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Ládfes 'library, Huraa et., opern daily from 10 to 12, also Saturday. from 2 t'O 5 o'tíock. We wimiDd advise every yoiimg mau and every yoiMjg woman wiio conteinp-ja'fces thO tíbu'dy oi law, wlietlier {or tlic purpose oi onitoráing upoii the praCUce oi it as a porfession or íor mentad culture, or as a groumdwork a geniara ïtousïness career, to wriite th Sprague Ooarespandence SctoO'oa1 of Lio-w, 574 Telephooe BuMdiing, Detnoit, Mitílu, far particuC'ars ■1ït,h. reíerence t'O thedr metliod oí conöuctiiiig tllie study ia thiö branctï. by mail:. ThJis Scboiol has made a woaderfill success oí tlne correspondeoce sy.ebe.rn as applüédi tío Ulie law. Particuaars are furailSliiöd by fine School Tree ïor thie askiinig. If any o{ our Teadens -wrjlte ío-r particuil'ars we -wo'ufíd request thiem to meotiíaa thds paper iu' eKmnecbilcm wiltdi their iiiqnfiry. The man wRh a weight oui lii leg can't Inope to win, in the race. A man witlii a 'weight on, hisj health oan't expect to compete in 'Ma and imsiniess wiitta thioe "who are not tMvnidüaapped. If liLs braiia 1 heavy, and bis b.oad sluggUh, b.causs of coasti.piatioin, hO vU not eucceed ia doing anytlulng weM. Comstipation Is t-Iie caiuse of nime-bentlis oí atëB Symptoms of i: a'-e sallowuEss, ji.stltssness, appeiite, had tusie in tilie nLO'iith, dizziness, )i;iOTisness, a.nld iiaissibude. Constipatioii can 1e cureü eaLKy anid cerbaiinly by tihie use of Dr. Pieroe's rteasamub Pellets. They are iio'b at aJl violent in tlneir action, aind ytt tliey are nüore certain, than mtamy medicines whdcli eo sferong tba't they put the feystem atl out lof order. The greatt advadtage oi th 'Paeiaisamt Pellets" is ttuafc they cure pTmiamenitKy. Seinld 21 ome-cent stiajaps bo cover cO6t of miai'linig omly, and gefc hls great 'book, The Peopie's Common Benfie 'Medical Adviser, atealutely free. AdÜress "Woxïid's Dispeiiisiary Medtcal Asfiocintirm, ?vo. 663 Miain Bt., Buffaio, N. Y. j


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