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Tlnero ivere o Uiers liast Thuvsday. Mr. and Mts. ölnas. BeadJo have a liffrüe daraghter. A $2,000 resildcaice is to bO erectcd on Adaias st. suinmer by Joh,n J. morton. Anaiutaj meetiiig of the Ypsilanti (Xjaih to-moiTOw. Miss Kalhiarine Aruoïd, oí Decatur visited hier parents here during the past week. Miss Amina Doane cnfcertained lier sie'ter, Miss Jesie Ioane, of Dexter, oiver Saniday. Itesidieoits want the oounci'l to extemid the water nxai'n trom HamLltton to Balard st. B. Henürlick, accompanied by his {amiciy, are ia th,e city, to remaia duriing tlhe summer. Pnof. HJaims, oí Harvard TJndvérslty, lectured at tlie Normal Hal Jast Wednesday. Florence Tuttle Palmer bas filed a MU tor cüvo-rce agialnst Jay Palmer, alleging cnielty, etc. Mrs, J. B. CampbeU lnas beaa enterbaimtng her niece Miss Jessle Wiïklnsan, oí PbilJadelphia. Frank Traman is now the assistan't ste-ard and storekeeper oí tlhe Hatel Cadillac, Detroit. Queen City Hive L. 0. T. M. wltl gire a ftae banquefc Tliursday evenIng, in Liglit Guiard Hall. "Whlalt is caüled a "paper ball," is to b-8 given by thie Arbelter Verein on Momday eyening next. Nat W allace is the name of Mr. and Mts. J. H. Hopkins san, bom, at Alton, 111., Tuesday of last week.""" Miss Ltoly Str-amg, for tlie past two years general secretary oí tiie Y. W. C. A. at Lansing, Is luome forj a time. Elgh Eev. Th'os. F. Davies, Bishop oí thiis diocese, coinfimned a class at St. Luke's church last Buniday momIng. ■ ti Mire. Harriet Ashiby, aged 82 years died on Sumday, a.t her hoone on Eilis st. S'he had 3ived ne-arly all her liie In this city. 'Mr. and lírs. John J. Norton left Monday on tlieir wedding trip to Toro nbo and eastera pomts, to be absent one nxmtli. Tlie repubijican city commi-ttee is comp'osed oí Fred W. Green, Henry S. Bou'teïl, B. F. Savery. Pnank Creecli and W. L. Beardsiltey. MaTshai Warner proposes to enfcwee tho ordinance rellative to riding bicytóes aa tlie sidewalk ii-onn this tfitoe foereafter, hencefarth. ÍH. P. Gto'vr ]3 presidient oí tlie ScJuarf Tag Box & Labe l'Co-., Fred Andrews viloo president and 1. P. Su Ilvan secretary and treasurer. The barras of Cluas. Roberts, -vho "Aves oa tille Saline rOad, which were diestooyed by fire Friday nigJit, eatadüs a loss af $3,000 oa banis and oonteats Kev. H. M. Mo'i-ey aud faruiity wJU return to thiïs city to reside after Apiii; 15, being ia tlue Gates lioasa u (3. fflnroa st. Mr. Morey wffa contiu:aie liis evangeïistic work. Wm. Oaaits, whi aas taken a posótiiaa witli O. A. Ainsworth, has drivon a mll-k Wagtxa Jtor niae years, aud luaa oniy miissed aae diay omt oí tlhe 3,285. He is no mük-aad water man eithier. A soeak thief ejitei'ed the house of Heoi-y Hall, on Gak et., Simday aftemioan, and stoCO aiuong otlier thtogjs a s"Jd watcih, a check fon 5 and $105 in iruo-ney. Mr. aud Mrs. HTaía -svere ia tliie ïroitfc part ot the liiouse at the time. Manager Moiford of the new State i Telephonie Compony, says that he Ivas employed a telephaae ginl ; rented tlue offiioe formeriy occupied hy tJie Aubomaliic Telep'luone compaoy in the Saviaigs Bank budiding ; secm'ed 15 sujbscrilbers from tlhie Normal ; amd will niO'W oommeaice an aggressive campaigD for more eiibscrïbers. - Daily Ttimes. Th,ere ■wdil be universal regret amicmig the brettoen of tlie press when they Learn that the siingularly brilfcuit, higluiy-ecilarcd, rose tinted, carmtae liued, moiire airatique WWis corï-esporwleiit will mo miore ïorever pen hls pijahitive and penneroyal pungent panaigrapihB for tlhe OommercdaJi any 10'Hger. There be tSmes Ín Ufe when saldnees beoioads ttie sky. These be one oí thiose. The exercises oí Dedication. lay at the Nanaail were of exceedüng interest amd wUi pnove a eouree of strength a(nd inspiíiatlon for many days to come. A delightiíul ïaatuTe oí the occasion was the graeious presence oí Mrs. S'tarkweatJier, tlii-amgli wliose lübertallty Dedication day was made made possSKe. ' A large uoimber oí oWdzcnis and alumni were present at exerclses and tbe hall was well filled. - Ypsfc alian. Thie miaaiy iriands pi Miss DoSïy Geogbau, of tliis city, will bO prised to team oí her marriage to Mr. Krank Kennedy, oí Ann Arbox, whicJi occurred over three months a;@o. They wlü ooinmence hooisekeepiag at Ann Arb : at anoe. - Cojnm-eroila3. The new State TeJephoae Co. ie meehlnig iwlttfi muoh enoouragement in estlab'islLing em exchange in this city. Their metallic circuits, which do a-way -witla tbe ordinai-y cojiïusion of sounds, tJie 10 oemt nate to Detfnoit, anxl the low rentáis are all p'opuTJa-T. Tluey w-ill put everal 'pitoomes inbo thie Normaí buildings. The exchmige wi'Jl be at MortördJ & Hyzer's store, arad Mr. Baugtuton oí Oetflodt is ncnv Itioking after tbe const niets on. - Ypsüanitian. Ttw coaninon councdo and city oí fiöene suiprisecl newly marrieti Mayor Wetls anid bi'We 'Wediiesday evening last, and toiok wd'ühi them as tokeins of esteem, two expensi've rockers, oas a Idbrary leatlier-upbolstered cliair ior Mr. WJlSj and ajiother beautdiul parlor cbair for Mrs. Wells. Aid. Terne made tlie preseaita'tiO'a speeoh, and Mr. and Mus. W. bcdUi responded íeelingJy. Afterward a supper was seiTed, and takem a'J.toget.lier it -vas a vei-y pleasamt event. A very píeasanfc affair was the wedding, on Wednesday last, of Miss ftiitli, daughter o( Prof. F. H. Peaáe, of tuis city, to Mr. Ajfred,' Johnston, of Toixmto, Canadla. Ony immediate relaldves of ttue parties were present. Tlie ceremany was periormed t)y Rev. Mr. Gardiam, of S't. Luke's paiiish, at the hame of the bride's íather, oox "Washilnigrtoai st. TÍTe lióme was bea,utifiL;iy diecorated wit.hpalms lillies, etc. After the ceremotny a supper was served, and the cioiaple took the afternoon train for tiielr future honue ia Toi-omto. Mr. Johostou is a mianufacturer of large Interests. and he lias taken out cfity ome of lts most charming d'aughrs.


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