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A proguam party at Graoger's Batunlay eveaing., alter tlhe concert, ïrom 9 to 12. ülrs. B'Otbd ts. the L. ö. & ü- S. R'y hais takea the tübn of vhe cü'cuit oourt t;h)B week sa iai". The employés oí the Aun. Artcor Street Baïlway swung oiut la brtght aew umifOTnis this maniLng. lite alarm oï fifre early thto aomitog was oaiuseü by a bunwing cJutainey at tto tome oí M1. J. Mapbitt om N. Foarth. ave. No damage. Appropos of tbs May Festival : Batpon (severely)-Wtoy don't you aliovv me a seát ? (blandly)_-ffe are jiot ia thie cario bu-siness. iMiary F., daugbiter oí Mr., aad Mre. Wm, A Orosby, oí 14tli Bit., dlied on Frid'ay laiSt, aged 9 years. Funeral services ware held! Suaday ïrom "tlie resóidieiwe. E. L. Ntarós. law '03 aoid a iormer Iifeh scluool student, was shot and lulled at Presofftt, Ariaona, Sunday, ty escapiag; cunviietet He was an excellent student wliifle here. The veoeilpts al tlue Aun Arbcw R'y inam Jan. 1, to liay 7, was $440,494, agaamst $388,366 for thfl ea-me oi Ï89G, to $350,227 lor '95. Thlis sluows a gi-aidmal inicrease. Mr. and Mrs. C. Xi. Yoot of Yps&ajiti, celsbraited the 35t.h a.nniversary oí fftieir miarriage oa Tuesday. ïhere ■vere som fort y ar ïifty people preserit, ilncluümg some Jroin Ann Anbor. Del'ilMi'be reircilimertts were serred, and a deliglitful time. onjoyed. Tbe U. S. SupirömO Occtn-t 3ias dec3ded thiat the patent on the Berllner trajusinLtter oL thie Bell Teleph.wne Co. u ;is mob fesued for 14 years aftcr tt was appliied for, and consequenlly will nnb run oub until 1908. No- wanere -will the aew company ítod itiself ? ■ ' ' The Aan Arbor Bleobrie Sb. ll-.ülv,-iy has made arcangemeiatiB to handle tlie c-'Ovls coming heffe tMs week. All ïineoimiing M. C. traías will toe met wïöh two oars, and ater t:ie concorts eiglït tOn eaxs wHll ba miassed iai fuoBlt oi tlhie Vnr.v-'iy to vake the people to lronies ax& to the i-ailvJ:uT siaijon. The layJaig M fl stone of gt. lihiomias1 cliurch on Somöfay Hay 30, wUl ea.U a g-"eat cnolw oi people to this city. Special tew,ina wül lo run fnotm ToledJ and Deit-roit, and the Catholic MÜltary compagnies of BetroiLt aro Oxpectéd heve. Rt. Kev. Eishiop Oí Porb AVayne, Inü., will lay thie connar stone. Dr. Mary 'AVood-Allea vdU sp&ak to the Ooingregatjunial ohurch next aay eventag, May 1G. Tbose wio tuav regrebted mot beiing able to near her bere-to-Jore, wiüll mow have the op.ptrtumiity. Tlnose wlio have been miare fortúnate vníl enjoy listening to ber agaiia, She always has some Interetimg and luelpful tlioughts. Subject. "Th. Beaitiüfile Visioa." Gemeral Sup't M'üls of th tar grouinds, says that aibout $50 has been expeaded at the fadr grouods in puUtdbg ft porti'oui, oi ttoe track in oomdiKd'aii foe bicycle training. I mea. are as beDffre welcome tw tilie -ase oii the track JKxr lr,Mng bttt they inlost nat drive YriffiMn ten ieet of ttoe pote. lï tbey do tliey wal be toü-bMöen tibe use of fehO track, ailnce tlhe track prepared few tlie wheelmen must bs prateoteii. On Tlïuwsday afbömotm last the DangïiteTis of thO Revolu,tioa met w.Jtli Mrs. Harry B. Hutabms, clected thireo new menibers, lísteaed ix a, paper wmiffeten by Mrs. A. C. McLauglxlm, a-iid read by Mrs. Jas. B. Angelí ; also to eevral aelightíul Tiaaal se.lecyoiis by Mrs. J. L. Batotíock, aud a very neat; response by .Mrs. Angelí upoia receiving a box o f roses f rom tjte order. The mext meetfing will b& lild: ni tüie íirst Thursday in Octoíber, witto, Mrs. Osvald, oí B. Huroa stí


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