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Measte have made their appearanee amiong eome o{ tbe children. The new '07 -n-heeis are now in niarket, and $50 wKi buy a beauty. There willl be a concert atl the Auu Albor Musdc Co's hall Saturday evendmg. The Anai Arbor K. P's w1Ll on Wednesday instead of on Friday evenings hereafter. Itegular meeting of the W. C. T. U. Friday at 3 p. m., in T. W. C. A. rooms, over tbe P. O. Eugenc Helber and family oonteinplate moving to Ann Arbor this spring.- Saline Observer. The Michigan Meroamtile Agency oi Detraït, bas appoiinted AM. GilbertC. Rboides os its agemit hre. The üniversity Y. M. C. A. wU give a íarewell ser-vice to Gen. Sec'y GÜchrtst Sunday at 3 p. m. The SalTation Army people are üoing; somt excellent work in enpplying pooi' iamöes witli clobhing. Exei'oises under tbe auspices af the Huiniaiiie Soeáety, were holld aC the 4th ward 6chiooa Friday ait-ernooa. Tbe Modern AVoodmen and Royal Xeighbors attemded service at the Trhiity Lutheron churcli, Sunday a. m. Wm. W'aiz lias been made corporal oí Ooropany A, and Henry Conidn and Wdlliis Jöbuson liave been clected members. i At the graiiid rmilitary ball a baud wdll play tbe two-steps aoid aa oichestra lie waltzes. Easter Tuesday Is the date. A musical entertainment in the D0. H. ball w-Hl be given by tbe Haragari ManaierclKor April' lst - April Fioo'ï's Day. "Wild geese, ducks, bLackbii'ds and rotaims are ail rep'orted so sooa tnis spriïng, but tbea it takes moro thau birds to inake spriaig. G-eoi'ge "Wahr bougbt a baakrupt stock of stationary and blank books In Detroit tbe other day, ajad has so me grood go o ds ctueap. Tbe Chrlstiaoi Society wlll give a social at the Presbytei'lan churcb Saturdiay evening at 8:00 o'clock. All are welcome. The taterest ö{ Cbas. H. Allmand In the business oí Jacobs & Allmand lias been purcbasad by J. T. Jacobs. Charlie expects to take to the road- tor aai easbern firm. The Woiaaiis' Fareign Mlseionary Society of the M. E. church, wlll meet on Fridiay at 3 o'clock p. m, at the resideiice of Mrs. K. A. Beal, cor. Fiftb ave., aad William st. Company A's luil dress military ball bas been iixed for tbe Taesday folluwing Easter 13 uindiay- April 20. The boys vill make tlhis one of tlie great events of the eeason. Tbe 'members of Arbor tent K. O. T. M., whio wenfc to Ypsilaati, last Wednesday eTenlng, can not iind words thiat expresa tibe good time they had. Th ere was a buzzing tnat told of boney. There is no rose wiUinni a thoni. TliPfí'N fuz', on uil tli' pp"ihes; Th ere never is a bain t glven v uuuuii & lot of spe uhti . - Inalanapolia Journal. Get a luustlc on you ü you waait to secure a seat for CoUeea Bawn, they are giolng f ast. rJ ' 1 : - 'Ann ArbO'i' K-nÉiToad wiU also se:] halï-fare tickets for the coming Muy Festival íram Toledo on the suutli, mwl trom ft. l"j:atsant on tlio liOrtll. Mr. and Mrs. GreoTge J!. Mi'.ls have gome to Owosso, wliere Mt. Milla will be engageid f ar a eouple of momths in maklag a new directory of that City. A concert of "Reiineeke CAn.ü Songs," with the parte sung In costunue, wia ba givën by fcha Unity Club at the Uiütarian churcli, this evenfag, Miaroh 10. At tihe I. O. O. F. entertainment at tfaeir luall ia the Henning block tomorpow 'nAght, Capt. lianCy will give a talk on Gettysbu'rg, anid James E. Sarkias wiil a song. Ooi. Thompson, In Ms reply to the letter öf H. D. Platt, bath oi whicü ■etters were la the Baily Times last week, seemed 'oo lioCd liis owm witiiour any very greab trouble. Teachers tliroug-hout tlie county shiouW liold ia rniind tiie next examinatioin, whJch will be lield in this city, at the ooiart house, oa the 23th and 27th of this moath, iacü'usive. Mr. aimd Mra. E5. W. tJöaeWer -vere called upoa to part wilth their int'aut suii, Sbaniey Paul, lasfc Friday nig-ht, after a brief illness. The young pcüreute have many sympathi'ing friends. The iJuSpib of the Germán M. E. church wild be occupied by pred Essüniger, nexb Sunday, tbe pasbor Ilev. J. 11. Speekman luav.iaig gone to Toled'O to thie quarterly conference of the church. The Ep"vvoi"th League will give au entertaiu'Uient on Tuesday evening, Jlaroh l(i, tlhe erve of St. Patrick's diay, 'ia the lecture room oí tae M. E. church. A fiae program has been arranged for l'hie occasion. The Lima Nortbern R. B. öo. have conimeneed building their raad at Adiian, emjployimg 250 men and 100 teams at the start. What is Ann Arbor doiinig to secure this road ? lieten t o the echio : What ? The ICalainazoo Gazette claims tliat the telephoae competitroai so lar in that city has been oí little value to the busiacss men, because tiieir liouses had to have 'pnones of both tornpa.nies in order be of any. valuei That you have to go away from home to leam the news is provea by thi.s from Tlie Ypei'Janti Oommereial: "Ann Arbor is gettliig excited over the prospect of aaother raiii'oad." For aU the world ! Who told you so V "WhiJe walking o;a au icy sidewalk ab thie oornier of E. Liberty :nú S. Fdith ave., lasb Saturday eveaiing, Connty Clerk Schuh feil and iractured bis right anklie, a paiaíul injury which will lay him up f ar some time pnobably. By tlie gioiiag au't of office of Pensiioin P&y Agent Levi T. Griffin, of the Detroit agency, the peusioners of tlie state auid hereabbiiibs, have had to waUit lBcw a new miauj tio silgn tJie voiucters and checks. Ooi. O. A. Jaoiies of Hdilsdale, will ba the man. Here is a paragraph that gives g'oad advice : "Drtaik less - breathe more ; eat lees- chew moTe ; ride less - walk more ; clo'tihe less - bathe more ; worry less - work more ; waste lss - give more ; wrtte less- read nnore ; preacúi l;ss - practdee nuore." On Priday o veiling kist, Herman Reyer, wüiü Xives abo'ut two miles east of the cdty on. tfiie motor, line, had thie mdsfortuiiiie to be eeiverely bitten ty a 'hiolg he was tiryiug; to drive. Dr. Mortoui who attended hdm, took several stj.tciies in sewing up the wouniid,, whfixsh ís liea;ing nicely. Sewer Oontractor Sharp of Port Hurón, has been accused oí embezz;ng $G00 from the city. He drwv that amount eome time ago under the pretense oí payátag off his help and never diü tb, b-ut left town and never ca me back agaitti. Now he must explaiin befo re a court. The Kast banquet of the temple year of the ICnSghts Tempilar occured last evenSing. The Order of tihe Ked Cross was co'nferred npoln öoimpandons A. A. Pearsom, Eugeno S. Gidimiore and "W. H. Golden, wluicih was iollowed by a f east oï good things and a flow of words - pleasant words. The occasion wa a happy one. Tbe piano recital in the Choral Union oourse, given by Aïberto Jonas, took place lasi Fnfiday eveaing. It was a briiuiaiib affair, and full of picasure foir lovers of pilano music. Mr, Jonas atlded to liis famo as a maste:', and thiere is little doubt but that he stanids on a level wiith Sieveking, i'aderewski, efc al., in many lincs. She was a prelty ballet glrl. If lumor told noilie Tliey puc Mm vviiiKS upon her brtck Becausë Bhe was so fly" -Piek-Me-Up. The Iirter High School Athletlc Assoclation wUl bold its next nnnual iield day in tliis city on June 4 and 5. Several new features will be added tuis year, sacli a.s a mile r olay race, lawn tennis, bantam and ruid'dle weigiit boxing, etc. C. 8. Neal of the Aua Arbcw High School has beeu elected treasarer of vhe Associatioii. McC. LeBeau vliu state agent for the National Life Iasiwaaoe Co. has a ba'ttd'Some paíjuting in his oifice by M. E. ArnnOd, Uve Detroit artist, of tilie -Sake view dopioted oa the 1897 caicoidiars oi his coirnpany. These caSemdars which are a work af art in theniseïvies have been in considerable üema-nd, and Mr. LeBeau is stiü gi.ving tbem out. The t raervïing public will leam witfc rogret that on the 15 th inst. Mr. and Airs. Geo. M. Hawes will cease their career as host and hostess of the Arlington Hotel, and retire fram business entliirely. They hiave made an adminabie home for táie public, and will be kilndly remembered by thiose vrho have enjoyed theiff hospitality. It Is undersboo'd that a gentleman by the name of MiLÜionl will co-ntinue the luotel. Bom of Germán parents but lelt an O'i-phain at an earvy age and forced to voi-k out his o wn saüvatian, Wm, N. Lister, the republican candidato for conmty commissioner of schools, is ('uiitled to far more than ordinary credit. He is self-educated, selimade, and knows what the valué oí an education is. He ia a practical man and just the one needed at the head of our schools. Tlie people Lïke a man who hos Üug success out of Lïfe the way be has. An iabellectual ti'eat wiai be given next Sun-day eveuing at the Methodist chiirch by Rev. Dr. John Potte, of Toromto, whose üubject is "Supreme Thinigs oí Life in Itelation to Jesus Ohrilst." The speaker is oue of the great leaders of Canadian MethodiBin being at the had of tilie department ■of educatioji of tlie church ín Canada, and a membei' of the facuity of Victoria Coiiege. _ This wül ba the inaoiguratdon of the Henry Martin Loud tecbureship recently fuunded for the ■Yes:teyan Guáld. Tlnere is a fe-ellng among eonie people tlliat nio oime can 'ia trusteü in the niiomey affaire oi tiliis worM, and yet tliere are ma.uj-'wlw can. Foí instance, some 2S years ag a busáiess man of thiis city ■vras appo-intedi guardia n for aai incompetent, whw then had a sma.ll farm and eome $5,000 In money. The guardián has not umly oared for hfe ward ia good shape Uut .lie lias cared far Kas money, and lias increased it nearly íour fold, so that he pays the langest personal tas of aray man in his fcownsuip. On Öunday Mst, bofch niorniug and eveniing, Gerald Btown siang for the iast tiimie - for some time to come at least - lai tlie chodf ot 6t. Anidrew's church Gerald lias been one of the stnoing supports of that choïr, havl'ng been the boy sofjotot for severa! years, and ajways makhig whoever lieai'd him feel better for il. He lias been a very sweet siiiger and a faiibhful soldier, and tlie members of that coiigregati'Oin wlCl miss him more Iban they can teil. There have been 'but few boy soloiists who could equal Gerald im uweetiiess, expressi'On, and pathos, and his rich tornes wiïl ring to many ears for years tío come. Tlue liicupe is oifteoi heard expressed that his viotóe may re! aai these admirable quaUties aiter it chang. -. Schoo; Commiseioiueir W. W. Wedetneyer reiacilied home írom ihe inaugural trip Mo.nday miornlng, spent blie day bere a-ttendiaiig to his fccbool duties, and iéft for Lansing at crening to tiakn lip bis work there. Mr. U'cili'iueyer is enthnsiastic over his trip, and being a member of the Govenior's party bs had many advantages that the ordluary sight seer did mot have. He met many of the pub■ic men of tha day, eaw many public buildings, traveled over ground rich In historie interest. Went with Gov. Pingree to look upon tlie old camp groumd of Arlingtou Heights, where our governor aided otlier soldiers for o ver a year iin keeping the rebel Horde out of Washtoigton, and stored bis mimd witfli scènes of plwces and people that will be a pleasure to refer to in the days to come., He incide tbe trip pay him in sight seeing anid in kiTOwledgO gained. I hate the colil-wave ílnpr A tío ve the sismal stntiüll ! I hale tile bkckened r,iu 'J huí jeers a íreoziug nat 011 ! Tear down the flautniiig truth ! O remi it into tiUltra O ship !t to Duluth! Ere it my reasou shatters ! - Louisvihe Cour Jour nal. The uni'forjn text book blld li now ander SJisciMslon at Lansing. Mi-s. Pres. Angeíl has g&ven the Y. W. C. A. a liot oí magazJnies and biooks. Gcv. Piíngree ffH preside at ilie 0 i-at ondead contest at Unlversity Hall on 'the evening of Frláay, March 19. A toa aocdial is to ba givea by the Üadiies oí the Presbyteriaui society fconnortow evenáng Ín tlie ohurch parto rs. Ttoe play oí Oolleen Bawn at tiie opera house on Tuesday eveiiing Jlar. 1G, willl beoae of tllie eveatsi of the seasora, and eeate are aLready ettíng very scaix;e. At the Detroit Baptist líinisters' Coníerence Monday a. m., Ue-v. T. W. Xoung; oí tiüls city, read a paper upon "The Armenians- T'he Martyr Xatlcxn." The members oi the 8oto Center Sunidiay Solnool cama án a body to C. J. Hnyder's orí Got-t st., Friday nig-ht, and gave them an enjoyabOe surpnilse. On Thursday aiteiiuo-on the íire üepartmieni received a cail rom No. 01 1-2 ïs". lourth &w., the ïiome oí Arohie Miíller, oolored, and beíore they üould pul out the blaze it had made pretty fair progresas. The damages are placed at about $250 witih $500 lineurance oii the liouse. There was dio iunsu'rance on tlve funii!ture which was lad;y danxaged. Thíe amnual exhiilbiitiou oi the Arí Söhiool wial be held mext week Thursday, Friiday amd Saturday, Marcli 18, 19 anfd 20, at tte stadiía intbe SaTiinigs Bank Bjoick. ÍJome good vork in charco al, pencil aad watercoíor has been dome to uhO past year, aud in addition to the woirk ofi tíhe sohiO'Ol, same ■wabeir-colors from Ietrofiít wi:i be shiowa. A Binall admiiissioia of iifteen cents, wi'.l be chairged, aiad evaryome te invited to attend. Pres. McKimley's inaaigural message ■nía an able, calm docurnaat, poa-tending a coniservaitive administration, espeoiaJly as ío íoreign aífairs. The entáí-O absemee of any reference to Hawiaiiian mabters, was disappointIiog to mamy fi;nds, but thiat does not néoessaráK'y imdicate an antagonisin to the anmiexatiioin of those islands. The recommenidatfjans íor national bimietaaUfem bilí ba entlmisiastically eoncurred in by tilue peopie of this natiion. Frd-day evteniug iíarch 19th, au en.teTtstkiment witl be giren in the High Sch'OOd Hall íor tiie benieíLt of lliss Bro-wn's Sewiing KcIidoi:. TIiíb entertainimient is under the Management o i Miss McMooagrle. The program wi:i eorasist oí somgs by Mr. J. E. Harkins, music by gnitar and banjo' trio TiD'der ditrectitui oí Meil Gilespie, guitar solo by MLss Cortliaiud Marsh, negro soings by Miss Cora. Minks and reading by MLss Nellte Mlngay and Miss MacAlaniagle.


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Ann Arbor Courier