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A Child Needs Disciplining

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I: was a ctaeie th&t Xeyada gave tb iiliie vroröd last Wednesday-J A prizr ikrlrl ! A thing vh-it took Uu ils 1-, uil ver 8CB l-tora uu1. ■■ ■■ n-;iri'sciii ;i . Ive in OongresB. 'r: .'.- BÍMite, which is no more titoam a jiitle oue-ho:se. rural oouarty, tal popuüaition, allows prize its-ptummeiling exhlbitions- and pnotects thie partícipaote bherelm hy Sts laws. It is liig-li fclnie that Nevada was eattór torced back tab a territorial Kovcrnanfut (rom whirli slie mever Blroujd liare emerged) ar made to conform to the laws of a civi'Jzed peoplepeopie 04 'the Dnilted States io".uivt:ii;ly give lnmsaniLs of dolj,;ir d missions. to Christiaaize r.Minr.i.s vrtbere a prize iiglit couüd mot place, becarase even lieatheu a is a.liove euch, Iwutarism. Whiat a epectacüe tra impresa -apcrn the mtods of oasr cliüdrea ! Theie acralld be Mfftilimg more deo-i-adi'iïg to a nat ion. It teaches ooir boys brutaSty. Tïiiere is ntrt a boy ao snm'.l ia OUT public schools but wtuat kimws all about thte ÖSht Tluey ddscuss it aad in many instances to linifcate the victor. To be sure thds Imitator ustrally takes a boy i ter thian liimself, to practico on.. tlms slvywJn jiow such events fle.pravc miiswls ol mir young. It wi3 Üake all iho poweriB oï this grsat patton ttua.1 ar wen-king íor good, weeta, nsanitiie aafl years perhaps, to uaföo tlhsB hami tki.s haa accompi i i i, iis üng tiie minds oï our lyioxung lafls and young men. Pifee fig-hting oug'h.t to be Sebarred by a tua-tápomaJ law, and any one engiagitng (hii'i-i'iii. either as principale n gec ode, or referees, or specbators) skioiuiM be lvable to ooawictio uiider the Uni'ted Btates statutes. Then ido stete eou'Jd disijace all her sister states. Ootngress bas a duty to perform. One of t'ntíe Sam's ohnldren needs dl's.'ip".inini.ï, and Mhe discipline shiould be snob. uluat not another one of thejn wiouCÜ ever ca-re to repeat the offense r g iinit commoo d cency, to say noth3nig ii the iniram in sidft oí the affair. And Mrs. Fiitzsimimoins ! Wtat eau be said oí lier ? A woman raakiiig the spectacíe nlue áli oi herself : As oae m'a.n remarked : "Of all the brutee to tihat aggregatian. of brutes, M:s. Fiteimmans Was the biggest brute of "öhem a'.l.'' Tlue part ene took iui the fight pro ves how, deba.sing to eventite gentjer sex of the liumui ïamily such enooiumtiers are. The devtóopmeo al the physital man ils all ïniglut. ?J ornie livea who - mot lÊlke to sae a ïiae fonned, hcathy, Btrong man woman. Every person Sving wouidi like tp b? in , co'adiiition. Bat for men to themseïves bo tbat they maj w iilistand the most punisliment, is p u i't img_ "them lü'wer tlian the brute creati'üii. It fe to be hoped thiat this will be the last dtetgraoe of the kind that the Uni'ted States wLl b3 called upou to suffer. Tlie Argentine Republic will hereafter be a very unhealthy place of residence Eor )erous wlio do not believe in niarriage. There is a new law iu tbat country whicli contains these provisions: "IC very naale resident between the ages 20 and 80 shall pay a tax til be marries, and shall pay it every montli. Yonng celibates of either sex wbo shall, without legitímate motive, reject the addresses of hiua or her wlio niay as]ire to his or her hand and wlio continue uuinarried shall pay the sum of 500 pilasters for the benefit of the young person, man or woman, who has been so refused." Standing cüose to the line that divides time from eternity by reason wwunde reeed ved in defeuse of his coun'U-j', Judge Lomg presents a cheertul heart tio all with whom, he oonxes in contact, spito of thie ills of the f.esh 'that are ever remiiniders of his grievous W'Oiin'ds. And to Jiis work he carries the same happy faeuïty of the optimist- so juecessary in a judicial position- in that he isees more that is briight aud loviag in th. wiorlö than oí the shadows that fill somber minds. But added to his sumny nature Judge Ijong has the bnoadening culture of tJie scholar, and the geni'us of the well-poLsed man oí business. Possessing th.e experience, the abMity, the schiolars-hip and 'oae gioo-d business eense necessary to Hs high station, Jmdge Long is honored as a lvigh-miinded mam, who has brougnt credit to himseilf as well as to Ms station.- Pontiac Gazette.


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