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Tiwee men, n-amed Callan.-, Bogle. and WiKlamaii-tlü'fO psnstty sood tone lo Aun Ai-bor- were Ueld tarto! ia Juátioe Pornd's court Mpnday, Luim1 sent to Jaffl Sn deiault of $1,000 b.i,:;i oack. Thtey are. chai-ged ty M:-s. Dundavey, of W&beteir vowiishilp, vrïtii steallmg wli&at {rom lier bam. , '. . I On Tiiun-sitay evenüng. Ma-y 13, at tbc bome of tlio bHJe'a pareats on W. TMifth st.. Miss Mary D. Stiller m Jomatilian XriMiammer were mrüteid ii: majrrlage by E.ev. Jota "eumajin. Only 2mmedlBa.te friends and relertSves w-are preseaut, awï a íme wwddáing snpper was eeirrod. The pneseaits 'wwe numerius amd) beautiTul, and the couple start off i'a lite wíií.h Rostís of weil H. L,. Oome, a medital student who ïüved at 17 Voltead tít., is aceused by M:'s. 0tt9 oí seUdtag oíl all tïiedr ho'-useliolö goods and furniJture, akIlng tilieir 15 mnltius oíd ciliild and departStag to parts uniknüiwn, leaving her luero destirute. Sheriff Judsoa trucked hlm a-3 lar as Toledo. She tSnlfca he lias gome to Ms home In Flia:-ida, and if poissitile ölue proposes to follow üiim, secure lier child. Tlie animal elcctiou oí office:-á of tlio Y. W. 0. A. wUl ta held Möndtiy evaning Mey i'-i. Th reports of tih-i officiers of t!ne past yeair wlU be given, and at t.tuai close the election, soni'e euggasüicaiiS will f3 lisleméd tin. in regaird oo s&veraJ mattiers of iaterest tor tlhie samnier mdntlhB. A claas in embroWWy ts Deifmg orgaaiized. Por infoa'niaUoii Ln regard tío tais consult toe secretary or iliss Markham'. "Thie Aim Oonu-ïar is put-' timg on a goiO'd deal of styla over its nitfw güri tnaby."- Gnass Lake News. Of oomrse. U's tibie fjimest baby in Amienilca- except penhaps lts little bnoitflüer.- Courier. Twini.?, by hokey ! Well, -wouldin'b tfiuat .loable you up ?- Adxïaai Piess. Ifc miigltt. Queer ttünigs happen some times, lint Bee üere. Tina little toother rot some itwo yaars tilie start oï luis llttle sister. Twiïuie tiiat aroand your pen oud start in again. J. C. Widoox, accoiup.i.i:' ■;! !y Mre. Wlloox, were guiests afc ühe Amerïcan Hulosa durjng iii2 Siiay Peetival. Mr. W. Sa tho mnsicail c-Hic ai tihe 3er troEft Tnlbumie ani'J aiboir oï th musical moiitllily tlue OMieert (}aer, of .Detroit. In t-íls past jus had 1i:b Jucügment warpced somewhat by iifi Ietix:'t euviTO.iwnent, bat tuis yeew Vtere beSng jid gnaat eveufc isi De: tu íollow tte M.ay Fesfaitval, l)a was by Lai' leiss criibieal artil avere ín ihis report of t'lie ewemt. The Arm Arbor amd Ypsiianti ïilecbric Coiupany mads a ehange oï titne sc'hediulc. lnst Momdiaj'. A (5:00 a. m. matior was added whitoh, leaves Ann Ai'boir al 6:35 a. m. Tlue 7 o'clock moitor lea'ves Ypsilain'ti at 7:10 a. m. airid Aun Arbor art 7:45 a, ni. The 11 a. m. mobor leaves YpsilaDtii at 11:10 a m. and Aan Artjor at ll;50 a. m. There is also a Sunüay moirnüng mo'toir leia-ing Ypsilanti at i9:00 o'cl'ock, so as to cormect wiithj the Ann A'nboir trato for Zuikey Lake. Trade ís neier to'o fyood to euit the nneTohiaait ; the manufacturen had nalthier liarle mere orders thaa he can fill than less thaa he cam fill No Parmer ever aad a; cotv that was. tuo good ; a horse thiat was too useful ; a goiod fanmiing implememt that lasted too long. ThiB list migïijt be tiimed to the end of a lang chapteirl We will end the list by asking if any orae ever rode ora a htlgtavay that was too good " Tluea get a move on. and builld beitiber poads Olüver Mairtin's new store, on S. Ficurtlhi ave., whiitah was held' back so long íor tibe arrüval of an eye-beam Ís n!OTr oompleted ood occupiíed by Hc-biisoia & Son's Tina establsshmieat je no'w thíe largest andi finest of lite kind In t'liis part of the stalte. It occupïes three íull stares, Tinmüng back fpo'm Pourt't ave. to thc alley, and everythiilmg about it üs íq firet-class Shlape. Ttuey have üorty-two hor&es whcfch arO kept on tlve 2A ilO'or, aa'i thíe caortages and all othier necessaTy omfcíliits are upoa the fairst. It ís uniderstood thlaA Amn Arb-o-r, is to lose Jota B. MGimeír and iamily. The statemiaiut is made that he !ias so fallón in lo ve -n-iibh, Los Angeles and Passadena, Cal., tnat he wai lócate the;e ponmajnionitly, and rent or othenvise disposO of hds property here. John Uitoe llliiniw will remata hefl'e and look attsr the extemsilve real estáte Jateresta of Imb {ather. If this is eo, the mewa will be generally i-eg-ret)tec'. for Jo-hn E. 16 a. general íavorübe aand Anai Arbor people will diislike to piart oompany withi bo genial and gemsrous a cábizen.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier