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Coming Great Festival

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We give below a few specimens from notices of some of the artists who are o appear at the coming May Festival. Ve would like to impress upon our eaders the fact tliat nearly 800 seats emain unsold, thua they are beginning ;o go, and further tliat the expenses are so enormous tliat all seats must be old to cover the expenses. EM.MA CALVE. Last night Calvè was in splendid pirits, for the enthusiasm of her weiome, as shone by the size of the audience, was enough to flll any singer with joy. Never has she interpreted Carmen with greater variety of delicate and subtle glances of dramatic expression. Her voice, her face, her poses, her gestures were all parts of a delicate, flexible scale of expression. There was the sparkle of champagne in her comedy and the fire of absinthe in her tragedy. She swept the gamut of passion with a free hand, and she made her audience víbrate like the chords of a great Eolian harp. And she sang with an exquisite art that does not get half the appreciation it deserves, for a large number of her hearers labor under the delusion that they are moved by lier aeting. But Calvè's finest dramatic instrument is her voice, which thrills and glows with wooiug love or glitters like cold steel with anger as she wills. Her performance last night was that of a genius. - New York Times, Dec. 12. Calvè's Santuzza has long been known as superb peice of dramatic aud vocal art. It is this year as fine, possibly finer, than ever. One seldom comes ander the sway of this superb artist without feeling that she never was quite so good before. Usually distance lends enchantment but Calvè's presence eclipses memories of her. - Brooklyn, N. Y. Eagle, Dec. 17, 1896. J. H. MCKINLEY. Amidst a scène of the utmost enthusiasm - with the audience applaudina;, the member of the orchestra rattling their bows against their fiddles and the chorus standing up and wildly cheering - the second night of the Festival was brought to a triumphant termination. The tumult was occasioned mainly by the tenor. Mr. McKinley, whose rible invocation, "Let them perisii all in this place," in a series of topic notes tlnit rang throngh tlie building till it echoed again, started every man and woman in the hall to their feet in a state of unpontrollable excitement. He was the hero of the hour ainon;r the soloista. - Wocester, Mass., Daily Telegram. THE CHORUS. Th wwrt of th ChoraG Unfen at this co'ncert was moet eatlsfactory. Tlie 'chorus, Ara Maria oí Marclitttj, was sang wltli correct; shading and plirasing, and in perfect tune and Urne. The o'.otsiing numbere, Thanks Be to God, from. Kijah, bi'O'ug'ht out the fu'.L power of the ahorra, w-hiich, reíafarced by the Con;mbia.n Exposltilan organ, now owned by the TJnivefisity, fi'.led tbe great ha'.l witli a R-reat outburst of melody. Eacih year Prof. S'tanlley brings this body al slagers umder better contënx, and as tbey became mor and more tnained, and more and more interested, they are provllnig tO' be one of the best choral sooiletjies lm the couTiitTy. I miake tfoils statement aövteedliy, ia addStian. to my own opilniom I have tlue satiBfaction of haviing tueard the same statement miaJdie by aanos't every scvlotet and nwmy members of the festáivali orchestra. Tlhe iestüval cLosed) wiitib. a most magmilflceiLit performance of Samsou amd: Daliilali. I dautot if thte opera was eTer gfiven beitter. The ea:nists were equ-al to all tlxe demonds of th,e pai-ts, amid the Chora! Uncfon ehowed the resuüt of eaireful rehearsal and dniül.- The Musioal Oourter, (N. Y.) THE ORCHESTRA. The orohestra, umdier the directiion of Mr. Molieulhaujer, accompandieiil Mr. Raimmel iiii a most diseireeit and satisüaötory niaanner. Mr. Xïkisch, coulÖ study to Ms atlvaiiilbage sucih abife conductiliig- as Mr. MoJenJiauer did on th'is occasion.- Warren Davenport, in tie Boston Travelter. No lüjttie praise is diaO toi the Boson Festival Orelnestna. Their work ttoaug-hout the Feistarali has beea o{ the hilg-liest ord-er.- Washing-t.on Post. Ne woPds can prailse ia satisfactory maninr tlue woa-k of tire orohestra. It was simipjy euperb. Never did it uuirp the place of the voealists, but was alwaya adequate to iits work. Every üistrunDen'fc was in the hands of an artJat Who was lts master,. anid (Continued on 8th Page.) COMING GREAT FESTIVAL. . (Oontlnuefl from Ist Page.1 1 the resoiilt was perfect.- New Bedford 1 (Co'nli.) Mercury. Tlie orc.liestra playedl eupe-rbly, its ' tone beíng deep and ririh., the bass 1 sectüaa beinig of fine quality and niceIly gnaded to the reniaihider of tbe oren est-ra. Thie wor-k oí the orchestra alione was a euperb concert !m itseOt. - Saleta (Mass.) G-azetite. The Boston. FestHvall Orohestr.a is . an organceati.on tiiat is weEfl trained and strlkiing. This refera as m-u&h. to the oaacerte)a eïfO'rts' of j t!he íífty pllayers as tf thair individiual ( exceClence. In the MacDo'weH , tlectilion, "In a HJajunted Pocest," even , mare tlhan in the Beethoven Overture, , tt bursts lorth as an orchestra of rare aTMlü-ty, one to compare favoraJbly wilth alny Thomas's baboa eveT ] ed. - Indiiaaiapo'.tjS Journal. JTEXIE MAE SPENCER. iMiss Spenciei' poesesses a wom■derfuCly good voiiee, and she n-as a pdctuire in a dainty gKXvra of deüitea'te coioi'ing. S'he ba& magmetdism, a fin stage .pa'esence, and aLnigs easily any dlffioulb score.- Boston fOBt. The iï8"v and rising iavon'iite Miss Jenele Mae Spencer, who appeared in full Seotoh costume, sang "Charlie Machree' in the most artistic manner and with a ■sincerïty that was indeed refresüiir.g. Her nnimber was p: eted witli admira Me ienderness oi expïessiO'ii, and with anartistic grace and diramiatic fervor that won her hearty appClau&o.- Boston Gloibe. Miss Jewüe Spencer's beanitjfuü! contractO voice, i emarkable executiom, peTfect In'liooation and' expre-sion helid her emdiences speCTbioraid.- Boston Traiiiscript. Miss Jenmie Mac Spencer gave wlth thrLling effect the etocy oí "Charlie Madiree,' by Dania. Her pure, noKt öOTuti'al'tio is equal to talie demanda of granid opera.- Boston HeralÜ. iriss Spesnoer sarng the ramd Aria lor comtralto fro'm. Semeramidi aad it was a deOightiful renderimg of this grtiat -a:U. She saimg with drama tip effect d:fep.';aying a ■woiníterful contralto1 voioe. - Dorchesiteir Beacon. Mies Jenmáe Spencer preved to be a ctmtrai'Jtio of punity aow! richnese of voïfce anti samg wltb ease severa; di'fíiauit irambers.- Meriidem, Co'nn. Milss Spencer is to appear ín the "Stabat Mater," as vf&X as kt sinslngie numihers in the miscellaneoue ooiicerts. She has fully realüzeid all tihe expieotatiions oí m'asici,ans and has becomie a great Javorjte ia the eastern oities in which ehe has appeared. She iis di;5@eint, ocmscientioiis and talerifced. Wiltih such a comibination of vïrtues it is easy to predicty for her a suecesefufj career. The Fourth Animal May Festival, Ann Arbor, May 13, 14 and 15, 1897, will be an event of more than local importanceThe University of Michigan Festiva; has takeu its place arnong the greatest in the country, a fact of extreme signiflcance not alone to all interested in the University but also to those who have the musical advancement of the state at heart. Calve, Bloodgood, Berthald, Campanari and other artists of the first rank will appear. The Boston Festival Orchestra (50 men) the University Choral Union (300 voices) and the Frieze Memorial Organ will be heard in these concerts which will be under the direction of Emil Mollenhauer and Albert A. Stanley, conductora. Season tickets including reserved seats for the series of five concerts, $4.00, may be obtained by addressing Ross Spence, Secretary, University School of Music. Ann Arbor, Micb. Copies of Festival Journal containing programs, cuts of artists etc, may also be obtained through Secy Spence. Half rates have been secured on all the railroads good from May 13 to 17 inclusive. See Bills at li. Il Station.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier