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A oomptete directory of LávingsHO'u oounty ira be.Lng coanpiled. BostiiKistc" l.akxl, oí Chelsea, took In the Gra.nt Memoriial services. Sthe-ep sheaffilng has comnieuced fn t-lifc soul hem portáon of the eounty. There waro toar saloons !m. Dexter latsi year- fou-r utí.fs year, just tbe sanie, Towr. Clrvk Barley bae had a new safe in bis office by tbe township o f Solo. Greocige Burklnard has bought the Freo Press ageney at BaYame, af Don JJaW! i'.IK'C. Geoqge Moaré, over at Mooreville, lías set out 10,000 etrawtoerry pla.nts thiLS spring. Xexfc week the laidies of tbe Clielsea M. E. Chmrch will hold tüedr animal flower festival Thiere were eiIiteen; canfiiriued in the GeTiraau Evaaigelioal church, at Dexter, Suod'ay. The Lake BJfdge Ball CIu is tt give a da.nce ou Frilday eveniing, aiJ the hall Ihi tba-t place. Jiohni G. ScTimiidlt ot Chelsea, had hliis arin briokeu tía.O oher öay by ji kiek ínom a horse. Tie cemertei'y at S-aliine hae been bea-iitaned by the settimg out of a qrjaratiity cHf trees tlierein. SMBr. and Mrs. Geo: Dell, af Saliine, Ikivu a ten pomiíl Dell oí th male persuasión at tlieilr borne. The Salilne ObsetTer has moved lo new and miore oommodüouá rjuarters, jve' th corner drug store. Tbe Mlton Leader wants a bieycle patai betwie.en that place and Mooreville. So say we all oí us1. Mrs. J. K. Campbell told a g-atliei"itig of fanners at Azalila Moaday, hhe object and aim of tlie Grange. Tne Glazief S'fcove Co. of Chelsea, found lt aecessairy to biüld a new additaioii 40 by 50 ft. in, size to their íactory. Ker. J. A. SwenJc and famüy, of Whittiaker, and Miss Cora Iyamkiln h.ave gone t Jaokisoia to visút friends a time. Jollín Flood purobased tbe oíd Appleton property oin Ann Arbor tst., Dext-er, wtffll iix rt -a-p and nwve into the same eoou. Tbe people of Dexter tove concluded to joLn with "Ölue G. A. R. post oí thiat place iin appnopriately observling Decoi'atiicm Day. E. B. Stone, -ïVhio hiais Hve'di oo; the oíd Harmon farm in Atigusta, foir the patst l-l years, contemplates removtng to Gratud Eapdida Juüge af Probate Xewkirk will deliiver t'he -It.h of July oratáoa at Milán tliis year.- Saliae Observer. Doinffc you beUevO it. The scihool benard was kept to sessiion until 11 o'clock Wedaiesday ni&ht consitdferinig 30 applications for princápal.- Wayne Tieviiew. Chías. Horton and family returned incme to Mooievüle, irom Florida, recently, in íar better ñealth and spirilts than whien he went there. Tbe fi'rst econoimiJcal measure farmers can reaart to-, fia fiaO early spriaig, Ís íor aeighborhood to puit their road'3 in good condiition. Albert D. Mitdbell, oí BrïdgeW'ater, was recenltly sumunonieid' to appear in flhe U. S. oo-urt at Chicago agaibist a üakelinn that has beemi defrandiaig peopleBrío. Tbomipsoai, o'f tiue Dexter Leader, wiill bave to remiove Mt.; P. J. Lielimiam frum Charlev4x counlty for he says he cam't serve. tiwo coumtiies aifc once. Tbe Pinckney scüiioiol celebrated Artoor Day an Frildlay last and after appnopr.iiate exeircilses in the upper rooms a jiumber oí íúne tree were planted.- Dispatdh. Geioiige H. Whütitag, wlhiO fesMed lm Ann Arbor tiOTvn, led Mlay 4th, ■aged 62 years, and wae baráisd on Tbursday afteraiOiOin in Forest Hill cem'eterj' Ann Aribor cirty. Ií the bs3niess mea o f Dexter will agTee to take 225 elecbric liglute, and will giive tbe priivllege of ere&ting poles, etc., a coinpainy agrees to a pla-nt ín Dhiafc toiwn. Brfglbtxm 13 to have ai G, A. K. mionoiment, and ii-s tirying to raise mifuney to pay tte i-reiglit oa the guns giTen by the' autbocities at Wasibüngtjoin, D. C. Dot tibe same. Tbere is more b'usiti'ess done to tbe square im-üi U Mlton tlian in any ether tiOwn in tilie state. TbiB is official. -Milán Tjcadc-r. We are n-ow prepared to bear {ronni fuie Ghelseai papers. Tbere ivas about $15,000 wortb of ■building done bere last year, and a íairiy good. seaí-oni bas already opened for this yeair- protoably $6,000 or $7,000 wartlh storted.- Mtlan LeaxlOr. Boy H. Marsh, bou o r'Dick" Marsli íormerly of Saline, was marriied at Lamaing on Thuirsd'ay April 29th, vo Mtss Marión K. Bialston. Th,ey are racAv at borne to Wiir prienda at 412 S. Grauwt st. It is reponed Uhat F. B. Lo've, oí Mlartion, lias a sheep í-hat dcvas noit lïke 'to' see the lanubs wiitli lomg tails, stie dte-tails tliam, oe ia other wtorflB eats tfcuem off. Who can beat tbat for a sheep?- PKnckaey Dispatch. That's a woaittertol eheep tale ! GeiO'. M. Cottom. of Oaaiton, was ins'í.ntly killed by ligüituing ous day last week. He was etandltag i-a his tana cturitag a rain eborm, whea the electirjie current struck him.- "Wayne KeA-ilew. Went off like gun cotton, 'frimstanoe. The wiool clip in thls eection. is movtog rathier earlier in tlie tJian ■usnial, quite a num-ber of farmers hiaving already süieared Uieir Bheep and dispiosed of tlne wool. Weaver and Watklns of MllSord nave been th.e prinoipal buyere so Jar.- Northvllle Record. Mre. Della HaWn'Oa bas a Floriüa air plant on a tree in hier yard) but whetiher tlie orchi'd' wijl be n,ble to eudinre tito vagaries of out1 Mic.Mgan wea'tiner reimaims to b& decided. Mrs. HaTni'OiL ts also expenimemting wltlx sonii; of tiiie S'ouitiuerm gnay moss wl.tali i.s another membar at the family of air plants. - NortiDville Record. AlUhiougli it is eome tune to Germaji Day, arrangements arO already beïng made for celebra tüain of tlliat d'ay hre aext Augást. The celetoratiDn. will bO held ín. Smkh's grove cm. tlhe Onelsea road, atoonit half a müle frorn tihij villaige. Everythiing is beimg done that will insu're, a t:g tiiimie.- Dextör Leader. The seooind annvual Field Iay of t!he Hioiell athletóc club will be held at Howell on Saturday, May 22d. The ereat wiH oojuïist oif running, jumping, biijcle riding, hammer Throwimg-, etc, and may be cetered by ainyionO w!ho has attendied the schools oí Livingston couinty du'riog ttlie past yeair. Fio'r furtiher particulars apr ply to H. P. Fannlliani, sec'y. iartin Pïedfle of Froedam, Washtenaw county, committe'd suicide by li-unging.- Grase Lake Xews. Suppiosilig 3ije did, whab oí it ? Up at Grass Lake acootfding to your own W'ords, eva the hofses (jet tired of livlmg and hang themselves : "James ICelley's horee, kept ia the stiaible on the Vinkle premttses on West Main et., oaiugfhlt its lreati In the hay chute oí the srtlall aiad was iofund dead AVednesdiay mo3ng. The animal literally iiaune ïtseli." Thiore setíins to be no KympaUiy expressed tlie three Buidge-water tionglus iviio were BMitemceil by Judge Kimme last week, alttiiouigfli. one " as giren "MiO extivmo Bemtence of liilíe l'mpiïiiainrnt. On the ottoer iuamid the expnessiioin, "served "hem niigüift," la often tuaaasd. The ptuatslimcrot of thiese mea w;ll be a wa.Tnliií;- to any othiers wliio may have a similar tliiouight Ín fcheir head. An exalMiige saiyis t'h.-i i "(-:y paper iia the state oh u!ld pujbl&sh that bui-nt ccvm iis giaaél íor hog cholera. It was (iilsoo;ea by buMiimg; a pilo of oonm belomg'iing to a 3BBtMlery. It ivas t.lwowií to tibe 5nogS' aadl eaicn by BePorO tihiat a nunbcr ol tlhean had bacín dyltag tnom choleca bilt tllie l':ir,-is, iüiinuvüatcly diaappeaTietí). Iti is kt simple a remetly t'hívt 6t can be eaíily fc-fel. A cutíjous sigli'b oía t'Jie utree ts of Hougli'toin tlie otïier ttoy was a. womian leadding a ahflld whiose face anü nadir T-ero perfectly greea, iai i'act, a Tery pretty grcon. Wlnan inqmi'ring. If t'ho cüi'ilü vas ïo"".a thati way, oí oourse nab, t'he niotilier a:nvevocl. 1 was öyeilig so me oa.rpeib rags ainl had a tufo oí dyes, the chllld wats ylayiing tind backïng up to 'Jhe tuib, fell ini ; nw I ca.iu't get ilt oif ! We have seen eggs and dliiilckens oolared, but Krtuo ever saw a cliUd: Uikei thö eme ? It was Eaiafcer M'Ltüi. a vemgeancBi wifh


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