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Summer School For '97

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At a recent meeting of the suinmer school faculty Mr. E. A. Lyman was elected chairman and E. II. Mensel secretary. Professors F. M. Taylor, J. II. Drake and Mr. M. E. Guthe were elected meinbers of tlie executive committee. The following courses wil] be olïered during the comiug summer (July 7 to August 18) : Oreek.- 1. Preparatory Greelt. 2. The PoeMcsof Aristotle. Mr Meader. Latln.- 1. Preparatory Latin; (a) Latín Prose; (b) Cicero's Orationsagalnst Catalloe; (e) Virgil. 2. Rapld Keadint: 3. Introduetion to Roman Polltioal Instltutions. 1. Hlstorlcal Proseralnary, by Assislaiit Professor Drake nnd Mr. -Meader. French. - !. Beginuer's Course. 2. Modern Prose. 3. Classic Drama. 4. Composltlon. 5. Seientiflc French. li. Hlstory of French Literature. By assistaut Professor Levl and Mr. EfBnger. Germtvn.- 1. Modern Prose. 2. Compositlon. S. Classic Urania. By Dr. Mensel. Knirlish and Rbetorie.- 1. Teacliiuii of Euglish Literature. 2. Amerieau Ijiterature. 3. AngloSaxou. 4. Eiiïlish Orara mar. 5. Middle Euglish. 6. Paragrapb Wrltlng. 7. Prose Compositiorr By Proiessors Demmon and Hempl and Mr. Stumss. II story. - JU General Hlstory. By Dr. J)ixm. Pülloaophy.- 1. The Historical development of Ethical Ideas. 2 Psycliology. By I rofessor Wenlev and Jlr. Hebèc. Politleal Ecouomy.- 1. Kleinents of Politicai Eoonomy. 2. Monev and Banking. 3. Historyof development of Industrial Society, liy Professor Taylor and Dr. Dixon. Mutliematics.- 1. Preparatory Geometry. 2. Preparatory Algebra. 3. Trigonometryand .-vüvanced Alaebra. 4. Analytical Geometry. 5. Tlieory if Rquations. 6. Mechanlcs. 7. Projectlve Geometry. 8. Theory ui luiuiiie oeues. ;i. ueometry (teachers courst). 10. Calculus 11. Difïereutial Eqnv tlous. By Professor Beman, Messrs. Lnan anti Hall, and Dr. Ulover. Pnyslcs,- l. Preparatory Physlos. 2 Teachers' i'oinse. 3. Laboralory l'hysies. By Drs Guthe anti St. Jolm. Chemlairy.- 1. General Inorganic Chemistry. '2. Laborntory Work in 'General Inorganic Cbemlstry. 3. Qnalitative Analysiá. ■1. Béginaiug Qnantiiative Aualysis. 5. .Inorgauic Preparatlons, 6. Organic Chemlstry. 7. Organic Preparatlons. 8. Molecular Wetghts: 9. Advanced Quaniitative Aualysis. lü. Urganlu Analysia. 11. Research Work. By Rrofeasor Campbell, essrs. Hlgley, Lichiv aud Trowbrldge. Zoology.- 1. Genera] Course. 2. The Frog. 3. Teachers' Course. By Mr. Johnstnn Botany.- 1. Moipholögr and Fhysiolosy of Phaenerogams. i. AJgea and Fungí. 3. Vegetable Histologv. By Mr. PollocK. Drawlng.- 1. Meclianical ürawing. 2. Freehand, Perspective. Pen aud Ink. 3. Iesciiptive Geometry. 4. Shades aml shadows. 5. Stereotomy 6. Leltering. 7. Freehaud Letterlng. 8." Arehitectural ana Water Color Drawing. By Messrs. Wrentmore and Gouldlng. Engineering.- 1. Elements of Mecbanism. 2. Giaplncal Analysis. üi.-toiogy.- l. egetable Histology. 2. Histological 'f ecüiiics Bacteriology and Physiologlcal Cliemist-ry. - LaboraLory VVoik. The Suminer School this year will be eonducted in substantially the same marnier as that of last suminer. ïhe school as before is under the general supervisión of the faculty of thu literary department, tliough the details of management are in the band of a sub-fat-ulty. A'Ji3hiough a "M'iy busy man, i)r. li. V. l'iercL, oí Buffa,:u, X. Y.. hias found i nu' in -wliiJi tso wilt a great book of over ;i thousaud pagEB, entdtied, The PeopDe's Comanon Sense Medical A;i-i'! ii l'iiin BngH&h, ot Medicine SimpCi.ied. Few bffoks priinted in vhu Bngitah l&ngu&ge ]ra reaohed so as in] 1 I pular wwk, over (380, 0U0 copies havlng been eoüd at $1.50 eaoh. The ;norits j : bhfis normoufi Bale iLa-vlng fepaid its anthiar for th,e grea.t amouii.t oí la'hoír and money expended on ite proaelion lie lias aow decided ïo glve :!w;i,v, a')-:v: -.ií ;'l,v fice, 50,000 copies oí IMS vaCoiatole book, tlie reut ao"y beiog pequited to madl :i Worid's Dispi n-:i"y Medical Ajseociatio-ii oí Buifalto N. Y., of wliiili oomjpany he ís preeildenrt, twenty-one (-1) oiip-tHMit etaanjw, to cover cost of mia'i'.int; only, and tlie look wlll he sent pos!-]iai!l. It is a verltaWe medíoaO Ubrary, complete 1q oue voliMBie. II conitiaios 1008 larse pages, alad 300 intustratious, eoras of them to -(i:ors. The freí' edil ion is precisely thc '■mi ■ as tihai eoid at $1.5Oexoep1 onjy '. liat tlie books are bound lu erfcrong niaiiüla pa.per isovere, inerteald o! elotai. It is not oftpn that O'iir rea'ders luave an op]ortu,niií,y to obtniin a vCtoa!ble book oasualugencro'ufi terras, and wc predíct thaib few wHl miss .ivniiinp: themaelvea [' tho tmusual and liberal oífpr to wlúcli Ave liave called uheilr attentiom. The youmg people of the Webster Oonregattoaal church are working Hard tor ihc sucoess of the plxonognaph eütertaitmaent to be given Jor [■hii-ir benefit Thiursclay MarcJi IS, at 7:30 p. m. They knoiv ft wüi be gjood, mot onr.y from outaide repoi-ts, Imt sevOTal of them have heard tlie little "svirpr]&." Grí) .'nul hielp btuem and have a i'eal good time yourself.


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