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Lansiug, l1 eb. 2, 1897. EU. Courier : AVül you please publiali a notice "Üliat -the seuate and house havo finailv aKieed upon tihe followiüig tíLon, vlz.: Sir - X aan instrueteil by the House to return vo the Bemate the followlng concurrent resotation : Resoived, toy tlie Semaite (the House co-ncuaTing), Tlioifc vhe contractor to be emp'loyed by tlie Judiciai'y committees .oí the House íwid Benate ha ínstmcted to forwiard craie copy of the diaily Joui-ikU to eacfo Uaily íiewspaper publiished wlibhini the bate, and tío each coumty cOerk, county comïwilssiionei' oí Gohools, public library atiid liabor library, aiwl upon request, iln wrttlDg, t'O tlii; Secreta.vy oí State, nacli state oííicer or of stat omnmWon, supremo, circuit and pro- bate Judge, p-rosecatfng it mmcy, eircuilt oourt conamissioiHT, board of tralie, recoraer, ana reeoruer's oourt iin this state suad Oach sucpi-ilnitemdent of naiy high scliool or umiton school lu this state, and that l'he a.mount of postasïe on such copies o! s-;iid Journal be paád by the State Treasurer on the warrant oí the Aul;tion1 Genenal, om toe presenta'tlon of táUa duly certlfied by tbe posi coaster ut Leuneing and by tlie Becaretary of State, sho-wing tbat such stampa have been purohiased amd used omiy for the pwynient of poetage on sald copies of aaid .Tournai hiereby oráered to be disti-ibutod ; In the adoptiom of wliich the House hös ooncurred. Yery i'cspcotfuflly, LBWIS M. MIliLEB. Every weekly Jiewspaper, desiring to receive the Journal under thte res(iIuIídu should eenid a requesi that the .TouiiKi'. be sent, to the Secretary ■of Shut', Lanelng, Mioh. Yours respectfuüly,


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Ann Arbor Courier