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Ypsianti News Items

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Dr. A. .T. fcas agjaJsn laken up esldenoe liere. Eiljah E. Reno reíodoea over belng gramtied ;i. pension. Mr. and MrS. Fi"ed JohaiBCra ■wKl be in titelr new toiae on Forest ae., liy April lst. Frank 1. WIe amd Miss Jjoa Babcocls wcre ïnarriied in Wtadsaf, on the 13tli tast. Mm AYm. Ja:nou aceompanied by Mis. Marte L. Jansen, have gone to Topeka, Kas., for permanent resi(lcnec. Tune Mr. Jansen líame on Congress st., win be occupieid for tlie summer by Mr. E. J. Bucklee and daugliters, of Chicago. 'ííiss Virginia Nina Eastmian, o1! Detr'oit ,is to take part in th'e opera (Xivette, aind will attead reliearsals after Aprii lst. A letter fnom Kev. M. M. Goodwin staties that the Oolumtnia nerer was in any dang-er, though it ñad a stormy paesage to Fort Monroe. Tlie Normal Onatordcal Association has arranged a oourse of six leetures, comrnenicinig Thursd'ay evening March. 25, by AVasliiiingtom Gardner, liis subject being : "Struggíe for Cha, tt aniooga . ' ' Two citizens, boitih coiored, each of who,se nanies was Jererniah, and footh soíldiers ia th'e late war, died last night withiu a lialf of eacn other. They were Jeremiah Sni've2ey, whio diied of pae-umomia, at his hnrue on Chiicídigter str&et, all(i Jeremüah Patton, wlio suecumbed to a stDoke of paraltysís at liis luome on Harriet street.- Daicy Times, Mareh 19. A member of the whist team, that has been attending the state association games, is said to have remarked to a frienid whieo asked if the( tearu was gioimg to tihie mie&tiing at Kaauuasjoo : "Xo, we bavie a Mgh staiidinig now, and we rathisr rest on what we have than íisk any moro chances." The Ypsüaniti team stands 3d, Jacksoa No. 1, and Wayne No. 2, beáng ahead of lier. The Normal íiags were uníurled yesterday in hoiuor of Michigan Day. It is a plty the institutiou lias no state to hoLst beside "Oíd Glory.'1 - Senitinel. Isn't one f lag onough for on country ? Th.e idea of state Eiags may be all rdgitt and titan again may be tlie me-aiití uí weakenilaig tiie affectüons of the peopCie iór the ijag tli ut pnotecte ufi all and g-;:v-es us fileed'oim.


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