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TRÜCKandSïORAGE Storage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc, in rooms or space. PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS CABEFULLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK. PRGEL DELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. i US il I t QL&tn f # Snoiahapoiis.oo.-on ino"il f i The Only Direct Route 5 Froiu All Pointe In I MICHIGAN AND CANADA T0 $ K Modern Sleeping Cars I Bfl A K (L onNightTralns. LIIYInj V PAÜLOlTcARS C iim AV I f O" Pay Tralns. f NJLAYj DAYTONj t !IHNiTland[öf flNDUNAPOLIS. l3S=j For rates and full information, address L Jd. B..TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., 5 W son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. á JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt., M 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. 3 D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, j P Carew Building, Cincinuati, Ohio. V flFYOUWANT J! ■ THE -BEST GARDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT PUR FAMOUS jtHij 'vi &jri m' all of which are described and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogue for 1896. A new feature this season is the Free delivery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to any Post Office. This " New Catalogue " we will mail on receipt of a 2-cent stamp, or to those who will state where they saw this advertisement, the Catalogue will be mailed Free ! PETER HENDERSON & CO. Ua 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., Mew York. _ mpp- - - ■ ■ , 1 "m ÏÖQ DOLLARS BV PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily and lionorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy , or girl can do the work handily, without oxpcrience. Talking unnecessary. Nothlng like it for moneymaklng ever offered bef ore. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everythiug needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you af;ainst failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. k Scicníifio American I M "ÍTTRADE "ARK8, Isii DESION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information and frec Handbook wrlte to OT7NN ft CO., 361 Broauway, NEW York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every pn tent taken out by us is brought before the publiu by a notlce given free oí ctiarge ia tnO JWtasfiffc vtrnimu Larpost clrpiilntlnn of any snlentiflc paper ín t1i9 world. Kpiendldly Ulustrateil. No intelligent manshovii wftbout il. Wectely rsoOa year; ■ ' -co. n"i - ■ ■ . '"'ir. MEN ÍND WOMEN HiwS er the íiontrftviltf fFn (;n Mavttf R. I., mferrs. of Normandifi Pliihes. Send 12 cents for samples, particularg, and secure ageney. Mention this paper. Sales-Agents Wanted t„r ! to m, and Heady .Hade (iothine by Samnli'. The very lowest priees for best elothin?. Liberal coramissions are pald, and eneraetic soHcitine agents can malte from one to tnree thousand dollars yearlv. Storekeepers can 8Upply theraselves without carrylng stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE TO CrEDITOES. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenavv, ss. Notice is hereby plven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made ou the 6th day of May A. D. 1897, slx months from that date were allowed for credltors to present there claims aeainst the estáte of James M. Willcoxson, late of said Couaty, deceased, and that all creditorR of siüd deceased are required to preseut their claims to said probate court, at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, for exaralnation and allovvance, on or before the 6th day of November next, and that such claims wlll be heard before said court on the 6th day of August and on tbe (ith day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, May fitli, A. D. 1897. H. Wikt Newkirk, Judge of Probate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier