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The Y. W. C. A. ftress miaJdug -:ass conslsbs oï 17 mfiubors. Miss Jcip.H,' 'Al ) ure is enterbainlng MUss Sne Hiüiiisou 01 PenseooLa, Fla. Aid. Barnes, is able to be about ouce more after a slsge of the grippe. Rev. M. 11. (ioalwila's shtp Oolumbki, is Vrow sa Li :i,i at Charleston, S. C. Si. Lukc's vested ahoáir gave its aumxa.1 supper on Vhü 22d at the parish houee. Mayor Wlls and W. II. weet. expect to g'ü bo - .Q to see the inaugura ttou. Hou. E. P. ALlou is ío deliver the baccalaureatu address beSore the ■ïaduntiing' ciaes of tbs Hudsou High School. The Norma} lUudeuls wiïl have a tooliday uu ilaroh 26, the date net ftïr the dedica iuii ui the new S. C. A. buiHliug. Mary .1. Oroaby, Avhose home was -(! i;n haLi way betweeai thia city and Ieuton's, dïed on the 17th [nat., ag-eil 40 Vrav. The teglstotlve party wero 83 pleasa wiik ■ il the Normal Thai iin'.v maide all the promises that iih institutiüii coiild ask. Mrs. Kiobert Eoss was throw.a out of her Wednesday last by reason of her h.oree becomliiig irighteucd. Xio Tjo'ueií wei'e brokem but söe was sertously bruised. The Tlmea i autihority the statement that two pTonrimeat sports of t lii-s ci'fcy, will start Mar. lst ïor Oarson City, Nev., to 966 the CorbettFiitzsimmons figlit. The laí-gest of the two steam motors that have drawii o many piassengers between tlnis city and Ann Arbor, bas been sld to OhAo parties Por $900.- Sentimei. The legiislative coimmittee, accompanied by the1.' wives, daughters, sweBtlioa.'rte. etc, visiited the Xormai last Tliureday and Friday. They were piiO'perly cared for and had a ri'ght rciyal pood time. Dr. 1!yan Iets no gniity man escape. When ho (pete a Sot of siniiers corralieÖ in hfe church he locks the door on tlieni, a.ud they doft't gOt out tii'J he has preached to them aJM lie wants to . - C o m m ere i 1 . Grover Sevey, of 50G S. ton street, lted last Tlmrsday nigbt ai panaij'Sde, aged 72 years. He had been ix resident of the city upwards of 40 yeaxs. He 'joaves a wlfe and se ven ehiSdren. The gaveJs used by tlie W. M., B. ■ft', and .T. W. of FIiostüx lodge F. & A. M., of this city, are made out of btiack w&lnut, taken from a log in Anders'oiiTille prisom. They were presenteC by Dr. Ba'twell. For t)he ttrst time slnce the accident which laid him up a year ago, the editor öf the Sent-toet 19 absent on press day this week. He te at Grand Rapids 'atteadtag the democratie süate conivention. - Sentinel. Iame again. The Detroit Telephone Co. is look. ilmg the gnoumd over bere with reference to putting in an opposition plant t.o the Bell Co. If they Üo theiT rats wdll be $24 {or busánesa houses and $18 ïor resldenoes, just of present rates. Themns Kast-er and Ion C. Phillips who start-ed out on a bleyele trip tihrough the eouth, are now at Macon, Ga., and are so dtegustied wlitih the rainy weather aaid impassabte roads öhlat they hare tumed around and are headed home again. - Daily Times. Geo. T. fimith, oí Dentón, was 78 years o"jd on the 9th Inst., and hls wiie was 78 yeaira oC!d on the 15th. They have been man-ied 55 years. He camc t'o Ypsi3a.nti from New York 52 yeia'rs ago, and excepttog three year's teer'riioe in the U. H. army has ived in this vicinity ever since. - OommerciaJ. It turns out thiat the wi'fei of LarkIns, who was an-esbed flor beinig implicated lai the James Richards murder, and who wMl be aa impiortant iwitaess in the case, is an Ypsilanti gii'I, she beimg formerly Miss Maggie Snüth, who once caused the arrest of Herbert Millspaugh before Justice üeach. - Evening Times. Miss Jeninie Oampbell, of Manchester, a niece of Oapt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, and who lived with him during her course at the Normal, was married on Muaiday afternoon last, at her home i,n Manchester, to Mr. J. Graii'C LeJjxnd, a former Normaltte now a teacher In the Kirkwood Military Aoademy, of Missouri. The general Ueficiency bill for letter carriers' approprlation for having woiked overtiine was reported incongress at AVashington yesterday and the following letter carriers expect drafts soon : Win. B. Eddy, $199.10 ; Samuel II. Fetcher, $145.27 ; Walter L. Fuller, $145.27 ; Wm. II. Scovi.l, $28.(6 ; Wm. R. Shier, $147.27. - Daiily Times.


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