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Diaz And Modern Mexico

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Wlu'ii anee we ha.d spoken seta ■'. Bystem he has creaed for Mtxii-i.) - ttoethe-nie which more than any ü'tlier Beemeid to kir.rl'.e liiai- ;uul w-tueai lie ji;ul jr'jrju i;i íive minutes an astoafcihing b4rrs-ey view oí a buge fleüd, lie addOd (ib saemed tö me wllbh a iine mingCdog o flignity and la-Lhiü.-) : "And the Eing-lisli is eompulsory. So wíllen we bhis ;id, art' gotte, Mex&ao wÖ liave tivo idioma." And a;ga;m, whien the thein-e ■was the steps up, OM3 by oa.% has humided Mexico from iaitermittent anaxohy to sure paaee, ha saii:l gravely and wiiï-li íhat saune terseness : "It needed aométhiiing of the sbrong hand (löi manu dura). But every year iit reSases. X.nv, tliough there are somo u .1 do ot ;ove ■Pori'i'rio,' all love pcaoe. Sio the iiiafc is %vidis open. Tliiew te iuCl Hberty- free scihiO'Ols, ïree 'baÏÏ-ot, iree press. Tiiiey may Ho. wtaat tihey wJU so they 'd'o not íii'e a ï?u.n at mie." Hare ia tlue key-iiote oí miodem Hesito- a "dictatorship'' wihfodi bas tp'.nt umg:u.lgingly its bO&oö and its care for the country 's progrese. It fe this nian, whO'se tye and voice aml step l&ji:e tlie hali his years, that has wrough't the Mexican miraole. Aiul if he bas put a new face on his oouaitry, it is aot a whit more remiarkabie tlian th traiisijrinatdon he has wraught up'Oii lijs oivn shoaO ders. This lias been a transfig'uration oí wM&h I know 110 parallel. Makinig due allowauce for the change ot ïaciai lajidscape-gardeniiig, PoTfiiio Diuz was not frpnii fine start visiu.y fnontlspleoed by late foor all that Uc has becioíme. Wiit.hin a youth's niL'inory he wore tbe mere ieatures of a socdiiar. Even in tihe seventies he niig-ht h,ave beea a chief ot rurales. Hui to-day his faoe is uamistakaKe, and a prwerb fo-r "the handsomest mian in Mexico." By elieer features thiLs is no't true ; bat by the ooilectóve imipressi'on it la. In a generatïiffn lúe has given himiseJf a new face, and even made over the shape of h3s head. Ia all the breadith of a regeruena'te'd republ'ie tlliere is nfj more stiilking mo mimen t to th thought Kb bas needed to turn' tbe Mexico in whith Juárez dÍ9d inibo the Mexico of to-day thau the very head of the man wbo d5id ik - Chías. F. LummLs, In Harli i'.s Magazine for AprK. D'd no.t fo:-get the state ticket when yo u vote next M'ooiday, and do not fo set to vote for that hard workimg, seif-eÜTicated schoioi teacher, Wm. N. Laster, for commission-er of Bchoo'.s. Man' Ellen Lease, the renowned petticoat orator of Kansas] jPopulism, announoes that she is nowa full-fledged sociiilist. Mrs. Lease was oue of the most enthushistio supporters hf Bjyan and the Chicago tlatform. Her'fonnal announeëment that she is a socialist seems to be somewhat superfluous. - Lansing Journal. The ApriC'ber of the Atlantic win oonlaln an article by Prof. Fröderick J. Turner, of Madison, Wisconsln, on "Dominant. Foroes in Western Liïe," wherein he traces the origin oi institutioas and ideas whiah make the feTeat niorttavest what ït Is. Especla'.ly interesting is his tracing oj I'opulliBm to New Bmgland beginninge. Mr. Turnier's paper fo'.lows a correspxiiidönig stoidy of BOutlheirn institutaoms by W. P. Ti-enlt, -whicli a íew mon'tiliis ago attiiacted much attenIño'n. Tlie secret of Mwrfc Twaiíi's remarkeublie piopularity will be explaiued In the April; niunber oí the Atlamtic Momlliiy in a novel and instructive ia slilon. by Mr. Charïes Mimer Thompso'n. He points nit th)a.t in great mseasupe the most successful books of 1-ho humorteb are essontiiaüy autoWograp'liical, and tlmb the gi-eat persomaü'ty that dominates them is in aM csseii'lilal respecte a typical Amerfcan. Ia this way there is a strange bïnahdp betweeii Abraham LáncoCm and Mark Twaiii,


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