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The Common Council Do Business

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The councM . r. ;led oif quite a lot Oí bnslmeae M mdiay erealng'. Thie matfter ol secnieüng a gravel bed was referred Do a co-mm'ittee comr Büsrtiing of Aids. KJoeti, Vand&Trarfker and Spathieli. Iievris Steinke ivas appolniteda peial policemuui. Thie ma titer of ; AUuirine St. from T. DtvlsJon ïo X. Stote Bt'. rw&s reterrad 1 i thie Fünance and Street oommirttees togethar witli the attoraiey. The keeptag o.f the city fundsi was a-warded to the Farmi?rs & MecbaofcB' ftank, at 2 3-1 per c-a:it. intereso on flaily balances, aul 0 pw cemfc. on ovei-d'rafts. The bank t.o caSli all lalbpr checks, when properly approVcó, wtttootut cast. A petitioii wars peeöïred ïck" opening W. An:i at., frain ïh3 Anu AnbpT B'y tratká to SeMentih sti'eet. The ordhianice relativo renuantoriaig tïiis residiepices1 and business places was '.-ead va.' tihÉrd tilme and pased. The sewer -was c.Mired ín d'iiltrict - 6. SEWER DISTRICT XO. 0. Sewer Distriot NioL 6, in tbie. 4tlh ward will take 9a tlu3 following streets : All stneets easfc oí a.nkl inludúig X. Sta'be st. to X. Inga.llsv st., and Oornwell place, and northi and sou tii bietwean E:. Aan a.nd Kmgsley gts. TMs iaifetrtot wil! run, down N. ötate eb. t niala eawetr on G. H. E. g round-. Arjjthei1 port on yrSÜ commence at Sta.te amia run diawii Et Arm st. to X. Blrtisioiii st., and dwn thsait to saailn. sewier, rumiHií nadar 'Xie sideTyalk ÉUTter reaclmmg Datro:3t t. Tbs third sectiO'.i wUl comimence tn E. Aun st. at X. Diviüion and;, run sHïeetiy dowa Ana st. Í) niaiiar sewr. Aa aimi of this BsotclDn svill comBit-nce at X. Dbiil-3 ia ui. on C3atli■.aa'üie, üoAvin wháeii it will run to the alley between N. FWh ama X. Pourtii Mes., titan om tLO alley Dcv E. Ann igt. Siiiorü wil] b; roa om X. FSiöln, X. FöuTtJo anü X. Jlaáa ste. Tiiils wi'll taks in tito beab poi.-tiiom o{ th. eward. It ougbt to far the good f tibe wand,, takO Jn tbs origimal tlisairilct, but a quairter la;i Ü3 batter 6oaa nio laaif, and, coists less. The (nly 'dra-ïvlïack is Hhia'fc tthe parijiKm Itlhiat renuadirüs uaaewred wiïl be at a StiantitiH for yeairs anii years to ome. Tiue committ'ee om seAvers 6et apart JCucme 2d, as a daj Hor hearing par,1te Jniterested in. the W. Iiberty st. se-wor. Toe Bum oí $325 was approprffatd tío grade W. Hur(cxru et', between Ttt st. a.nsdl the JOTtja ; amidl $50 to complete tDue curt)s!qg ia {riant oí Hanover square on Ditvisioia anid "Pactara sts. One n-imidned a-nd twentiy {t. of the alley souith of El Washilngtoni st. between 4tJi anid 5tihi aves., wasi otfiered pad, and $125 appnoprtla.'ted ïar grladtog Br&adlway, at UtuO corner oí Jomes et. I The petöltjon far paving th gutteT mi N. MaüQ st. was dieoiibd, was ■also tlhe petiïtSon. icnr openilng 14tih át. fnom Gedldes ave, to Volland st. A löe hydr&mt '.on Trasver at. was, dier itecl and oae on B. Hiütooi ait Felch ettt. rep-orlbed: "witliioriit reoomimeaicliaÍThe repoirb f the oity treia-aurer diowed a bala,noe on hand oí $6,604.53 The bandf af City Tpeasurbr B. L. was appnoiTOd, with, Moses Seabotlt, Daniel H-iaoock, Ma,rtin M. Seatnolt, Joilm E. Travis, Xelson J. Kyer, O. M. Martiö, Frederitok G. Sc.hleifcher a;ad Jiaanes H. Wadö es uretites. Alao Une lïquar bomd of ípper & Wiaoox, wifUh, Micbael BremDer and AV. E. "Walker aj suratüei, ; aanrt ilann Bras. druggSfets, wüth. FrederSck Scliimild afflid Heary 0". Mama sure'iiües. Tlue city clerk was omdereid ten proeiire mane chairs for the. counciil room. room. On motïon of Aid. Dell a commiittee oí tlireo to üivestiiate tiie gwwIng nuTisancs of th.e dliisposal of city Igisflbage, was appoirtted : Aids, Dell, SiO'oi-e and Daufo-rbli baiiig ths commiUee. Cd!ty Treasuirer Ifanly wa OTdered lo pay ■■ y imada bo Gïty T.-ea.-H ■.■!!■ Seylr. A comm; - c stettog cd A.ias. DeU. Koöh í.:i1 llii weus - 1 1 i . ": n-" - ir.-e optíone oa land adjoiiaIng ilie boulevard íor put)lifc pfljrk purGrOOd !


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