington- On account of the Presidentlal Inauguration Ceremonies, March 4th, the Ann Arbor K'y will Bell excursión tickets for all stations to "Washington and return one fare for the round trlflTickets wlll be sold March lst, 2nJ and 31, limited for return to Marck 8th; TB.8. GILMORE, Agt. ÖÏLUDIL ï Red Star Oil_Burns without smoke or odor. Price I Oc Per Gallon. Sold only by DEAN & CO. 44 South Main St. C, L McGUIRE - - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Mechan) es Baak. 1 Huron St., E., Ann Arbor, Michigan. All legal business attended to with promptness and accuracy. w7mooreT DBHTIST Work done In all (prins of modern dentistrv; crown and bridge work a specialty Gradúate of the U. of M. Office. 27 S. Main sb Ann rhriT. M_tnh 1 IëTgïllespie' TEACHER OF BANJO, GUIT AR AND MANDOLÍN. ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC. OFFICE, Ann Arbor Orqan Co.


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