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Thei-e we,re fo'ur deiatlis la Balitne Satiuwlay and Sunday. M:v. ,Ta,ne B-exter ife buir.diing a new ■resïsduce foir beraeíí tn Müan. M&as F::oi'e)nce Quirk, af Milan, lied ;ast Thursday, aged 28 years. TlLe F. F. F. OM) ijives its Baster dia.nce at Itexter Friday eveniiig. Forgel mot Arbor Day, ApriCi 30, and pifan I a ti-ee for f ature good. F. D. Foixl luas been. appoiinted ioca; consul for tlM L. A. W. a;t Saline. J'ojim Bross hias purobased Dr. E. J. Phel'ps' house in Etexter, for $590 James Thiorn dfted at thie home oí nis son 'Waít-er, in Lodi, April 9, aged 70 years. D. B. TayCor is tli neav Tülagei attoi-aey of Onelsea, anid Rusto Green la th.8 marshal. Mrs. Ohas. Oonön, a farmer resident oí Chejsea, died at lier liome in 'Hersey ApniJi 8. JosiiaA Sloat, of Sharon, reoeireid Wm, Durt;ss' chieck of $605 for cattle sold luim laSt week. At the Ea-ster service In the Dexter Baptist cliiwch, twenty people %vere received into tlie society. MÏ6B Aíicdred McMullem, oí Moore■MDle, wae marrieid' on. April li to WaCrter H-aátaes of Ypsilanti Win. BiirtJess at MaincJiester, has i'&ased the at the L. S. depot and will fib lt up tsxe use. At Emainueï's Luitihienam church, Mancliest-ei1, iifteen boys and glrtfi iwere co.nuirmed on BaClm Sunday. The Saline tire departtmeirt are makÍMg ihemse; ee prAciaut by holdirag practico meetings. Goad idea. Th-e Ladfes AM Society of the SaJkne Baptist church widl jaaet witli Mrs. J H. Barr, oa Ptódlay, ab 2 p. m. ïlie aefw bake-shop írom Aan Ai'bor bor, has arrived aad %viül do business in the Waíííace block.- Sallme Obsei'ver. The íriejidá oí Piauv Ki-ess, oí Freediom, surprised him on the Sth. inst., ama lelt a beautiful rocker for líls future eoimfort. Jiahai ICensI-er, of Manchester, receatCy sold a quantiHy oí beana Jie liad in stofe, for a bout ome-hal -vhut liu paid for them. Tlne reading oírejj at KftUlnie, met at Mrs. O. G. Toiwttiaannï's ast Satn-rdlay. They inilued in a candy spread aftar the Dessoia. ."jeiv.iile has had auocher blaze, and ie nww taUdng waiter worjas nander than evef. Weül, waJter and aot wiind wi;i queuclx a ii"e. The heaOtlh o; Mrs. OíwnJtek having íatled, Miiss Hetea L. TuBtle, ol YpsiIiauïti, will act as ot; the Mí.mi scbODls Obe balance of the Two oaír Iioads oí mea and teams stairted at -vork on he new Liíma NorttueaT. K. R. ait Tecumseh iast ThursiUay. What about Sajiae and Aun Arbar ? Thie fiiísh ja,ws are being brokeui as neveir befoire tttute spring, a,nd nX because the sapervisoirs cut the pay of game wardaas st tliat jaw breakers tliiak they a,re safe. The Jumior ExTiilMtian of tibei Baline High Scho'oc netted $28 for the class. Beceiilpts $38. Tina enitire program ■seemed to be bilgKly enjoyed. The ooaoquèes were greast Mts. MSsb Grace teoda McMamji', d'augliter of Mt. and Mrs. Henry McMann, of Slajliioe. was ma.rriedí en Wednesday erenálng ibet to Ralph. Hammond, and they are ww Díving on the Hammond íanm. Tae report oí the Michigan Horticultua-ai S'ociety fo-r 1895 aua a fine sketóh oi Ch,as. W. Garffe-d, accompanted by a picture which was taken afber the artist had requested htm to ";ook pieasant pleaee." "The piOKweet man I know is the man who has nohtog but money," says Mr. Bocfceiffiler. If hie wÖI send tiliat miai! anouad bere we wiel trade hitan siome of our wealtih evea up for some of his poverty.- Chieisea Standard. Tiie Washtena-w baard of (supervisors is democratie by oae. The maJority is '-iDot as dissp as a weM nor as M-iil: as a clmrch, door, bat j.t is eaougti - AQAod. Press. Ah ! no, Brother ! It Ís too mueh ! Too mutíli ! Th,e Lake Sliope noad ít appears has Tioatcd ita tügareemeinit wiitíh the govenimcnt by earrying jiassengers oa tlio fast niail ti-aims, but thO postmastor gene:-al has puc iiis root down and t)h'c passenger wi-51 be dropped oif.- Enterprise. A greafc deal of dissatisfactioo. is teing expnes&ed at the Wholesale spearing oí fish,, both on the rtver and liake, amd ifc is probable ttLatJ a-n attempit wdil be made tío stop it.- ter XeeuJer. Thjs ciorjittty has a gaine warden now vrh.0' will catorce th.e Jaw. Bro. "Woodrutf, of the Semtiaeí1, Ís a candidato íor city clerk. It te quite natural thiat newspaper men shioulü deaire oiVcü obher's eucoess, so here's liopiag he wíU get lt.' Chas. M. Hiclis oí Webster, aged 59 years, died oatlie 8tb iust., oí coasivanptdiO'B. He was an oíd aoldier, having served wfbh tlie 20th Mlch. lafaintry -untii; discliarged by reason of siekaess. He was a nuember of the G. A. K. He Sea-ves a iamily of a W'jfe aad t-'o garus. Tbere are tlvose la this vKlage too por to tafee a loca] pape? (?) bat wat' a t tended the tea-ceat Bhow tliat was liere Jast week, ïihe cntiire severa niglïts aad took thiei1-' famivy. Wed, sucli is liie.- Pinckney Dispatch. 'Twas erer time. MiClio-ne íor ían ! Xot eme ceiut for wisdom. The Gerni&ns are greafc peop'.e for cCnbTing tiogetheT and helping one Edttothjer o-uu wbetn they have a b:g job on liiaad. Saturday Beveral teams passed tlmough exc.ha.nge place on t.h'o v,-iy fcq the pai'ïoad) stalimi with ;oiadB O'i cicle1" lor ehipju Tbe're were 100 oasks in the jolt.- Entwrprifee. Tliivkiu'.v iicver had a "boom" as some vKiages claim to have mearly every year but hier growtü has been steady amd Ro:i'd, t:iire baïnig wo "To rent" signs iü tttO vijla;ge. Arra-ngemp-nts have already been made sd far ttós yea.r to put up a arge twlck store and tihree residenees in the corporataon. Let the fyood work go on - we do not want a "boom." - Di'spatch. The greatest blessiimg on eartih ia contentment. Th'py are telling a good ome on one of Dexter's stand business men "svluo miad a trip to Detroit this week. Opon, ar rl ving at home lue handed grip to tbe ïamiily with the remark tfoat they wou'.ü ídnd somethhig for tlhiem insW'e. Imaigkiie his horror airai tbeir surprise wlien they putleki out a woimiaa''s wrapper, Bet of töftSet airticles, etc. Of coiiirse he exp'iaiined tlh,at be muist have pieked lip sonne laidy's Ijrip by mistiake buit it's a pretty goud joke just the Biime. -Leader. The supervistoir wü soom be invadIng your diomlciCe to íiná ou.t how mudli you bad left after wi'atering. The oiinly really successful man wlio ever levited a tax was the felloiw who ''toioik off" somietlii'iig f rom every va uatiian on th ra:i, and the people ïioiso up, called himi 1l9sed and never knew ttw; dLffereoice. The attier fe row wbc adíded a liittle here and thiere to bis roLl, as ha foundl justice demamded, trave'Jed a st.o'ny road and TVS1.S cast aside by tlue peop:e at the fierst opportunity. "We ha be to teil thiat a woodcihuck lias been living rïgh'fc ín the eenterl of tlüs tlwiving intriopoi:is, in the rear of our g-reab departmeint stores, but sucli is the faet and wei must print the mews. On o( our popuöar expressmeu lia-d bis eye on the animal a-nul imitended to capbnre lb as soon as lemb was oer, bult a man wIlo was probab:y expecbed the ïMiiistcr to dfiduner -vith hiaa, sneaked ouit and shot the Avoodohuck and now we wi:i liave to depend om the weathe" bureau :o fiind out whtin spring as arïived.- Manchester Enterprise. The Ypsí. d;part.iii'e.nt oí tlue I;üly Times cnows over the jood roads thereabouta in this way : "Here is a funny th'ing tluat happened yesterdiay monnj.'ng. A farmer drovö la wjth a load of baled hay, ha ving starteldl froon lïiis Uiome before daylfeht. He no soomer stoppad in front of the Ha'wkms House than a big Pïymo'utb. Bock rooster jumpeid off fram the reacli of the wagon, hei liavimg rldden peaceiudly all tire distance tobo tom-'ii." Jolm Warmer got o'uta&de of 13 j'aw eggs iüi 80 éeoaiiii's in WhtbmaJSh & Oos store "Wedinesd'ay nHyhit, on a vager that he co'u'jd swallow a dozea iiastde oí toree mimutes. Anothor (eat perfarmed by Jollín was to cat -10 crackers in Uve minutes without :nolsture. - Leader. Ia o'thier words Jolifli iB s'omethi'nig of a ewift and) abmo'nnal paöhyderm af the genus Sus. T. W. KitcJioock lias as iine o-chards and fruiilb plots as will be ïoiiinid in a day's travedi throaigli this neck o' tlie waod's. Tbey conipi''ise 450 peadh, trees, 100 clierry ta-ees, numero us applie, pear andplum trees, an acre of raspberry buslies, 1,000 gooseberry buslies, and many crther i'ai'ietïes of fruït, and in ttueir season tliere wia be plenty of melóos, cueunisers, squashes, pumpkfais, cabbages, tomfutoes, etc. - MC'am Leader. The question lias ben, asked why on,e of the Mquor boadismOn was not pnosecutied last year for perjory, for ia'jsely swetardng to the value of his pnoperty. We win say the only reason is the pwspn who adiminist-ered tlie oa'th, oouid not testify that he requitred thie boadsmiaai to holü up liiis righl baad wlien he was sworn. The law requlres the people to prove that, te estalrfish a case.- StocK'briaig-e Sun. Thea pposecute t,he one who admclnisterod the oath ïor ma ieasancb or negtect of Öuty. Tliat niiglilt sluaiTm up htó memory, Fiiom a time to wliiieh the memory oí man ruaxnetth, not to conlravy, üncle Mioses J. Huwe, repubiácaai, lias represeated Madam on iho board of superviisicw's. Of oourse a man long in office, is Ukely to oventually meet hls Water-joio. Ddj tdiey beat the o lid man this spring ? Xo, by George, ttbey didai't. Eteoted hian by 83 majo rity. O, Moeefi ! Ueatkess Moses ! He will neilMier dit; resign. Wlll ruob oae teacli Moses ïow '! - Adtian Press. Ib doia'c look as if He needed any. Leaclüng. It ;ooks as if he knwv iura-, and Lhatl the peoipje kniew H'owo, also.


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