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August Alber is to move to this city froru Saline. 'Thie stneeta here ia the city go frioan muid to du-sb very qulckly. There are ma.ny oooks ia thte country ïond of Grease. Ofbeía too fond. A series of reriva.ll meetings are in progrese ab the Baptist ehurch this week. M. E. Flletchier, formerly of tiue Cook house, ítl thAs city, has lieased' the Hotel Perkims, Detroit. The May athlietic zmeet at th Chicago Mseum. lnas been üeclared oif ior want of fonds. The board of directora of the Washtenaw öotumty Mutual FUfce Ins. Co. wiïl have a meeting on the lOt'h inst. to adjust losses. It is a du'ty öur oitizana owe the scliaoOB to attend ths annual junior exbibition at High Schooi Hall, on MonUay evening nes:b. An item nas been going pounds of the newspapers, saild to been etarted by tlie AdnLaini Press reading like this : "Spring has Oome !" Etla. Laug"lilin, cti tliis city, daugliter of the tote Patriok Laughliai, of the 4th M;ch. luPanbi-y, has received a pensiian through the agency of AV. K. CbïMs. A stone weiighinig 15 3-4 oz., taken fnom tliis bliadlder oí a liarse beliong'iing to Blaess, of Loddi, is on exhibátion. at Schuimiacher & Miller's 'drug sfcore. Pnoif. R. H. Ivempf fe director, aaid Fred T. McOmber secretary OS the new Ann Arbor orchestra, wbich has been reoTgajnized ooi a tlioiroughïy suljstatttial Tjasis. iM'iss Emana E. Bonver of tliia city, togettuer wiibh otlier pronxiaent women of tlue state, appeared beforethe Siegiisla-tive oonimitteea one day last week, and argued f ot tlie law toi compel the emplojnnemt of womem physicians in insane asylums. Thcy maide some good arguments too. In lthe Bth w.ard the repivlKicams -svere oKdged to wifchdraw their caucus candidate lor supervisor, John H. Shiadiord, and the name of George H. Bhodcs was sul)sliitute(l. Thi.s was reiuleied neceesary beaause the Maccabee Iro'dge officials, from wliich organizatiion Shadiord rece! ves $200 a year oin a total dfeabüity claim, obJected. "Wfaat is the ewiwlition of erar streetis, ■to-day ? Muddy ? Or diusrty ? TIuö Llghit Infaimtry boys are already recêHiing applications iro-ni talent for tluetr coming Winter Circuís. Tred J. Batfiskiigrjii'rg is mow the Ann Arbor agent of th Detroit Journal, Mr. Oo'le hiavittg resignied and, returned tio New York. A book contaJining U. oí il. stories is tío be compUed aind published by A. M. Smaith '97, ard Messrs. Ho and anl Alexander of '96. Got'den RulO lodge F. & A. M., wül wark tihe 3d degree Thursday, tomorrow evendmg, and every brother In Uhe city te coiMliaüly invibed to be p resem. Thie Odü Fellows and Daughibers of Rebekalh hiad a famfiilty last FrlMiay eviening, and to the numberoi! aJbout ïiity had a renrarkabl(y pleasanb gathieniing. Rdiglit Rev. Thio-s. F. Davies, bishop of thSB diiooese, cooifl'rmed a c'jass of 30 at St. Anidrew's ESpSBcopal church last Sunday eventog. Th.e service was atteaHled by a ve-ry large congregatiion. Tlie Sons of Veterans Juad; to execitte a $1,000 bomdi to deposifc wlth th.e state iin. retupn ïor thO uuiioa'me givn tïiem by Compainy A. The bond wiiCl probably wear out witto the uniltoiimis. Ib is claimcd tliat 1,000,000 bicyclea vi;i be uuuniufactured this year inthis Any one ait-teanptdng to wailk on o,ny of thie campus walks ■wliHl algree thiat there are 'that many io. Vai& city aiready. Tbe w rilt er oí this item wUll make the prediiction thait a geattemian by the itaime of A. A. Pearaoni wiCl be a ■sviruner poffltically befare many more years make their circuit. Just watoh hi smoke, wh,en he does make a break. Probate Jndge Newkirk lias appioiinted Alomzo E. Ford, of Ypsilanti, a member of the Soïnüier's Relief CommAssiiota for this coumty in place oí John Kirk, who was appoimteid for Postmaster Bogardu's unexptired term. A gO'Oid appoSintmemt. The lacKies vflxo attended the prognam at Granger's last Saturday afterooan in such .Jarge nunibers were grea'tly pleased. The ohiildren's class will be given a program on Saturday aftemoon ol next week, amd the season wiU close wibhi a May Party on Saturday eveniing May lst. An excursión rate of ome lirst class ïimited tare for the romnd trip wiU be given on the M. C. R. R., to th musical festival given by the University Musical Sioiciety at Ama Arbor, May I3th to 15th, 1897. Dates of saöe May 13, 14 and 15. Clii'jdrem oiielitalf faa-e. Limit to return until May 16th. Tliiis evening, at St. AndïeWs obniToh, Rev. Heinry Tabliack wdll soCiemintoe tlue mairriage ol Mtb. Minmie Hoisack, dauglutar oï Hom. and Mtb. Reuben Kemipf, of K. IngaMs st., and Mr. Harry Otiis Pholllips, ai Chicago, Iil. Ib Avill "ba a very quiet aítaáir, o nDy immedïabe frlenda being present. Dr. Fred C. Davison, oí Bubte, Moatana, member o'í tli medlica-i class, and Miss Bessie Andrews, oí Pit'tsfieM tKXwnshli'p, were married on Marcíi -I, at thie liiornie oí the bride'a' parents, Mar. aiwl Mra. Jas. II. Andrews, iíov. J'. W. Biiad&liíaw perïormï'ng the cerenuonj'. Th,e compilo will reside in Ann Arbior for tlue present. Thcro weie ]mndre:l.s öi peopje XW.-alile tío gato adiui-ssioni to Um M. K. cIlutcIi Sunday emöng, to5iaar Bishop Fowler's addrees bafore tihe Wes: GtjíW. His suibieob was "The Tuwers oi Zjon," ajid 'Jhoée wno were ptesent weru hh-uhkUc; indeed, ïor it waa rich iu. thought,boautiíuj in sentiimieoit, and enterbainingvy delivered. JiOBeph B. McMalion, a former student here, and a natiwe oi tíliarou. in this co-unty, w;us killed at AVichita, Kansas, cin Saturday last. He was the piroprielor of McMaJhon Bros, cii-cus, and was kiïled by inberïering wiith tbe arrest oí orne oí his niew tiuat a Texas oíficer liad come afber. He leaves a wiíe, two broibhers and a sister. Rev. Max Hei'n is no ooiger pasitor of Grace Xflitheran caurch oí this ci'ty, he hiaving resigined, and willl renuove to Saginiaw. Rev. Heary Stíhwaike, oi Sagitnaw wiil eucceed li'im. Rev. Hein ïominded Grace cli'urch, and iib was during hiis pastorabe of Ziioa's LutJieiiaa cihurch of this dty thiat ibs new anJH belautifud' ediíiiee was Oree bed. Tlie lectuire i'n the Epwortli League cO'Uii'se, at the AI. E. church Haat Saturday eveni'ng-, was well aibbended, and tibióse pvesont wre given a treat. Dr. OopeSiaind took hi's hearers through Engltaai'd, and pletured soone o the historie scènes thei'e ia not only an entertaiining but a briiliant manner. Tbe Dr. wanlus to bo earefuü or he wi'ii bc In demland as a leoburer. Begular drill aowl a report from the fcreosurer oí the XAght Inianitry tiowiigiht at the Annorj'. A ö'iub known as tibe Stemograpïir ei"s Hlome Circie, bas Teen organdzed by sume younig laidlie of tlhe 2d; ward. There wdül be a special aopg pcrvilce ait tbe timbarían church next Sun'day evening, with a fine musical program. Our citizons are especiaildy asked to remeinber the High Scihioal Junior Ex. o a M'anday evening next, and to attend the eame. Aon has 47 members of tne League af American Wbeelimee, while Michigan 'has 1,064 members ut of a total of 66,264. There will be a speoilal of J. T. Jacobs Camp S. of V. at Corporal J. Xj. Cox's, 18 IVetroït Wt., Frtlday April1 9th, at 8 p. m. "Dr. Oarrow goes to Jjanisdng Tuesday fco examine tbe eyes of the blind pupila in the state scihiooi, to see if tbere is any hope Dor any of themi to h.ave sdgh-t restoirea or foenefited. Tbe Woimans' AuxiCiary of the Y. M. C. A., wdu liold tbetr regulao: nxHithty busdness meeting iíonday AiMil 12th, a't 3 p. m. in the rooms oí the aissociati'om. It is hoped there vü:i 1)e a large abtenilanoe. Thie Ladiles Liibnary Associatioo ■wttJ 'lio UI ite anonuial meeltlng Jor tbe ejeclton af officers aad! such, other Inisjlness as may proper:(y come betore the meetiïng, Mionicllay, Aprill 12, at 2:30 p. jq., in the Libnary. All members oí the Assooiiatfon are requested to be present. Bev. J. T. SundiarfLaaid will preach iext Sunday moiniing at th,e Unitarlan church on the question, "Why am í a Dniitarian ?" AU studente of the XJmiiversity,'buit especially all who liavie listemed to the S-umday moraing addresses given ait Newtoerry Hall by t!h.e different piasters of tlie city on reaisone íor their respective faiths, asre ünvited to hi&ar the claims oí Unïtiariaiiism. Ana Arbor tos juat found out that thiey need am ordiiinance to prohibit rMinig "bikes" oni the feidewaïk. Better walt until next year when you will need ain ordiaance to keep pedestiftajna oñ the w,alk bo they woa't bather tlhe "bikes." It wiLil be less wio'i-k for the ofiicers.- Püymouth Mail. Why, bless yaar soul, man, we havo th.e ordinance ; we have the "bites," we have the Bidewalks. Xow oan you guess what we bave not gofc that we need ? In ffiving ;m account oif tbe ilasonic School of instruction lor the Chapter, tueCJrl at Tecumseh, the Herald, amiong otiher things, saya this : "Granil Leciturer Goodrich, who was known to but few persona.lly, made a fa vo'abï'i: impresión. Ha is a geni U geoit'leniaji, tho:xughly qualiii&d for the high and respo'asi'bje position he occupies. Tbe campatnions of t.he Tccumseh cbapter wore unreinittkig in iilneir abtemtioiiis to their visitors, iiiakiniy it au occasion long to bei vemembered by tboise present." A 7tb wardi eUO'W went wver to cali oa hi.s Xortbside Birl last S-unday, and before sbe miade her appearance lier lUtle brotber happened in the partor. He opeiaed lip the coaiversatiotii by remarking : "iiin's feot five íelletrs beaides yu, aad 6he's got tbem ald ïuumbered, to-o." Thls intormatdon somewbat startled the young mma a fiirst, and a tinge oií anger croissed bis bro. He sooiir regatoed bis coanpioeuire, though, and salid, ■bnt I suppose I ;uni number one." "Xope," tbe kiü replied, "be calis yO'u ber nla.uglil." Tbe Ann Artooc BeflBiQiarat went out oí its last propriatovshiii in ix blaze of glKK-y. Tbe last tesue, wbich is tlie jast issue nader vhe maniagement an'd owmersbip of tbe Iniand Press Oo., was ome of tbe best weekly papers that bas gome íorth from any (Office m the state. Oa Saturday la-t ifflie Democrat chianged owners, Chas. A. "Ward ha ving puvohased the office and tbe coming; issue thisi week will amnounce tbe new editor and new miauïagenienit. Iialp'b McAllas'ter, the city editor, though mew to the. business, ppoveid hlmself a good ediitor, amld tbe craft will part wltb hlm wilth great reluctaace. Mr. Ward is o, genial gentlemaji, fully understaaaids, from past experdiance, wbat Is wise for ain editor to do, amd more Important still, wlialt it la wisO for bdtm not to dio. He re is our hand to to tibe inooming, and bamd to-.the depiai-tdng. May tibey long and pro sper. "Mhat is the eom.ditiian oi OTir streets, to-day ? Muddy ? Or dmsty ? Tlue lladffes of tíhie N'orthside wUJ gl'vc a mupie sngaff sofial, at the chapel, om Friday, ïrorm '2 to 9 o'clocls p. m., iar the ftetneïit ol the uew clmTch. Everytoüy invMed. Oome and taste the sweets and he'Jp the ch'UTch. Frank Olinger, whio was the manip■ulator oí the Mergenttuaier ia the Daiy Times office tor a long. time, wiis ia town over Suturiday and Sundlay. "OJy" is aow ia the state plratlng office at Lansing, and is prospering, wtüch all nis old friends will be glad Do leara. Au electric car at Anu Arbor "rearended" a fish wagon last week, knocking the venerable fishman ofi'tlie perch. The old gentlemau carped a good eel about the horned dance of a niotorman being such a bullhead as to not ring the bell, and the car driver says he did, but the old wall-eyed pike was as deaf as a mullet, and it was a wonder that he was not laid out as stiff as a frozen shad. - Adrián Press. Mr. Pluoket Greea-e, toe English ■basso, Wihio is to appear in tJae Chora] Union Series on Fridiay evening, bas sung in. a-U the larga cities of this country and in every case has had thie most fiattering success. Mr. Greene bas also appeared in some of the best fcniown I'eebiviaCs, and hO is nró)t1hio ut question ons of tbe fjre'Otest si-ngers Arm Arbor audtenccs have liad Dhe pleasure oí lioarilng. Those who look aiter the weather on scientitic lines are giving increased attention to sun spots, wliich denote great activity on the sun's surface. Careful observers say that the cyclones on the Indian Ocean are largely influenced by solar disturbances, and niany observers believe that the earth's weather, as well as its magnetism, is aifected by sun spots. The suu is comparatively such a close neighbor of the earth that its study in connection with meterology is bound to increase. A good advertisement will bring customers to the advertiser. Of this there is no matter how well written, will not sell the goods. Wheu a customer is directed to a business place and reaches the door of the concern, the mission of the advertisement is complete. Whether he becorues a customer or not depends upon the treatment he receives, and no advertisement, however good will again persuade nina to enter that door if he is not well used. Beginning with the April number McClure's Magazine will hereafter be published on the first day of each montli. April Ist the April number will be on sale on all news stands and delivered to all subscribers, from the Athuitic to the Pacific; and thereafter exactly on the first day of each month a new number will be published. Heretofore publication luis been made ou the 28tb of each month ; but, it is believed that the change to the lst will be to the general couvenience. The Ann Arbor Demorcrat of last week prints a half tone portrait of Glen V. lills, who is a candidate' for city clerk of the uiiiversity town. We notice Gleu parts his hair in tlie middle, an afiectation of femininity which he indulges no doubt to draw attention from an Adam 's ajple which looks as ü' the possessor had swallowed the breast bone of a Shanghai rooster and the pesky thing had lodged while in transit to the inner equatorial haversack. Aside from that central hairsplitting blemish, Glen has is pert looking a physiog as figures on any toppiece in Ann Arbor. - Grass Lake NewSi Tlie grain and barse barn oí Chas. Rotberts, who Kives about lialf ivaj between Ypsi;a.uti and Saline, in Pittaitelö tuwnsliip, -ivas burned cary om l'iltlay nig'hit. The entire eonicnts, of 200 bushsCs of oats aaidi rye, ■400 or more busiu'vs oï corn, 14 trtnB of hay, and all thia faran iitcnste were destroyed. ïhere were t Irree hiOrees, six heiad' of cattle, 20 sheep, tund 14 1iioï?3 bm-oied up also. The barns were iusaroa ijl tlie AVashteaiaw Mutual far $-450, amd about $1,000 was beM otn conltents. TMs fire is the fO'urth larige in Pittsfleld since the annual assessment last September. AVe u aders tand tbat Mr. Botoei-ts estimates hds loss at over $3,000. ■ ■


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Ann Arbor Courier