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The Comers And Goers

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.afiss Gnaoe Grisnnull has returned ame from Jacksou. Lieut. Brady oí Detroit, visited Ana Airbor friends over Sunday. Mlss Mabel Sewanl, oí Jacksou, was a Tfeitor here over Sunday. Herbert Watts te home lrom SyraHtse,.N. Y., for a vtelfc wiMi hls rathMlss Jessie West has boen visums lar aunt Mrs. R. A. SuviLt. oí Mi', and Mrs. Gr.gory E. Diibble have gane to Detroit to visit friiíiids for a "time. SÍIss Matie Tlckuor emitertalued lior íriemds with a raiepitine party Kat"iwlay evendng. Ir. Mury Wood-A3eQ left Monday ior Washington. 3). C. .to attead the fiTo'tber's Oone;iTss. Mr. aiwl Mrs. .1. H. Laekwood of Jackson, are giraste of tlieir daughter, airs. F. A. Tiuker. Jollín E. Buikhardt. oí SchaaWs 1ookstore lias returned from a eougle of ■"eek's fiishing. Mrs. Sniow aaid daig'lntei' ïlae Sampbell, liave (jome to Milán foT a stoay of some weeks. Mrs. Henry Kyer, of Seaítle, Wash., tlie giwst oí Mr,, and Mrs. N. J. "Kyer, íor ceveral weks. C. E. Garwood left for StantomVa., U.'iiday, whre he has emp';oyment in -a Jewetry t-stalilitslnneiit. Mi: and Mrs. W. G. Henne's valentino didm't anive until Monday, but welghed twclve pounds. MlBS Anma Bennett of 8. División st. is entertiainiiig Miss Flora Newell and 3fiss Oora Fii-min, of Fiadlay, O. Fned O. Wetmíw-e of Cadillac is a guest of luis parenits, Mr. arad Mrs. VT. W. Wetmore of W. Hurón st. Mrs..S. W. ClaTkson as4sted byMrs. Ousbmian, gave a very enjoyable receptroa last Wedmesday afternoon. Esth-er Darling, of this city, lias beeu visiting lver brwtlier Ileid 3arring, in York, during the past -areek. Glen Trcw-bridge of the P. O. f orce Tctumed h.o-m Monday, from a visit ■wtUi fi-iends Ín Kaiamazoo and CentemSUe. M'r. and Mrs. Cluas. J. Blietterly are rejoicing over fhie advent of a ■baby boy at their lwxme last i'lnirs"álay náight. A progressiive pedro party at the ame of Mr. and Mrs. George Apfel Thursday night was very enjoyable tfs these preseint. Mr._ and Mrs. Stmart Hazard, of De■iSTöit;. aocompanleid by Mrs. Black, oí Dtte sarae oity, are guests of Mrs. E. A.. Kéith, of S. Thayer st. ,MíÉ5 lillie Man-tin went to Ann Ar'oor Tuesday, where she ■(viill spead a íew Treeks visiting and {rom there to Detroit.- Fowlervüle Observer. On Saturday Cairiis. Lutz of W. 5th ?t., had hóe 42 d birthday made a jo:ly taie by a large number of friends írüends wluo dropped in upon }iim. Alderman Cocm lefb Monday evenIng for Talapoosa, Ga., to be absent ■a. Shofrt time. He goes to see about -orne property be Ivas iinthat vicinity. iíre. Irtand and daughter Helen, rcpü Miiss Dodge, of Ann Arbor have ? visiüng wlth. Pnof Beddow and -íAíev of Plymouth durhig the week -pas' Mí -i ml Mrs. W1H Oocaran and daugh.tei;s Alma and Margie, of Ann Arboc,. are spending the week wrth rienxts and relatives here.- Oone cor. Afilan "Leader.. Mark and Will Kichmond, oí Ann r., cnlled on oíd íriends here last roeefe. . Ttíey carne to see their íathr yrfo lia been eeniiousliy ill, but is eow on títe mend.- Sfcockbridge Sun. Sev. and Mrs. "W. L. Tedrow can not Teíer to that passage of scripture in wHícn oceurs tlie oft-quoted ".vords : "For unto us a son is gtven," for lt happens to be a daughter. But they are just as. happy. "Walter Andb-a ifi hiome from Ann Artxr, he has been attending the High school. AVill be hereíor afew days when he his sister Maude vill g-.i to Big Rapiils wtnere they wdll attend tte Ferrtra sch ol.- Milan Ijeader. .We ackno-wtedge a pleasaail cali, Tuesday, írom Mr. E. F. Cudabaeh, of mui Ai-b.i", Mich., wh.o together witb nis family. are epettdtng a e 'iiple oí iiKiuh south vlsttlng rolatives here aniil on tflie coast.- Bllisville, Miss., News, Feb. 11. .1. B. Stioddard, of Ooncord, has been in Hip city the week, visiting blR son-im-law M. R. Karmelee, and otlher frk-nds. Mi Stoddard was wrommled iu the same baAtïe and at tthc same time, Jfaj. Soule, the U. of M. trpasurer was, at Batcm Rouge and they have had very pleaea.nt, and p:me vei-y sad conversatètvas brlmg up oM war memories. DEXTER ITEMS. The Dextpr Pedro club was entertained Tuesday evening bj' Mr. and Mrs. Dr. S. L. Jenney, and a right ineny time was had. Next Tuesday nijjht tlie Odd Fellows of Dexter villaie will spend au evening with Mr. a id Mrs. Chas. Van Riper, of Webster. To niglit the working team of Artior Teut of Ann Arbor, will confer the uew Maccahee work uponsixtern candidates Cryatal Tent, Dextev.


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