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The Comers And Goers

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Mtb. A. J. Sawyer Bpenlt Jast week at Xansilng;. Percy Douglas, af Toledo, O., was ín the city Monda y . ' Prof. and Mrs. Langv, at Berkley, CjBüH., luavo a (laughtcir. airs. AVm. l-'i-a.iik oí Jdta-otlt, been vjsilmi tri --I113 in tlie city. Iii9S 'Ajina C. Childs haa rebunned ipom a iviater's sfcay at Mobile, Ala. AM. C. A. Mayjinrd 5ias ben sufferjmg fi'om rlneumaitism durinig the T-eek. Miaj. Arniü't of ItetiroLt has been 3j-rOobiitíL oíd frierais h,ere during the week. I i Mre. J V. Slteelia'n receSves lier iatiy friwnds .Tuesd,ay, Aprirj 20, iroin 3 to 6. Mtes Miattie Oacty is emteitainlog Mtea Hattite Lawi-omoe, of YpsLiinlti tor flie -ek. Mrs. A. F. Riusiued, of Itotojit, was .the guest ver Su'iiday aiid Monday, of Miss Dixie Mulivaney. Mtb. C. Liolur has i-et-urened home ïnom a ertsay of sevierai weeks wditb íiáiemdis at Kuo-wiEte, Temí. Mr. a'nd Mrs. W. S. Oarpeutier Bua'dayel(?) vnWti Mr. and Mrs. "Water T. SeaboC't, on N. PMüli airs. T. B. Preston oí louíia, who toas beeii Yiisiting lier matlier, M rs. Wm. Oampibeïl, has retumed Uonie. arre. E. W. CliüMIs has been, spemddiig the past week with {rie-nds in Detroit and Ann Arbor.- Jones vine Independent. ' Babert Wiöeomaiui, Who has been vjisrtimg Ms sister lire. Prof. R. H. Kempf, returned home ta Jïew York CSty io-day. Miss Graoe Harrie, of Toledo, who lias been the guest of Jirs. Evart H. Sootit, of "WiaslLteiiaw av., is now visItinig fi-ieoids iu YpsiJanti. ■Mus. Dr. P. H. Quiick, of Olivet, tvnd damgiiitei' Gula, JiaviO beaa bt the city ƒ ar the past week. Thwy expect tio return bcmie to-lay. Dr. 1111d Mrs. AbgieQ left Fr,iiday miO'imtlng for a trip to New Oiioajis aüd the souith, accampaaited by theia' daugliter, Mrs. MoLaugküsi. ilr. aml Mrs. Uajrge t. Vandawartor have been entertiainiing during The weel'. Mrs. Wm. Fawceifet and Mre. Mary Jöhtne, of South Lyou. Mi. Mary Soobt Carter anid fami-ly and tuev brofcher Kamiiy C. Soott, have aniied borne from Hoaolulu, and wlll occupy thie o:d homiestead, íor a time at least. Mts. Wm. G-uodyoar, 0 N. lXivisiou tft", was gjven a surprise onj Thursday evenlilnig oí 2lasb week. Quite a mimber oi Uer lady ïrieiKls particiated ia the af f air. Fred S. Rtokniond, of Olücago, has been ViksitDg in tiliis city Omring, the ,week. Mr. IÜcJimüiad, hds inent-her, has bLn i 1 ío: same weks with rheumatiism, at hr hume ia E"ajvston, 111. Mr. anti Mra. Frank Pe'uier celebratel thekr "tli marriage amniversary last Saturday, at tbeiiir home on E. TJtójvei'sity ave. Tliiey were made the recipients of many leautifu: p resanís. Dr. jQlu.i A. Bobb, medie '86, formeiHy wiith, Dr. Vajugluan, iwj-w a phyeiciaji with, the Cajunniet and llecla mime,_is in tlie city tor tflue week. In ■thJs eomoiection ib mig-ht bO wed do stat tliat th-ere Ks a citizon in) aur oïty winti lua-s a tel-egrapli permi1 to go1 ino t:h,e Calumet mine. The only one Lu existenoe, and & very raxe Uiifmi. TliiH was öbtakied by Dr. Bol. W. 1. Adiams anti fnmlLy lefb last wee-k tor Ti'ffin, O., w-liere lie lias gione int business. Mt. Adame ík ia pOeasaiït) goiiltlemau, a tlirjrougli (busilmess man, nuil wüli be a valuablo accessiion to the ranks of bustneflB mm of Ti'Mii. He ;aves many warm trtemte hiere in Ann Arlov.


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