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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FtíVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tlie majority of eufferers from Astenia and kindred oornpíaiíats, after tryimg doctore and nurnberless remedie advei'tised as positive cures without avail, have come to the conclusión hhiat taere is o cure íor this mout disstressiing disease, and these sama persons will be tlie more in doubt and skepLical wiien they leam througb tae columns oí Míe press that j)r. Rudolph ScMffmann, the recognized aptliority who has treated more cases of cheso diseases than any liTing doctor, has acliieved suucess by perfecting a remedy whitíh not oiüy gives lmmediate relief la the worst cases, but has positively cured thousands oí buíferers who were consíidered incurable. These "were just as skeptical aa same of our readers now are. Dr. SciiUlmann'.s remeüy ncc dioubt possesses the merit -vvhioh is claimed íor lt or he would njot authorize this paper to ammoimce that íhe is n,ot only willlng to giye free %o eachi person suífering friom Asöhma, Hay Fever o{ BrondhditiB in tilns city, oae "free tr-jal b,ox" of h,il8 Oure1, but urgentJy requests all sufferers to cali at Goodr year's Drug Store, Ann Arbor, witíillii tjie next three days and receive A package ateolutely free oí f.harge, kmowing ttat In maklng the claim be dloes for hi Care, a stroag doubt may arse In tihe mtnds oí many, and ttoat a personal test, as he offers to all, will be more con-viaicliig, and pnoTe lts merite, fhiaa the publishlng of thousands of t-estiraoniials from persons ■who have beein permanently cnred by the use oí luis Asthma Cure. "Dr. RcMf f manu's Asthma Cure," a flft. Ís called, has been sold by dniarsrfst of th'í city ever s mee lt was flrst introduced. although mnny persons may never have heard of lt, and lt Ís with a view t'0 renchlnc: the=e that he makes this offer. This is certainly a most gemeroms n.nd faflf offer, and all who are Bnfferilng from amy of the nbove oomplnlints Khonld remember tiie dnte and place where the dtetrilbnilon will be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons llvLng ont of tíhits city who desire to test the éffücacy of thte most wonderful remedy wSll receive a pnckage free by wr-Hng to Ir. Bchiffm.nnn, 330 Rosabel street. St. Paul, Mimn., thelr letter is received before Oct. 16th. as no free snmples cao. be oltaTied after that date. LESS THftN m GEKT EICti rBñRETÍtNCE"sÍ!ag%ílí"a 156T $150 An arrangement jus t made wltta The Detroit Free Press makes it possihle Ar ua to save some money for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportuiiity, We undertake to furnili THE Hl ARBOR CüURIER AND THE TWICe-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for Tho Twice-a-Week Pres te Is the Best Fosslble Snlistitate for a Daily Paper. Pnbllshed on Tursday and Frlduv Mumluzs in time to catch tlie Karly Train. AH the Latest Newa up to tho time of golng to press. Complete Dlarket Keports in each isssiic. AI1 who cannot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Press Is offering Premiums at Speeinl Low Rates to Suoscrlherti, and you can eoslly save the cost of both papers by tnking advantage of THE MANY BAR6AÍNS OFFEUED. WKITB THEM FOtt A SAMPLE COPY. In No Otlier y 'an Yon (Jet As Much For Sa little Moncy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Wanted-An Idea SES Proteci our ideas; they may bring you wealtü. Wrlte JOHN WEDDERBURN ie CO.. Patent AttOP neys. Washington, D. C. for thelr $1,800 prize OflEW and ïiat of two humirod lnventions wanted.


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