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Tlue ticket neeclls every repuKtoao vote. l)i:n'; 1, a stiiy-at-lnoame. Not c of City Election. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Charter Ele'tio in m il for Ihe cliy of Ann Arbor will bc ht'iiï on Monday. theötli day oi' April. A I) 1897, at which electiou the íoHowing city offlcers are to be elected. viz: v Mayor, President ol' ti e Common Council, City 1 lerk, CH5 Assessor and Jnstice or the Peace wiii beelected li y the qualinpd electors of the whole city, nd 1 Supervisor an Alderm'au and a Constable will be ek-cted ín eítch wfu'd th The said electlon will le held iu each vrard üisaidcity iittl' follpwing pluct's. viz: First ward, Zion Germán school, Washington St., aer Fiftb Ave. Second Ward, PraU Jikick, N0.6J Main St. South.' ïhird Ward, basement of Conrt House. l''ourth Ward, ICuiiine ilous;1, Huron St., Corner Kift 11 Ave. Fifih Ward, Engine Elouse, Swift St., near Broadwa y. bixth Ward, -'.icine House, E. University Ave., ncar College. Beveuth Ward, Weinberg's sliop, rear 110 .State st., South. Glen V. Mills. City Clerk. Notice of General Eleotion. Notice is hereby glven that the General Election in and for ilie city of Ann Arbor will bo held on Monday. the filüi day of April, A. D. 1897.81 which eleotion the' followilig Stale aud County Ofllcers are to be elected, vlz: AJusticeof the Supreme ('ourt in place of Charles D Long, whoge term of. office expires December 31, i.sii?. als two Rcgenis of the University of Michigan, in yilaee of f,evi L. Barbour and Williiun J. Coclter. whose terms of office expire December 31. 1K97. Also a County Commlssloner of Schools for the county of Wushtenaw in place of Williain W. Wedemeyer, wbose term of office expires And also the followlng Amendinentw to the Constitulion of this tate will be votid on viz: joint resoiution proposnijt an amendment to secllon one. article nine. of the Constitutie) of this State, relative to the salary of the Atlorney General Resolved by the Sonate anti House of Representativos of the Sítate of Michigan, that an amendment tosectiou one oí article nine of the conetitutlou of this State be and the same is hereby proponed, to read asfoliows: Seetion 1. The Gnvernor shall receive an annual salary of four thonsand dolíais; the judgesof the circuit court shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars; iheAitorne.v General shall receive au annual ealary of three thousand flve hundred dollars, and heshall reside during hls term ol. office in the city of LansitiK. and in person attend to the duties of nis office; 'he Secretar? of State shall receive an annual salary of eight hundred dollars; the State Treasurer shall receive an annual salary of one thousand dollars; the Superintendent of Public Instrucüou shall receive an anuual salary of one thousand dollars; tlie Coraraissioncr of the State Land Office shall reeeive au animal salary of eight hundred dollars. They shall receive no fees or perquisites whatever lor the performance of uny duties counected with their oiflce. It shall not be competent for the l.esislature to increase the salaries herein provided. Be it further resolved, that sald amendment shall be submitted to the people of the State of Michigan at the next spring electiou, on the flrst Monday of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and Dlnety-seven, and the öacretary of State is hereby required to give notice of the same to the sheriff of the several countlee of this State the time prior to said electiou required by law, and the sald sherifls are ntreby required toglve the several notices required by law. Each person voting for said amendment Bhall nave written or printed on his hullol. as ihen provided by law, the worde "Amendment to the constituí ion relative to the salary of the Attorney General- Yes," and ■ach person roting agalDst said amend nt Bhall have on hts ballot in like noannsr, "Amendment tothe conslitution relative to the salary of the Attorney General-No." ïhe baliots shall In all respecta be oanvassed and returns made as in general election ot State oftlcers. Thia joint resolutlon is ordered to take immedíate effect. Flled Febfuary 19, 1897. Joint resolutlon to amend seetion ton of article ten, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan so as to provide for a Board of County Auditors for the ('ounty of Kent. Kesolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Stal e of Michigan, that the following amendment to the tuMonof the Stete of Michigan be and tbc süme is bereby proposed and snbmttt d to the people of this State, thm is co say, tliat seotlon ten of nrtlcle ten cí sold Conatltution be aniemied so us lo rcnd as follows: Section i. The Board of supervisors, or, in the county of Wayneandin ihe county of Kent. the board of oounty tuiditors. sball háve the exclusive power to prescribo and lix Ihe compensatlon lor all services rendered for, aud to ndjust all claims agaitist thelr respective countles, and the suin so fixcd or deflned shall be subject 10 no nppeal. And bn it further resolved, thatsaid amendment sluill be Mibmilted to the people f thls state ut the eleclion tobe held on thefirsl Mondayiu April in the year one thousand eighl huudrcdHiidiiinety-seveu, and that tBeSecretary of State is hereby required toive aot.lce of the same tu thesheriíl's of the several eouiilies of this State, at lenst twenty days prior to sueli election.and the sniil sheriff shall be reqnire'd to givc notice totlie several townBhipS. the same as for the eleCttOD ui' jus tices of the Supreme Court. and thesiild amendniei't shall be priuted upon the official ballot used at Buch electton pxovided by luw. as foilows: "Amendraent to the Constltution to provlde (oí" a Uoard of Auditors for Kent (Jounty- Yes; No." All votes cast therefor shall be ooanted, cauvassed and returued as for tne electlon of ajusllce of the Supreme Court of tliis látate. This joint resolution is order ed to take lmmediale etleet. Kiled February 19, 1897. ,i.i:n '. Mili.s, city Clcrk. Estáte op James Richard. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of WashI enaw. Atasession of the Probate Court for tlie Oounty of Washtenaw, bolden at the Piobate Office ín tb city of A nn Arbor, 011 Monday, Ihe lst day of February In the year one thougand eight hundred and nlnety seven. Present, II. Wirt Newkirk, Judse of Probate In the matter of the estáte of James Iticli.■uil. deceased. l)n retid 1 11 s nd filing the petitiou cluly verñed.of John Shanklaiul prayine that (he admlnlatratlou of sail estale may be ranted to hlmself or some other enltable persou. Thereupon tt Isordered. that Tnjsclay, the 6th day of April next. ut ten o'clook in the lorenoon, be assigned for tho boarlng of said pètltlon. and thut the heirs at law of said deeeased, and all other peraona Interestod iu said estáte, are required to appear al n sesslon ot sald oourt, tben tp lie holden at tne Probate Office, In the city of Aun Arbor, and showcause, lfany there be. why tbe prayer oftlie petltloner should not be granted. Ana it Ís luriher ordered, that Fiíid potitloDer alve notlce to the persons int eres ted in sald estáte, of the pendency oí saic'. petltion and the hearinp: thereof, by causíiií; a eopy of thls order to be publlshed In the Anii Arbor Courier :i newspaper printed and oireulated in sald county thrce successive weeks prevlous tf sald d;iy of hearing. II. Wirt Newkikk, fA trnecopy.) Judee of Probate. I'. .1. Lehman, Probate Register. - - - - - - v - -


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Ann Arbor Courier