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The New City Physician

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The commoB council at its meeting on Monday evening, ainong other important business elected Dr. David M. Cowie city physician. Dr. Cowie's fitness for the position is admitted by all who know him, but we presume what had great weight with the city couucil was the kindly consideration and treatment which the Dr. bas shown for the very class of people with whoin be will have to deal in the discharge of his duties as city physician. Dr. Cowie is at present assistaht to Dr. H. Doek, who occupies the chair of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University. Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Doek both recommended Dr. Cowie in the very highest terms to the aldermen for the position, and the selection seems to meet with universal approval. All who know the Dr. speak of him in the liighest terms, both as a physician and citizen. Dr. Cowie's work in the University Hospital for the past two or three years have given him a wide and valuable experience which will serve him well in the discharge of his dnties as city physician. A great social demanetration. oí tlie S'&lTiátyaa Army wiU be lueld! in tone Firel. Methodist ciuwch, oí this ilty, :FTÍflay evnilng, Apfril 23, condu?ted :by tilie C3mmaadeír-inCliif oí ilie mortliwest JoTces, Iieut.-Cojonel tt'íliam Brerwer, of Chicago, assisted y Jfajoi' Parker, flie oaloael's Becret'ary, antí Major and Mr., oíioers Ín cliai"ge of tho Michigan forcee and ItetToSt relia! deparbinent. OIfitoems f rom surroTindiaig corps wiil be 111 a.btendiance. Musiic wti be íur.niished by tlie oombitaed cilty choirs. AdnxiBsiori. by invitations, whicü can be liad) by caírilng afc Boom, 8, Uoñty Kock. ChiCttreai arO or Btuauld ba taught never to rMicurjs the phystoal defects oí thiei'i' cotmp autoras and as a ruie tlney respond readi'ly tosucli teacliimg. Soine öhivdren. of langer growth uiight back to chiMhood's days aad imbibe ,a libtie of tliis w-liiolesome instructiou which they ppobaKy have fonigotten, wïtli oredliit to themselTes and pasuxe to tinas e coming ia contact vrStii tli'em. It is a recaguizec trutlh. amiong people wlio respect the ll'ttle decencias olí Ufe, thia the man tlaikes a l:oiv piaoa iia publiö estknatjon whio imtentiloniaCly perpétrate au alleged "joke" on one ot Ms fello-ws whio umiortTMiaitoiy by birth or aocildient ia "hai't, lamie or blind," or Dn amiy mianner diecrijpet or deformed ttanough no fauü't of Ms own. Sornöay's F ree Press in au artdcüe on the state legíslatmne, has tbis: to say oonceritaig Representa tive Sawyer : "A favwnirte epott ïor toe ladtos seems to te the oornen Immedir a te; y behind the seats oí Representatives Sawyer 01 Ann Artooir, aaid Peck oí Jacksou. Mir. Kiawyer is still a liappy yio'uth öf aboiït 50. He is stoiut and witty, and Uancas with all the grace oï a youfch of 20 whea he repaftrs to the balls oí the Ivnlghts of Pythius in ÜJamsiog. Th jadies like liim, anid he shows hiis app'reciatï'on oí thiedtr sniiies by oceasiotaally dLstrtbuting candy íor the deJectation oí his falthful i3i o:--. Tie little noolj behlnd has gnown to, be dubbed "bainnet comer.' "


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