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The Comers And Goers

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Herman Meyer ïs in Itetrolt for a few (by?. ■Mrs. Geo. WahJ was a Detroit visitar Monxlay. Ix)uáí5 Wiiniman-.i, wlio has been vefy Stek, is eoiïvaleseing. Ir. H. S. Ca -tart le&ves eho-rtly Jor ,iv York City. Miss Altee Eckllíf of Dst.roit, i-i visitinig Mrs. E. Bwat-wett. Fred Scliaiib:e, of Manchester, lias toeen vilstting iriends here. GeoTge Olp, ei Clyde, was i:n the the ftrst oí the week. Cbaus. W. Wagner returned Tlinrsday ïixMii luis trip up aarth. Rev. AV. L. Tedirww ka-s ien quüte UI with the grippe durlng lie week. Ohas. Zuern bas g'oae to Chicago whiere he takes a poalfctom iu a market. Allfred Mayei after scveral day's wteit in the city, has ïefnimeil i Detpbit. J. A. Sickley, of E. Arm st., has gone to STorfoCk, ïs., on a buadfless trip. Emest Perry -lsi)t,ed his paremts, ?rof. and Mrs. AV. g. Perry, last Thursday. X. I). Ctorhin, of the Detroit Evening News staff, speiit Sunday wjth his bene. iii Register Peter J. Lehnxan hn bsen tuealing wWh la jjrippe for a few áays. Sftes May Warren of MiCfo"."il, is the st of her aunt. Mtb. Herman Krap! Oí Dotrotiit st. Mrs. Moe of Detroit, has U&ea the guiest of Mrs. Dr. Snöli .luring Tte pa.?t -week. Dr. T. H. Olii'OS of PortCaud, Oregan, medie '88, Tisited Aan Arbor iriends liast week. Ifr. hiwl Mrs. Grove Ilay vrent to Conoord yesterday to attnd the weddtag of hls brotlher. Mr. amd Mrs. Geo. W. Mallen spent Sunday with rr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton of E. Ann st. M-s. WaJÉer &e&bolt entertaimed as her g-uest over Suniday, Mfcs Maua ■Wagner, öf Marsha:. ili.s Belle Huil, of Detroit, epent Smnday vplibb her sister, Mrs. Edimuiiidie, of Vi. Hurón st. Mrs. P. A. AVLlteO'n toas íeen, visiting frer 'aaushter Mrs. Oorri'gan at Ragínaw 'during the week. Mt. .and Mrs. Maröin Sclia7.1er gave a pnogressíve pedro party last eventog to some of thieir írieaidí?. Byran Í5. Wratte, of Detroit, ivas in elity Montlay, trying a case for Ij.ïs taffcher-in-ia-w, D. Cramer. STre. Mark W. Harrington, of Beatt;i. Wash., io the pruest of lier sleMrs. Devine, of Forest ave. Mtb. Enioeh Sears, of X. Sfcaite st., ■ dalled to Eastem, Oliio, Wednesday, by tbe death oí jior faihe-r. Prí. W. . irtuy has be&n 1 wifcla tli' prevailing grippe eixideiui.'. is getting abo'njfc once more. tes E. Rurkhardt o; C'incago, te in tihie city, cailled Siere by the death oi bis Mr.s. B. Meyers. Mr. ,i'id Mrs. Jiosepb MartSin have 6een antertaining their niece Mis Tessa Mart:::i, ol SagLnaw, during tlie ■week. G-eorge PM'Sipe, oí Loui.sville, Ky., was in the ci'ty thie first of the -sveek, Sett3in;g up the affaifs oí jüs brother ijabert. 'Mrs. Emijy Iicutwell of E. Hurón st., "i:i eiitertain a numiber oí jhsr írtenils Friday afteriuoou wlth a thimble party. Mrs. VloCa Ivinitioer, oí New Yort Ci'Ly te pending thie present miontih ■wïbli her miother Mrs. JlacJi, oí ,'. Inga-Us st. Prof. Jota Bígliain, who is now at DeFaw Umivereity, Ijafayette, Ind., was in tibe city over Sunday, vtiSiting liis fami:y. The young marrieii people oí vhe Epwiarth Xeague were hands-omely entertaúlned by Mrs. Ir. Darling on Thursdaj' evenimg last. Judge Xewkhk went to Lansing this nwrning to attend the Btate meeting oí Probate Judges in Keseion to-day and to-morrow. MNs I":o vm-e Ötrret1 and Miss Stanüey leit ükfoaday toTaere.i.-hmI Po look u) spring Btyles in milMrs. .7. M. Aiiu-eH ■.-oninr,",! öa 'I.imsïng Moadiay, aocoaaapanied by Mts. .1. McPtoersoii, ;i vte4l wlth Mrs. II. Ktttrecfe'-e of N. Mato ert for a tiuie. Rep rooiVua '.ove Sawyer, who spends his Slaturtej-s aad Sundays at tome, is aaowlng his leglstetive work and worry te use up somis oí has surplus Kesli, gaome eiglit or inore coupje "ook a, 'bus out to Cap. Mtan'y's lnonne on the Nortfeediae Last Friday eveaiaig, ütu epent a p'Jeasant evening, as guiests oí luis cluughltor Miss May JlaJily, and sou ölnaa.


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Ann Arbor Courier