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There Is Danger In The City

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It Is astionishing wliat stuff eome people a.nd papers will urbter with a view tío gaining a point poCitically This is asserted after couning a nuimber al sii'ver democratie and populist newspapers, and Mstening to tlie ■ar.n-uineiLts" oï ttue leaders of tliat peculiar fo'i'ni oS political belief. The liatest Jiio'wl tliat lias ascended fioni tlie above combine has been over ■the of money by the wealtflvy oíase iu givinu; balls and parlies and Ín their dress, aíiways winding up wiöh tiue same o'jd cheütnut. tfiiat imstead o{ b&ing bo extravagant i.hi'.v sluoaM diswibute their tnoney amiong tlie poov, which is getting to De nul'i-lity tiresome to tkose who are gifbed wttíh ordiniary inteUigence. The pno are that the expeiiidi'iure of thousamds by soime oí the more twrosperous e'.ass w'ao have ama not neariy so extravagant, for fchom, as are the whdisky aiul tobacc i li: 1 oftíiose wlio s])i ii.l theáir time deorying tliem, trytng bo gatn popujaffity with a elass oí peop'.re who are always ready to take ;ill that they can get- at the baaul oi Oto :'; y. Nto-t aJl people are cauglit by tihdfl sort of i-ubbfeli. Tbere are poor people who oa.u mot only listen to reasoa but use peason, and this eüass say, let thie wealthy spend tlieir moaey, mu' matter tow, and t'.ie more the better, lor overy dollar t.hey pentl, no miatter in ■wihiat foodlsh marnier, Is put in cli'cn'jatio.n and is nuore beneficia! to the coTiatry taan it would be lying idle to the bank to their credit. Ttoe Mea of soms of these t -irkey buzzards is tlluat tlie man wíio lias been toíglut eiiough, ar sa ving enougn, or fortúnate enougli to secure a competency or perhaps more, shoul'd open liis purse and Lel N$e public step up aiid bidlp themseh e-. That is a sigtit Uitat mo ome ever lias ar ever wlll wltmees, siinp'jy beoause the human race is mot built tiiat way, aaud, if you dooft believe it, just sum up the numbci- of chüu-iUibJe deed you have dooie the past year yaiireeli, anid tlio amouat that you have giiven away oí your accuniulations to those oí your aeightfocg who have less than you. If you have nioiaey to spemd, you speiid Irt in your own way - just so w-ïbb -wualtliy- aad ii toletead of staiiilwüg anound depCOTlag tjie exiravae-ance oï eome one else and tryjni;- bo niike tliem divide with, you, yir.i wü: ta-ke otfl your ooal andigo to wort aiiil try bo aceumuiate sometihlmg on yon:1 uwn account, yon wiU Have less 'iilme to speinid towling calamJty amfl t icialbsm, and wil] doletss to enooxipage tttat good-for-nothiïig, nevc:--(ia-vc:i clase wiilfcli tniescl evei'y cniiiniuiiiiiy and are always ready i'i In -ui; ii aay one w!m wlll rail agaitust Uw vich. Erery bomb wWtth has' ever thrown, and overy riot wliit-h lias 1een started, has been at the instifiatiiioa of and by some one of i to -w-hieh Ruch talktog and wrltlag caters.


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Ann Arbor Courier