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Mr. alad Mrs. Georg-e Ilehr, of Lodi, Ikiti' an Heifr. CIkiis. M. Murse, of Oh.aLsea, toob in the loa.-ugura.ticm. G-eorg-e Liornas, oí Webster, lost a val na ble borse rectotly. E. C Westgate biae ■►poned a new lumber "yard at Manchester. Th.e saTvtitag maontoe te busybuzzlng ci]i tin1 wood for eummer us . Tinos. Qudgg oí Wetwter, lias gane lo Mtoaesota to see his brotlier. Dr. P'hclps will remove a bout April 1, fio Chieteea to Gnuid Rápida. A recent donation hejd at James McOormfck's, Saflem, aetëted $105. Louis Roy is myw living on, Esc-Congressmen Gorman's farm in Lyndon. Wm .l!urt:oss shdjpped tivo car, loada of-sheep from Manchester last -week. TUu Manchester cheese factory nsed C(,117 ]bs. oí m'i'lk Fébruary. M'.ss OaHlia caajLe to the home of Rev. aun! Mrs. Ooifim, Sa:eni, Martí) lst. J-olwi P. Bnss, oí Freeclom, wlio lias been El nearly all winter, is better A niew saw mili ís chewing up tlie :ís a niíle or bo nort&east of North Lake. Stockbiiidlge has ome saloon, and many peopte there thlink it is one too iiiíiny. The free sea.t offertlng at the II. E. clmrch, Chelsca, last week, amounteij to $250. r:is Ifamgaret MfflLer, oí Clielsea, has gione to Chicago, to be absent for so me itúme. O. T. Ooinklíin of Sylvan is suffering fnom an injured foot Imrt whffile choppiog in the ■wootls. Tlie M. E. SiHiidiay Sebo ol of Webster -was entert ained recently by Mrs. Albert Litchfield.. Tlie oíd Bradford farm in Gcio, has toeen sovd by Jndle Kílnne to pnrties from Aqii Arbor. Dming the absence of Francis Hiíl, oí MSaam, in Florida, Mrs. Hill ivill cioiiduct luis business. The last meeting oí the Ralem Farmer's CTub ivas held at Wm. .Sta'nb: u's. "Wednesday. UnOeee figures lie, one fina shipped from Chelsea last week 190,000 dozen eggs, -n-eiguing 175,000 ïbs. Oounty Simday Schooi Conventdon a1 Ami Arbor, March 17 and 18. a:i S. S. -woi-kers shouCÜ bs presemt. Tlie many friends of Thomas Geer enjoyed hils hoeptiaLÈty, at hls home Ln Superior Iaist Thursday eveniog. Special meetings luare been held diirting the past week at the Salem Baptist choirch, by Pvev. Thresher. Tlie next meeting of the Lima Gra-nge wili be hield March 11, with Mr. and Mrs. Keys, at 10:30 a. m. Sa:dme Obsevver says tlnat the nef radliroad ait t.hat place is in the guess state yet. Guess it's the sa-me here. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Parsons, of SaJliiie- a Bfm.- Marcft .1- McKinley Hobart Parsoms woaM be the proper thing. EdltboT Siniih of the Möwi Leader mxwt bave hanqürted too hard at De■ on the 23d, as lie has been quite 111 simoe. Milán lada töe processioiBi. WI1ïia.m 'McKinley Pillbeam came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Pliaibeam, March 4th. "Prof. Laster," says the MiCan Leader, "is a you:ng man who wiil! make biiusei'f haard before the spring election is over." The ChadiStian Badea vor Society of ehe CSieLsea Oo'ngregattoaal church oeïebrated its 15th amniversary wibh a fálne progratm Sumday evening. The Manohester friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spafarü enjoyed a sleigh r,Sde a,nl pedi-o party to and at theür h'Ome last Wednesday evening. The home ot Mrs. Eüem Alley is now brighitened by tha presence of a little KVe yeiars oíd boy, whom she has taken to bring up.- öexter Leader. The Clielsea Ice Co. have over one million. ïbs.- actual weighjt, oï course - of Cavanaugh Lake ice to cool off the hot Cheïeeams with next summer. Editor Neaü of the Northivlle Kecoid, was one oí the Plüngree party at AVashiinu-tioin, wlno had pie all the time, and eaw everything that was to le eeen Lucky Neal. A pleasant time was had at the home of Bd. Ward of Syïvam, last week, wh.ere a luumiber of relattves amd friends gathiered in honor of the 85th bLrbhidiay of his mother.- Cbelsea. Standard. C. W. Maroney has the contract for building a new house for Mr. Fletctuer on Orchiard st., and also a new barn for O. T. Parker, of Lama, and one for Geo. Becker, of Dexter. -Cbelsea Herald. The Saline Observer ia anxiO'US for tetephone competiition at that point. Bear it : "Jo mot stop the line in Ami Arbor, but come litis way and givo -lis Bomethirag b-esides robbery, high prioes amd monoply." Ttoos. iBogg, ain oM resildenit ol Iexter vSllage, died very suddenly last Wednesday. His aged wife is lying very KI trom a stroke oí paralysis. Funeral services were held Baturday mornimg, froni Bt. Joseph's clmrcli. Seldicm Orr ñas purchased the Silsbury property eoutli of town, amd ■svill move there this nionth. lraaik Kelteey and ianüly expect to go wirtlli them, whffite Will Orr aiud family will mnve oa ote father'e farm. - Observer. On St. Patrick's Iay, 11 are h 17, the Columbran Dramatic Club anno anees ia g-rand entertainment inr Clielsea people, ooasdstimg oï a play foilawed by a farce. Vocal and instrumental muele will be iiiterepersed. Every Friday eventng during the Larrtem season, Bpecitó services, consiBttag oí the Way of the Cross, fo!invi'd by tlie Benefcta)on of tlie Blessed SacraniMit. be held ia Bt. Mary's cburch, Cheisea, at 7:30 o'clock. Ben. Mlattieson has bouglut the oliuro naid butter worker ici the creamery bere, has ordered a separabor and ensilue and wil! try to1 make fro-m 700 to 1,000 poumds oí butter per week oa Mis farm this summer. - Mancihester Enterprise. A. R. "Wek'h hiaa purehaaed ihe plani of the Eoo'nomy Xovo'.ty Mianufactuiring Oo. of New York Ci'ty, and wUl remove tJie same to fcliiis village, wteie h# wjll ermitiinuve business. He Is expeoted liere next week.- Cbeleea Horaid. The c;ui;]ii!:icy oï I'roï. Wm. N. laster, oí i-aliiiTO, for ooumty commisT of Beliools, is growing in popularity every day, as lie becomea better known tío the people. ïle ís a bonafide resident of the county and always expeots to make it his home. Di'ed, at the home of her brother-in::iv, Jo'hn Hugtes, rü9a;r Seto' village, .Monilay, March 2d, Miss Ann Crawley, aiged C9 yeara. The deceased bad passed the greorter part of life up to tfi past two years, in Marsliiaiïl, but of late he lias resided In Scio. - Iexter IvOaÖr. The contest at the village electkm at Manchester Monday was sharp and hoiiors were divided. The youtig men'a ticket elected for president F. Steinkohl ; treasurer, C. W. Case ; assessor, H. Townsend. Citizens' ticket elected : Cleik, C. E. Lewis, trustees A. J. Wurster, E. S. Hagaman, Howard Clark. Owners of 145 dogs to YpsiElanti town paid tlte tax oí $1 on thetr caniaes. If treaurers wonld use more fOToe hl co.'Jlectiinig tlüs tax there ■iviO'uild be fewer worthless curs xo kill slueep amd áo c-tlier mean things. rilóle who valiaable dogs would lie glad to pay the tax to protect them. A pleasant aftermooai was had at Jlrs. Brown's last Momday by severa,li -of the women meetiing there with baskets fiö of goo'dli'es to help her celébrate hier 79th birtliday. It was a complete Burprteo to the old lady, who Onjoyed the evenit as weil as anyone present and all had a jolly good timie.- "Lima oor. Chelssea Standard. Tlie eariy appeaa-ance of rotoiias and ot;her song bírds this seasoai, lias exciited commemt. ffhomgh the ground ts eovered with snow and other evt dences indícate tHuat spring has not arnived, yet on pleasant mornings duTimg the past twio weeks the air bas been filled with songs of the summer birds. - Mtóichester Enterprise. , ; Mus. John. J. Itobison and Miss Bessie were retui'ning from the social at E. K. FellO'WS', last Fiúday, Tlicir hOTBe r,ui away, tiurnlng them out near Anton Uphaus', running anti] he reaohed Josiah Sloat's, when Mr. SlO'at succeeded in stopping him. ttre. Puobisoii's iace Avas somewhat bruised but ilfes Bessie escaped iujury.- Sluaron cor. Ejuterprise. Wm. N. laster, the repuKScan candida t.e f.or coiwity commissioner of schools, was bom in Livingston covmty of parents who came to this couaitry froru G-ermany. He te a -,vldeawake educator, ■who has gained an educatiion by hard knocks, entirely uniaiLded by auy one. He is a man ti-ho will run our schools in away thiat will bc entirely up Wltlh the t irnos. The closely contested village election beid at Chelsea resnlted in the complete election of the citizeu'a ticket and defeat of the workingmen'8 ticket. The result was as follows: President, William Bacon 236, William P. Schenk 194; clerk, William D. Arnold 240, Samuel Mapes 184; trustees, Harmon H. Holmes 238, Rolla S. Armstrong 233, Gotfried Grau 230, E. A. Williams 185. John B. Colé 1S6, Michael Staffin 189; treasurer, Theo. O. Wood li)0, George A. Begole '2:'i ; assessor, H. L. Wood 182, Bernard Parker 240. Some oí our farmers who Ii,ave been successful in i-aisiing; beans, are quit a lililí' ir.terested abaut the ï-espomsilii.ity of the nuaffket tliey foai.nd for tluii' product. We understaaid they were fortúnate in. selling at a pric abo've Uiat which other buyers ia the communiily wre jiaying, and were Í.0 receive their pay befare the car left the town, but by soaue means the car lias goae, beams and all and noiv our oitizens are wonderlag wliere their cash is coan.img f rom. - Xorvoll cor. Eiiterpri'se. Tliose buyers eridently lcnow beans.


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