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The mieaslies is ep-Wemio at) Salem Station. The Saiiime eentor class numbers nhie this yeax. James Thorn, o Pitie.ieïd, died Sunday, aged 70 years. Rurkliardt has been apipo tobed postímaster at Ö'aaine. Thad. E. Leiand preached a-t Lap■tüam.'s chan-ch, Sadem, last Sunday. The buyers ot Salem are ehiipping a great dieal of stock these days. The North Sharo'a Bpworth League ivalttzed $3.15 by a reoeut social. Up 'at Pinckney 21 eCectors voted Uheir ballcyt without a mark upan it. ■ .Mire. Muilen of Chelsaa, lias gome to Mve wtth her mm Btfward, Ín North D-akotia Tbett-e ib a j-cwinig da.ncer at the hiome 'oí Mr. an,d Tdrs. Jolum Dancer, Iexter. D. D. Baaüs Ikis returmed tio' Cbelspa after aa absaais of two years in BuaokHyn, N. Y. aliss May Petrs, of Scio, is taking the 'traiaed narse co-urse at Grace Hospital. Detroit. J. W. Baker, of Caiuticm, hos sucoeeded Amoa Haül, in cluarge of Easrtair's miiilk dep'O-t, at Mulata. John S. Oonant-, vrio lived eas of Ypisiijainiti, mear Deiiton, died Snnday, of cio-nisuniptiiioi]. agsd 00 years. The "Westsi'de auid Bas-tside ïleading Ctebis of Bridgewater will hold no matee meetings turnt iü! enxt winter. ■Herbert WheeCer, of Saline, was cai'led to Boston, Mass., last week, ■by the seraous iiliiiess oï lüs father. Miss Ora Allyn of Xortli Iake, has taken up wfitli a Beamnp-nt, but it ís said tliat he is the geuuimei article. MiS. Addie Field and dauglirtr oí "V"lïiitjn'OT Lake liave been visiting at Jas. Wooid"woi-tltfa in Soutli SaJiem; Tlue ïrew scIüoo'j bell is a dainly. Cradliit for rfcs purcihiase is due the higli school1 lectore associia'tion.- Milán} ' Leader. Jlr. l',oveijs ii& a resident of YpsiItonti, wliich may accoiunt its reputatian 'as a city oí nnicli interna] stvi.ft'.- AUvia.n Press. FammertB ltave been effwing oats- np tlie wijd varliety. But tliey slioujd reanember tliat bicycies tund jec'ti'ic cara eat ni oia.t9. Dr. W. A. OorLJitn lnas sold hm, practice in Chielfe&a toDr. Geo. Hathaway, of SaTJiine, wJto h'as alneady moved thieiie. Dr. C. goies to Detroilt. Tlie M .E. church at AVhilt.more Iike fa to be re-deco'na!ted and removatecÚ and the conitract tluereíDr has been let to W. W, Wetmlore of Anin Arbor. Bieren yecurs ago Tueedlay we had a rema rkabOe smow stoirrn and snow was dlrift-ed six. ieet hiijli om the north side oí exoliange pliace.- Bnterprtee. Dr. E. F. Chiase, oí Dexber, wbo bas been ijl for the past three weeks, wüth MiQamatory rhieumatism, is now on titee poad to Pecoviery, though but siawly. Mts. Chais. HJeèfth aotit Miss Mary Brighaim, of Ajaax Artwr, wiïl opea a dress-makinig esba'blisiimeut in rooms at lites Simpsoia's, Momtlay. - Mi:an Leader. The Jumior Exhibitiiom of thet Saillne High. Sehio'ot wül taice place on Frldiay e'vening April 1G, and efforts are ■beinig madie to make irt ome of the best ETOr hecd. "Wm. Gueather, who Ji-'cdi west of SiaCtoe Millage, diad April 5, aged 54 yeaire. He was a nartflve of Wua'tembuxg, Geruxamy, c3inilng tit üliiii countiry wheu a youtih. Wm. H. Freer, a OhieCSea boy, ds atttiaandiag considerable p-rominence hy hia woirk as a1 mmsiicAaiL. One of hiii.s iatest and maat popular composlHLüns is tlhie "Mioliigiau Two Step." AVm. Caisaildy bas retunied home to Che'jsea fixran Sou'üi Betuil, Inel. He hlas had. to Uave a thu.mb amputaltéd beoaiuse o blood yoiiBoninig, AviWiloli " set in aifter a riglit injury tluereto. ÍMns. Berg of Briidgewafcer, whiOi suflered f rom tne at back of the, rowdies recentüy, hias gome to to live ■vltli a soiti-in-Iaw, while the daught-er wliio was with her has beeia taken ty Jlartüm Smitlx. KaMian IsbeU düed at home a mille and a halí easb of Salin village on Apiri] 2, aged 72 ymrs, 4 mianths. Ha cam-o to Michigan in 1833, on Ijocdi plains. He was a highty respieobed mían. Thíe ma'je memtoers ot tihe Chelsea Xítótlhiodist chiureh willl give an Easter -entertiailnmient at thie church an Tuesdlay evenl'Jng; Aprií 20. Ib will be tetter thian any dyspepsfiia nuedSclne tJhia't was ever oancocteü. E. G. Bamg'hiart, who ives near the Quaker c'hurch, liaid both Jegs brokem ■be'iow the kniee om Saburdiay, by jumpálng fixnn a wagm afber the hiOrses hie was drivinii; beoaine uama-mageabOe. He was driiviing Jnome f rom the creamery at WKli-. Over 5u Stockbridge the reputo'.i■aaaa save otnly tlie treasurer, and he by 2 raajonlity. Buit tluey feeil: Gay over thsat. Fnaiak Staflan had1 the misfortune to have the best haree he owuedi die last week ; ome oí the rnatohed team lie dlives cu the hearse.- Che'.sea Hera'Jd. Mns. Fraak Greenitig, o{ Chicago, ts 'art th home of her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Jota Gosteijo, in Dexter, seriavusly ïll wi'th inflamato'ry rheumatdsm. The edï'bor of the XorthvKlei Eecord offers a reward for a loet "hog" that clne"ws terbacker. farthviUe mutst be a modeU villajge ii cau't find liim. - Pinckney Dispatch. There were 67 straiglut repu.b:ican tickets ia Freedom and 96 straiglut demiocra'tác. Henry HuehÈ was beaten for supervisar by on'jy 23 votes. Thánk of thiat ! Ia Freedom ! Ttoe pickenel are so taine at Maaictnester that the boys wade iato the stream attd catctk them with their hands. Oae boy oaught an 8 iber. tlnat way a few days iciae, so the Enterprise says. The K. O. T. M?Ö o SiaCiem liave a fiirst-cüass play oiu tihie tapis which win be braught out bei ore long. ïhe ■outter wiCl give a free entertainment on Fiiday evetuing, Apriili 16, to be ioaowed by a short BocAal at Wm. jStaribnd's. Tlwre are tlioiusanclls oí buslieís of pio'ta'tioes buried in Dayton township, Tiisocia boamty. Farmers are Uiggtng !t''hiem from tiiO pits aodj ieeding titoem 'tiO tlieir stook. Th-ea Tuscola coumty wflll hiavO its stiock starched up. ■■RaJiQ-hi-the-ifaoe" was in town 6evesraS days tihis week, ao.d tiiB moirniug iib was dfeeovereU tliat "Siiowon-the Gtouhú" had piitolied hi-i wigwam here ainü bad invited "North-BiastWind1," and all thio little "SuowFluke" tribe to tfsit liim.- ÏILlan "LeaJder. Tlie newest orgamifcaitiCMi in town 113 tihe Dexter Oomaet Bamxl. There aire art, preseat 18 nxembers and severali Huore to jota:. Am effort wil! be iriade to make it 011e oí tibe best rnusFcal oi-ganixatioins in tliis part 08 the eta'te. - Leader. Th aimual Junior Exhiibiltion o the Saüime High Sah'wol wül occur FriUair nifeht of this week. Besidee the usual essays, oratiDB and recita itilons, a, three acfc caHoquy wfcll be 0i.ven by the Jiiators, which ia cal'cu flateü to bO a laiighatole liittlei comdy. Thie musib wiiïl be Jurndsihed by '■ -Mie Hl'lgli Scioioli quartette arad bj MKse Fioireince Poter, oí Anm Arbor. The Prwsbyter&an chairen at Sa-IinS oaane neax beilng btirned on Sundatf! evanlnig of Dast week. Af ter the oongTegatioa luad passed omt, and the aiïi'boir at work up, one of tlue sïdo lamipa exploded, .-vttd it took active work to save the buttöJ'ng. Damdel P. Oakley, a juror im the circuit court at the present term, o-wils up to lLaving been born in Inghani owainty, of 40. years of age and of liever having been In this city un-til this preseoiit term of oouirt. - "LiaiiisJng Jounia-l. That's tlie sart of materlul, in. tilneae days that is wanited foT jurymem. A live man w-ho kmows sO'inething win be baiTed timöer tihie lav. Demmis of the Jonesville itazettc is ïikely te get Into trouble lm a well majit but misohiosen way. He reiers by naine to a Uiss ■ as "tlie old 'sbandby millioer of Joneeville." TMs as intern ded as a "puff" of CiOU'rse, bub a railliner oine time mast killed au editor whio, notlng au arrúval' bf new (jokxTs, reanarked tlïrough liits paper that lie was "pCieased to see lier stockimg-up."- Adiiiaa Prese. The frtenfls of Mr. attd Mrs. Wm. A. Williams, to a large mumbei", met at tlneir resideince April let, ib being t.lieir 50th ma:rriiagei aniversary. Guests were present {rom. Detroit, YpslOamti, Ann Arbor, Dcxter, Olielsea, Masoin aral severaü ofhier places. It %-as a veiry enjoyaibje occasion. The ■Yijsito'rs lett a aew oook stove, a nice set oï (Jishiss aad many good -vislics tor h esstii-nabie oouple.- Grego-ry cor. S'tiocktaridge Sun. Judige and Mtrs. H. W. Newkirk, Mrs. S. Kewkirk and Mrs. D. McLaren dnove to Unadóaia last Thursday to attend tlie goMem wedding of Mr. and WiEliam Williams. ilrs. Williams is a scbter of Mr. B. Xewkilrk of this vitlage, wlio was una'ble by reason of silcfcoess to be present on this happy occasdlon. .Vbout 90 guests were pTesent, -svliom was a sister f rom Bliiioois. Sevei"al songs were siimig, a poem appropniate to the ewnit was read, an8 Judge Xewkirk made a happy iitotle speeeli, presentimig to Mr. ana Mns. AViiliainisi mauy usefuï presents, the remembramces of flicir frlemLs.- Dextcr Leader. The 'tiownship of YpsKanti ma y be eongratutlated on haviiig had efficiënt atfloens 'the past year. The reports ui Ferry AVat;ing, toren clerk.and E. E. Giorlon, Mgliway comimissionier, were ootncteè and business ]ike and shonvd 1usiiness me'bhiods irom ïirst to last. Tlue aog tax collectedj was $184, airuj in the liigliivay fundthere stiKl remained $250. Tlnetown verted a 10 ceai't bauaity on woodchucks, and agreed to pay 10 cents per yard for all gravel put upon the highways. To meet tlue nedis oí the highways the GOïning year, $700 was ordered spread on the tax roi'.l. So:ne efforit was maáe Da keep tJlue bicycfe In t-lie mádd oí the raad, 'oont ib was genera'jly t'h.oughit tliat nio authordty existed for enf onding orders. The f act eeems t be th,at tbe blke does not behang to the middle-of-tlie road


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Ann Arbor Courier