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The Comers And Goers

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Mtfess Teseíe Martin bas returoecl to BagiiKiw August Dfeterje ivas bcwne írom Detroit over Sunday. A. F. Freeniaq, of Mancihestec, was In the city Thursdiy. Abram Steffy Li movtog iuto tdis city from Enicry station. Miss Ella. Meutli goes to Brildgeport, Conn., for the summer. Miss MaUtlia Drake spemt Sunday aud Mooiday in Detroit. C. Fred Gauss spenit vaoatiiJQ week wiitih ïriiemids ia Pomtiac. Casliier BeCIser, af tiliie F. & M. Baak, was In Jackson Saturday. Supervisor Burf.ess, of Manchester Tisit-ed the city Thursday. Ex-Gongresenian Weadiock was au Aan Arbor Tisitar last week. F. C. Parker bas been. transacting business in OJiio dfuring the week. Mus. Henxy W. Geisüoin, oi 33eland, Füla., ii3 vJsiting friands in Ann Arboa.-. Deputy E. R. Oom. V?. W. "Wedemeyer was in tJie dty the Iaat of the Bertraru E.eiruoJd, of Saginaw, visiited his uineie, D. F. Schairei during tlie week. Mrs. GregoTy E. Dilbtole of E. Waslilng-tiom st., wh-o bas been very,' Hl is comaíiesciDig. Miss Be'.ïe Sperry, of Ohiaago, has (been Y&sittag lier holme Iiere dui'ing tlie week past. Dr. Fre-d AV. Bjalke, of Alpenia, aas been greeting old friendis Iiere during tihe piast. week. Mrs. J. W. Rogers and daugJiter AV ta., returmed Frldiay íroim a weedi's stay in Lansing. Mïs. F. J. Hulhoi liias been entertaining Mrs. E. Parker, oï Ypsilanti, durintg t,h week. ïiiss Wifnin'ed Beman, whiO' visited friiemds at Airoo, Ohüja, jBBt week, bas returmed liome. A. B. SmütiL, of tbe Ijeader, was ax the city &atuirday, accompanied by M'ns. Smith. week, going to Detroit Baturdiay, as guest of E. J. Ottaway, of the Free Press, over Sundlay. IMies Jeania McBride oif 8. División st.. was in Durand1 severai days during tbe past week. Prof. and Mrs. Geonge W. Patterson. vilsited Mrs. Pattersom's parents iai Adrián üast week. Mts. Dr. Dean M. TyfeT lias been entertaining during the week, Mrs. B. T. Kyes. of Lansing. Miss Abliie A. Pomd ep'ant, lier vacation witii. friends in Deroit, returning bame Statunday. Mns. Luke S. Momtuague anid Mrs. Henry C. Briggs, of Hovvell, vteilted írlenús hiere yesterdiay. Mts. J. 0. Co;-son tos returned irom a somewtat extended viBitt wit-n re'.aa.t'iives ar Ba-raboo, Wi. Tim Misses Cady, of Packard st., entertlaired tbeir friends Friday evenLng with a dancing party. Ex-SenatOT Ohas. H. Bmijth, of Jackson, was shakiing hands wiltli Ann Arbor friends yeslberday. James E. Oarr, of Dundee, was ín fccwn Thur&day, looking hale and hearty and happy, as of yore. Mir. and Mrs. Walttier T. Seabolt entertiaiUüed game of tihialr íriienids at a oaxd party j'ast Thiursday evening. Miss Eutlh Cushaaau entertadned a nnmber oif ber yaung friends witih, a dancing party Friday evening last. Slwrüf J-lHteDSB Ifi ín Detroit nul IMoiruroe tCMlay öokïng afte:1 oiïii-kil a-, aBemflMOIftteiai matteri. Dr. Frank Logan, of tlie Universlty IlospitaC, luis been a lew days wilth f"icnils in To:iedo. Mr. E A. KeitlL of Si Tlwyer et., reluriied lióme Saturda.v rom e w; rk's stay with. iriands in Detroit. Miiss Laudse Gaurnt, wiio lias been the guest of Mtb. D. F. Sclmiirer, returned home to CWteagO jast Tliursday. Offumitj Oerk J. F. Schub, was down Thiursd'ay last fox the ïürsfc time since brcnkEiir bis leg a couple oL months ago. Ir. amtí Mrs. J'Oiua Schaefier, who were guesits of Mr. 3d Mrs. P'bilip Late, have returmed lioime to Marshaúl. Mi-s. Dr. H. J. Pea-rsoia. o{ Detroit st.. was oallled t. TJuniion. Cilty, Ind., Sunda-y, by the seriaos tttaess of her mother. Mp. awd llrs. W. W. Purchase, cf Denver, Oojo., have been tllie guests ol Mi. Wm Bary durias tilue past iew (iays. MiB8 Carriie L. Dickeu, wtio Teaches in our puKóc schjools, returned SaturOay f'-'oin a weeik's vitstt at luer) home lm Boni'eo. Mr. fljoú Mrs. K. F. Mils have been entertainmg tbeir parents, Mr. and Mis. F. S. H;M, of Detrodit, during the week. Mrs. Aicihüba:l Jotonfion, of St. Xul Müm., has been in the city during the week, eaSWd here by the death of her fat-her C. Ejiiss. Mr. aaAl Mrs. Wni. BcilUeede were called to Berlijn, Oöt., a iew day's sünce by tltue deatli of her mother, Mrá. Jacoft) Leifcke. Miss Miinnie Haskins, who has been t.lie guest of Mrs. O. E. Butt&rfiie"ld several weeks, reburned ]wme to Brad'ford, Yt.. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jotan W. Bennett have been entert aining Mr. L. C. Sabin, U. S. E'ngineer at Sauüt Sbe. Harte, whio is a ü. of M. gradúate. C. E. Woeden, famitilarty kniown as 'Kd," of San Fï-anciBoo., Cal1., is visttSog liis parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Wói-diein, few a few days. Harry E. Parr anid "W. J. IvJrby, two promilnent typo's of tihO city, were catclhliiiïg iish at Strawberry Lakc t-ho first of the week.


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