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That Proposed Amendmen

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Editor oí ílue Oourfer : The graat tartrafo the proposed ooaistabuttonaüi ainendment nilowiü'.v a oertain tíass a! students to vote at tliie pïaoe where they are atitendkig- StíbiOOl, la entirely unnecessa-ry. In the iJrst ptace it is a coinstitutiomad aimenöraent, and must be odto'pted by the peopl'e befare i'fc can leoorne a law. ín tibie wext it can mo't be voted ipon un til tilie fiírst iMouday oí Apric, 1898. Tliein again fit is a pnopósi'tian tliat wijl bear discuasíKm. To be sure thiere are two aleles to ulie questiiom, but to an irnbiaseü miind it would saem 'Av.xt tlie greiat wedfeh oí th,e argument is in Lts flavoiy. Here is a oase tor í'nstance : A inarried man comes Itere to Ann Arho'; rents a liouB3, moves i-.ito it with üis tamily, and li'es lire during hls scIjooC yeax. He haa no ot&er home. He has left t.he place he fo."merly li.ved in, permamentty, and can claim no residenee. tiiere. Ilut if he liad n t jrauiíed a residenco he:-e before e:iti;ing the Univreity, Ive has na right tuider tlie coustáitution to register and vote luere, and as a consequenca lie is disfraiu-iiistd. Altli nigh a man wh.j -svould honor his state nuil, counliy by an intellig'ent vexte, lue has no dgtrt to cast it tuinier our confiífcitutton. Is that 3aw righ.t or just ? Pmt yoursejf in tlüat íuan's place, and answw tilne questiipn. Siome of our e"jeciio.n boards have stïetolieO. thoir aatíiá enough to alio w some of these students to register and wie, on tbe grou.nd that the IfeW does liot oanitempaate (Msïranchfeinig any ot its cicizens. Som-e of t;hesi students have had the oour-age to ewear iin thelr votes, beÖeving thiat rii it oame to trial that the justiea of their oause would win for them the right they exercised. But every O'ne who is a student attending the Univereity or high nchooi ■vhio has voted, (evan iii iiis parearts are residente of the city) iias made himseuf liable to prosecution and impri.soiunent, if our pres&nt constitutioa lias been inteiireted rightby the supreme oourt. Xo'.v under tliiiis proposcd amendmeni tliere ivotM ba few, ii any rnoie stuileiiis wïuo wouid vote tliiam does ïiow, but those who have the rlght u-'Oujd not become lawbreakers by exercisiaig a i-igh'b cve'ry free foorn or r.aturaiized citizen possesses. TbLs amendment is one that shouM nu j h3 h.oiw"Jed down, or hooted at wtttuout uuderstaudiiicj its provisions. The ïevcimes of the Univereilty couCd not be interfered with any miore than they are ViOday, nor woulü the en"Mre student popuCiatiom vote, as híis been asaerted, bat it wouM cease to düsfranchise men who have a just rïg'ht to vote. There is n,o poiities in it. It is iuist ais faiir for ons party as another. It is simp'.y a matter oï right. ïhis is fnom one who beMsves in


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Ann Arbor Courier