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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FliVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majartfty oí" eufferers from Aflühma 'and kiaidred eomplaiíats, after -trying doctors and numterless remedie advertísed as positiva cures witfoout avail, toa ve come 1x the comclusiioin bhat there la no cure Por this inoet dSstressimg disease, and these sama persons wül be t-lie more im doaibt and t-kep tial wïuen they learn tlirougb Vine colunias oí the pi'ess that Dr. Budolpli Schiiífmanii, tlie recognized apthioirity wlio has treated more case oí Míese diseases th&n any lh-ing doctor, has aehLeved success by perfecting a remedy whtoh notfc only glves lmmediato relief la the worst cases, fout has posiltively cured thousands of eufferers wlio were consódered incurable. vere Just as skeptiical as gome of our readers now are. Dr. Scüllmanii's remedy no dioubfc possesaes tb merit whitoh is claimed for It or h would njot authiorize tais paper to anmonnce that h& ís niOt only willing bo gvve free %o each pereon suffering ínom Astíhma, Hay TTever of Bron.dhitis lv Hhls city, oae liberal "frea trial lox" of 3x1)3 Cure1, but nrgentíy requests a.11 sufferers tio cali at Goodyear's Drug Store. Ann Arbor, witlhln tjie next three days and receive a package absolutely free of charge, knowmg tihnt in making the claim he dioes for fris Cure, a strong doubt mny arise In thie múnls oí many, and fcHnat a personal test, as he oífers to all, will be more cotn-incing, and prove lts merits, than the publishlng of thouisands of test;monials from persons who hiave lwen pe'-'m.Tnently cured by tlie use of hila Asthmia Cure. "Dr. Stíhiiffmrnm's Asthma Cure," a It Is called, lias been sold by dmggist of th!'s city eversince it waa flrst latroduced, althoueh many persons may nerer have heard of It, arad' it is wlth a view to reatíhiwr the- that he makes tíhSB offer. Thts is certainly a moí-f generouis a.nd faíf offer, and I all who are eufferilng froim ainy of th above complainbs slionld remember the date and place wTiere the dltTilbution will bs made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons living out of tfliis city who desire to test the effücacy of tnls most womderful remedy wfll receive a package freo by wrlttng to Ir. Bchiffmiinn, 330 Rosabel street. St. Paul. Mimn., provtdimg thelr letter is recelved before Oct. 16tih, as no free samples can b obbalned after that date. LESS TH1N ONE GENT ESC ARJIRF Í1HANRF FOR subscribers none unonüL old and new. 156 POR $1.50 An arrangement Just made with The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some raoney for every reader who takes advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furuish THE ÍN ARBOR COURIER i AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. Hu Iéb-M Frse ■ Press Is thp Best Possible Substitute for a Daily Paper. Pobllshed on Tumlay and Fridar Mornings la time to catch the Early Train. All the l.ütcst News p to the time of going to press. Complete Market Keports in each isssue. All wlio cannot get a Daily should Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper. The Free Presa is offertug Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, and you ean easily save the cost of both papers by taking advantage of THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBED. WKITE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way ('an Tou (Jet As Much For So tittle Jloncy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order t,o assist the thousands of unemployed men in Chicago, the Workingmen's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnlsh men to farmers and otliers in all parts of the country without exppnse to either. limployers applylng should state deflniteiy as to the kinil of work, wages to be paid, and if railway fare wlll be advanced. Address, Labor Buheau, Workinojikn's Home, 42 Custom House Place, Tal. Harrison 243. Chicago, 111. SALT Barrel Salt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN& CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STKEKT. 52-3ml7


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