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The Coldwater Republican Has Been

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purchnsed by thie propnieborfi ;' the OoOdwaler 'Oom-i er, Messrs. Newell & Turner, and the bw papers wivl hereaffrer 1 a bypteeaated j unrta.1, the Gonaiér-RepabllcaBi. The r&tiring Krm of G. W. Perry & 0. have made a fi'ood paper out. of the Republicano. Th,e oí Presklettt Angelí to Senialor McMKïan, calliug attention to the tajustice oí the Diiije-y bill iu Êutpioslng a tariff upom articles used iii ooileges, h i i th deslred effect, and all college sappli-es will come in free ivcxni Tliait is rig-ht. The eliaaige froau the onigina'. McKinley bil] nevel slwuld h,:ive Tjeen made. '.] Tuit i 1 States bamk notes are printtd in sheets of Kmr of one denomSoation on eaoh sheet, and are numbered and iettered twice. All notes of whöeb the iiumbsr when divided by iour si:invs a remiaámd'er of one, have tte lei te' A u.pion them ; a remander o two-, thie ïetteir 15 ; of three, the Lette!' C, and thiose whúoh have no rercm:iiuHler Uhe lett-er D.- Ladies Home Jioiunai. l'erliiaps it were as wéll, says Chas. SKtosr Thiomipsoiii in the April Ailantte, to attiibute tlue popularity of Abra'bam Liiliiciolu to Iris jokes as the Tojue of Hark Twaáü to his extravaE-ant fo.oierj'. In tiae conventátonaj senee, Mark Twaüu is no more a li'teraiy aríiiít than, iu the oonventioual seiise, Lkicioai Avas a gentleman. But, iin spite oí laek of polish, Liacoln g-cat ; m iv nO: Mark Twain, th? tniter, in spite of his literary saanners, be great aiso '! The mere possibijity ought to be eaough in itself tp secure him sympa'tlietic and serdiO-uB oomsiderartiooa. ís anisen inven ted the model ol the Fram, makdug lier iiiill round and slippery, like an eel, with 0' corners sharp edges for thie ice to sieze upn. She is the strougest ever AiBed in Arctic exploraJtèon. He said taiat pressupe wonid simply lift her on the ice, aad eo her bottom near the fceel, was made almiMb jlat ia order Wiat she miLght mot capsize while on the ice surface, and hier screw and nididiei' were arjso iiiiganiously protectd, The ma.ny experts wba eaiid her design. WiOiutd mot save the Fram Iran Ênstant dcstructiom were mistaken, ixk sJie met these resistfcas ice prestares, and thiey mere:y iifted her out of her cradlie, a-nd elie rested safely on tlLe surilace. The i b o4 Majrch 19 iv.ónicd lio íirst correct 1ext of the new hartó bilí. Do not forget the Bt&te bicket wiu-n r,i;i V!i!r nexl Jl Ki.liy, .nul do not hard workimg, seïi-educated s icher, Wm. N. Liis'te", tor conimis-.-uoiuT of noIiooIs. Ii Russia sliuuKd coaquer .all Eu:,!]),', Asja au. i vl.-.i. as i,s her amtoiUoa, do yoa tliki-k íor a minute she wvv;i;, i l, . : cd to stop there ? Lite Nero she wiojilö Higth ior more 3de lo conque:-, amd 'uer stoips and 9Oi3dieoB would le sent across the au to ob'tain a íootho'jd on the American oomiinent. There can be liitt.le sympathy in a republie like thl.s a dösiK.i.-iii 3tke ltussia. There 1b mio're raecaliilfcy and more defrauding of tbie goveninisnt by advo dutje, thnn through a-ny oiliior soniiee. If "th eDïng-fey bill rekilims sucli duties, it aught not to pa-ss. It -vas t-be ad aijoc-ein dutiiies o[ ihe WiïBOli bill uliat bo larjïely made it a ía4Cure. SpeCifk dxïties ar none r.d le tli demianul ot U& repubji';oaine. Tbwi ail:l BCa&a&'a i"eclprocity res of T-he MoKJimCey bill. Micodgrati s;i,h;ni and Lake f IL il., wKJ Vl-.íih I a large poTWom oí hi&r bonds tihat baar 7 per cent. interest, wiitli boodfi bearing 3 per oanit. totereert. In thte way a savias oí $1,500,000 per year, in aoanc, win bs elfeoted. If tii e pop je the bemr . vi-:; aa.l g i ) 1, b'.iu if it. ;ill g to tJic stiO'okho'jdors i,t -vi:l not make muc.h ffliffeaieace. ' :■ ntj Oonuncccia] has , ■: hands, Si. . SayCfi lia v'ii- ■ papar to Oro kar i'.ros., assume enfl e coniferoü both business anl .l,:: j:iai. Thds will dispense wMi the services of Prof. Dante} Putnam as editorial wribar, and Creo. C. Smi'l , as cdty editar, who lïave m-ade of the Oommeroiia,! a most ;ent newtpapei' sáice tliey iiave l'.iad öha-rge o i i. In tibe hieart ai San Franoisco is tihe city' psicnipai cemietery, where bu,ried tta boiites oí her famous 1, and whene 3otopn vup üu the sky the grand muusoüeums of lier millfonalii:-e mtaing and raiiroad kings. A inoveinent to biisect this cemetery Mïili a new sti-eet xiaiS araused much o-pposi'tion, yet it is "by no means certatn that sooner or later the. whole cemietery wijl jnyt be moved to a (ïuartt-r vhere vhe doad wO'U'ld cost less ia real estáte and taxes. It seem-s that when graveyards were etarted thie fonaders oí edities did not kniow -vhere to pjace thOm. Far yeans in Bosbom tllue o'yJ graveyard on Tremicaut street snowed tiuat some oï the mioat va-iuable praperty in the city was o(acu,pied by daad-dieads.- Cedar Spnkugs Clipper. Why dio'a't the men yo to ciiuich ? ís ano oí xtue qasstioiís tiiíat as yet rimjai'iis vuneatisfaclöorliy answered. The majo'.'áity af them seein to have Üelegia'ted to tlneiLr wives and chilÜren the gettdinig of religioius instoucKiiO'ii ia suifficient quiantities "go i-.oüjnd." The miajonilby oï tlie men .villinigly cwatribulte the financia! needá oi the chusrch and deaire the fegULar attenidamoe of ttedir wives, lut when Sd oomes to going themBelves, well, tbey are mot iia it. They Beem to lia'e settled 5ato the beliei "üliiat somielww, if the wife gets tüiroiish the peaKy gate, they wiil. That all Sfc. will ask oí them whfsn. they airriYe up there iviill be, "Did yon pay your pew remt?'' ibis is just the conclusión the misguided men hiaAie arrived at or ! not, it is too ti-ue that theyi don't go to cihiurch. Ask ome of thein why lie domt, and for thie Jïfe oí litan he eaniioc teil. A great mlaaiiy men oï investig-aliag tuni oí mind hiave tried to sio[Ve the problem by iaterviewing mea ín the different waiks of life, boit o ïar they have anky foumd oub tliat they 'diotft go. Perbaps some enU-rpnsin-- wwnxan may give her atteatiion. to the matter, and if sihe does, we wijl krwow wby mran doai'b go to chiireh.- JonesviMe Independent. The-? ans-wer to that queati-oia lnere in Ann wotuüd be : Beaause tliey do gO-. There ane as miainy meia as women at any oí ouir on Sunjttay. Do i::.: Eorg'e i :ke1 w hen jrou vote next Mtond&y, and do not torgied n rote [ortlLal hard working, school teacher, Wm. N. Lieter, Por oonimissimnei' of schools. The míi:[i h iard wilJ 'i.ld a meetimg at Lausüig i r-m i tow, wíneó Mu; quesiüJii as to JVhiere The slato i ■ i u ■ : i n i i u i . : i i s::i;i ha ii'i'ld ohíH vea!' ■wir.1 fae discussed and ppobably net-lied. Tlicii' are abo-ot a dozen places ai'ter the encamjpment aul ■ ime good ;iH'.ULHin:Mits aro OÍíwed. Among Uie tíJiie.s tl'.it want tdi emcaanpinent ave Detroit, KaiamaüM, Cadillac, Mt. ( lenuemis, Algo'uac and numeroua others. AY.iiili the m.ost excellent jiominatians p'laoed bafooe the people of this muiuiioipaCity by tibe republicano, thiere aeed be no Iceiibt in the mind of any voter tó bast toi do when tliiey g'j to the pols wexb Afonda?, t.o csfc tliiaiT baiüBotte. The ï-epiiblican ticket, comp'ased of thie best men oí tibie ciity, piedgeid t au enforceanent ■of tte la''s, is all tluat aaiy ome could risk, it is tilie ganefal opinión ühiat it wi;i ba cdectöd by ara overwlieCining majórl I y. Tbe JLamiiig ReptifbCioan tsivee '.liis toeïdeut o', tbe condltlon of tjtue roade -it thot vielnity, audyet the man who saya aii,vii)'ni; atjaa') botter i-oads is .i -.auk on wüwecié : "The coiuliUiiun oí ,the roada iu the country' nxay be jirdged by t.ho expurfeauc öl a maai v1h) wa. aibbenuptúing -lí) ftraw mik f lom tin; vicimity of Grranxd Ledge to tbe Od'üiUii.ecI MÜX ooiupany, ■. his nnnLmg. He h(Lud -1,000 pounds of mïk .ma hii-i wagoö aa;l sev draiw it, bat eigtit tniiaa west oï the ciity oa Sagiiniaw Bbreet, the wagon gat stuck in Wie mul, and the liivrr emptted the mtt iato the poad (imi relunied homo." Tbe Hiiidsom Gazstt-e begarn its -AOth yi ar jasi week a fourtee.ii page number ï'iicü witli the üstoï-y oí the town and vifciuity, wit.h reminis-cences and oii'ts. It was Jounded in 1858 "by W: T. B. ISchei-mei-horn who condncted it 27 years O n his deatJi, Jiis - oarrtied' on the papoi-, aud it is mow owned by Wm. T. Sdhtanne-rhoi-n, l'jayöng been in this ia.mi:y foc the WuBle time ei its existaaoe, a remarkablf amd imusual hósbary. The 5cJiermei1iorn boys, broaight up la tij pnoflesstom and eraft, ïiave deTjoipeld true uewsp,aper abii;y, jiaviog plio'wu the Vietrsat.ijity oí genius. May ttey kaep rlglut ca living. Ruifsia. has turn d traiiór to France, a,nd bas aSied lierself witJi Gennany anil Aii'Sl.ia. EngiaauJ, Prance, and IiaCy are ïiijw powesless in Europe But wi'.Ji the Spairtaii uloa'd once miure cOttPsLng tlbrougti 'the Greeks, aml wiVu tbe'tary ieeling iiigli in Japan, and rtady at a mf.mient's niOuloe, o'i' with tbe liaast C'nco'unagemtn't to liiht tlie Rusaians, it is po-aaüböe iliat a o.ymiiiBiati.nL may be tJnat w!tl hAd ia check the Utree luweis that propose to comtro] t,he eaiiil.K oOd wond, .-mvd England, oever yet vaaiquiiSlied, om eea or land, miay slill be the leader of the. powers of tllie east-ei-n oontiuients. Bussia no'b'bed Japan oí a por'tdDin, of her just reavards im ber viobory over China, and ït is tio be boped tJiat Japan may hiive au opportunilry to get even with the robber.


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Ann Arbor Courier