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The Local Political Pot

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As the itone for the isprtog election approaches tibe camdliidates for office begiiin to tioom up 011 titúa politieal horjwon. As far as our sriemds, tire, &nemy, are eoncemeid, tlhey are saíd to be already fixed, tilie liead of the ticket, haring decided that the on'.y pnoper thiimg for tbem to do is to reniomd'n'atc the present mayor, Warren E. Walker. But the vepubldcans ere mot e o decMed. The present president of the ïo.unci] Chas. E. Hisoock, is worthy of promotion, and it was tliough't (it one time that Jie wou'jd bè the candidate wtt'thrfwt any opposition, but there began lio be murmure from t.hose iippos■ed to corporatlio'nis, and from the extreme tcmpernnce wtog of the purty, -vhich ajssumed the torm of aaiotlier camididate in the fisM Bliould he be nomlvnated, and so otlier avai'.'able persons have been tai'ked up. Amiong repuKicA-ii'S vrho could unUe the party without acn,y opposition. vind whio oould be elected Without a tfoiibt, are Ottmar Bbe-rbacih, Evart H. Scott, and probntb.y o-tlners, but tese two luave been. particu'larly men'ttoned as men ■vlio wonCÖ unite a31 elemente. Tiien there lias been tai'k O! ■taking ip a giojd demcKsrat, and tilie names o E JudïïL' Hari mum and T. A. Bogte luaTe been canvassed w!ith Mr. Bogje ■far in tbe teaid, as 5ie is nat comnected witih any corpoinations or companics llïable to inflmence city leislatiOin, and toais few if any pioütieal othr enenufes. Tlien there is a ïaction that propiase to nomi-nate Mr. .1. T Jacobs figain, and iet him Itave a secont tatel at S[r. Walker. Burt sentinicnt Ivas not yet crysbarjïzed, tbough the labo've gives tlue grist of it as it i.s aio'w. Mr. Hüiscock provecí his exeeBent runmáng quaüties íto yea-rs ago, anü has mot suífened any sinoe ilien, it Ís beClevied. Flr president of tlue oaancll' tw.o iiannes have beein mentóioued, Those of Lev.i I. Winies, vrha so ably filled tllie p;iaoe once before, and Joilui Heinzmaimi, whio sorne yean-s ai?o acceptaWIy ropresemted hils warl in the council. Flor justiice oí tbe peace, .Tudge Gibson. wi,".! probalJly havie no o.ontfitant, as he fe entitied to a renomination by part-y prececleii't. The same ís trae oí the city clerk, Glen V. "Mfills. l'Uy Assessor O'HJearn stiJl holds lids piopuJiarity with botli sides, and thcn: wi'M pi-obably be no contest for that ■offiíce. Out deraoera+ác íri-end-s are no ei&eplmg. Xt'il.her are they all united ïipou íihe venomhniaition of Mayor Wat&er. There is au elenieiït vho wouiïd rejotoe to put tliat sterling and itodep'endent aldernuan of the 4th wai'd, Arthur Browu, who lis oue of greateet hustlcrs, aoid hardest workea-s in lus party, upou the ticket Miis sp'Hiaig, ïf he would toke it ; and stil] ■aiïother tóement, and a strong one, too, would like to nominate TIenry J. Brown- who is aCeo a 4t.h Avarder, and au ex-a'jderman, bu.t a inember of the soiiuKl money wing of the party. But aCl these poople will ostensibly acquiesce iu party precedent and aaow Mr. Walker to 1e ïenoramated üh'Out oipposition. Por city cierk tiliat slmon-pure silverite anl Bryan hrastlBr, Chas. A. Want wl'M liare a olear ïiold, there betog HO other candidato reck'.ess mough to want the nonimation. Jiior justice of the peace ï,ïr. James L. Dtltffy, an ab':c youaig atto'rnoy, a gnadusate of the Dnlvepsity in a four yeai" Hit. oomree, aind a two year law ümire, aaid a ganitóeman known to aCaaost everyoc in the city, wlfl probDKy be iiommaitied withoiut oppositiion. Fb.r president of tlie cou'nciL the oarty wouid like to noniinata Martin J. Oavaniauigh, bu be is too :iek a politdcian to be caiugtot wibh chaff whien fcliere is wheat tv be haid by a Jititle waiting. Ex-Aldierana.n Clvritdan ilarttn, oí tta 2d ward, is taLked of, as is aLso Waltwr ilack - but it. is said neitiluer are incCined to accept the hionor. Capt. Mian:y is also spoken oí in tiliis connection. But as he hias been mayo'r, and had all tlie muriiicipai hotiors, it is thought he would mot desre t.he placa. A titfket for tlie goud democnats that was suggesteá by a íriend is iihis : Minjw- Thos. A. Bog2e. (IHy Oïerk- George W. Weeks. Preaiid'eiit of the OoumciO- Michael J. FBltz. Jujstice of the Peace- Jölin. V. Sheehan. Ci'ty Assessor- P. O'Heani.


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