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The Comers And Goers

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Lewis M. Mille:-, of Liamstng, is in the ci'ty. Dr. Bert Rutlwuif, of Huron, Oiiio, took in the M:iy Festival. Cap. aod Mrs. Eass Grauger are speodüng tihie week ia Detroit. Jonathan Spraguo went to Grand BapJdls Monday, on business . Dr. E. D. Erooks was called' to XiansiDg professi'Onally Monctey. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester was lm attettdamce upcm court Priday. Mr. and Mrs. Deo D&uglass, o{ Toled, wiere. ia the oilty over Sainday. F. H. Schau is ia Tiffin, Oüio, --iBit4ng W. I. Adams and family. Miifes Auna Howe, oí Dorchest&r, Mass., is the guesb oí Irdteiwïs here. Mitas Mabel Raudolpíi, oí Toledo, was in the city owr Bunday and Monïay. ■Miss Alteo McMohiotn, oi Pinckney, a"Ötnded tlhie May Festilval here last ,-vreék. Mfes Smiitih or the Alpha Phi house is entert aitómg her incrther froon Oassöpolis. Judge C. B. Gran and, iamSy enioyed tilie FeátiMal ooncei-te here last 'week. Fraouk Oorm-vvell 1110 bas been In Old Mexico ior soms tiitne, iuasreiuriied lome. David Heane oí New York Gilty, lias teeii vLsi'ting liis pare-nts liere üuring ttue Teek. Mre. Fnaaik Diinlaxy, oï Püuckney, -n-as a guest oti Ann Arfoolr friends last week. Among the May Festival vteitors bas been Mrs. Bugene Iv. Frueauff, oí Otvosso. Dr. C. G. Datrltoig was vislted by Dr. L. C. SniEbh,, oí Marshall, otn ïYiday last. Dr. J. H. Pearaon., oS Detroit st„ has been aiü Weefc Miltion, Ohdo, dur■ing tbe week. Boibert E. Park, formerly ol th.e Tribune, represenlted thfi Detro't ííews üuiritoB Hie Festdmal. Dr. L. A. Wairsabo, of Ooadwaterf acoampaníed by hiiis daughber, were .Mby Festival viisitiol:-s. IMiss Mary B. H'ollieter, oí Toledo, represented tiio Blade oí that city at tihe May Festival. H. Pxettynïaia lnas been entertainülng Dr. Harry O'Dell oí Toled, for severaul dayfi paab. Miss Bkioclie HoUSdlay oi Battle Cneek, wats a gueab of ïrfeadB here öiiilog the Festival. iMi. Ready ara! daugliiter Besste, ol Bay Oi'ty, liare been guests of Mre. 'Mi'ller (luJjmg thie week. Misa Floi-a Husüoa, oí Detroit, was tlie gaest af Mts. Mot-ris, oï S. State ets., during tte . Festtvial. Miaa lla'ud Upleger, of Mt. Clemeais, was tilie gaeat of iüea Flora Ktck, during tlie puist week. Mj.iá MaTel otf Itetroiit, is the guest ol Mrs. B. A. Kefith of S. Thayer st., io eavral dia-ys. C, W. Jolmson, of Munimery'6 dJ"ug store, spenit Saturdiay and Suuday at hiig bome iui DefLance, Ohio. Regent and Mtb. W. J. Cocker, oï Ad'riiam. were gu-eats aï Ana Arbor iriendö daniliig ttte Mlaiy Festival. Mltss Carri-e L. Dicken, o({ the patilic sotuolols, enltaertamed Miss Pearl HowEll, oï Flhib, duTimg tto Festiwal. A. J. Waters dsrove over fnom Maiwliester Friid'ay, durtog the elegant display oí rato and mud. Miss Clara deWolf of Chdbago, has een tfh.e guieát oí fLs.s M. A. Wells, ot' Felch sfc., for a few diays past. I)'". Bnjebt of the Itcaneopatliiic hospital, was calleil to Kt. Lomle Satur(toy, by tlLo sudUen death of his mothei'. IW. U. Stitokuey ■wenït to Oiieboygan and the noirthiam pa-rt of the ta'te Mtomday for a stay of some m. Mr. aaid Mts. Wm. G-aoiiy&ar fcnterainietl his Bister Mrs. Chas. J. Pateraoa, ol DetToLt, diirteg tli8 past vcek. The Misses G-emei", oí B. Madieom 1., entertain'ed Mrs. C. Wallraff, of Oianid Kapiilds, du'rtng the May Pes■fïviaa. Mise Caroline Tiniberlake, of Jacksoin, was tlhe oí Prof. K. H-. Kempf and family diuring Festival week. Mts. Ii Reynolds, oí Grtand Kapids has been the guest of Mrs. Thos, Hayey of E. Univergjty ave., for a few days. Chas. F. Meyere aiml faMÍly cnterainei Messrs. HJeiinrUih, Meyers and Pired Zeiglar, ol Adriam, d uring the Festival Rev. T. W. Young left last eveniug for ïMfttrtwUTg, Pa., to atteaid! tlie Baptist General Comrention in session thene. Miss Edfiltin Creg1, of Xapoleon, Jackson caumty. was entei-tained duriHS tttue week past by her bnother TV alter Cnegio. Prof aad Jlns. Joümsoii of DetraLt, luave been t3ie guests of tueic parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam'uel Hendrickson, of S. State st. .■Maoy ei tihie May rest.ijval vMtots remiaiiined oier 6uaday, and our dwiirchea vrere well filled witü Btramgers oin ttuait day. Mr, and Mrs. M. F, Yocnim of Jacksou were vfeiting Mrs. Yocum's Bister Mrs. T"rOd A. H'O'Wletfct, durimg Satiwday and Sunday. Mirs. Alfred E. Beal, or De.troé)t itas been tlhe guaat oï hon d&ughter Mrs. Herbero A. 'Wülilamis and famiily 'during tlke week. Among tdie Mlay Festival gueets wias F. E. Edtterte, ai Battla Oreek. who, contempla-tes entering the Univ veiviity tlhie com'iiag: yaar. Mr. and Mrs. Elnier E. Beal, eojtertadimed Miisa PhO'a(b& Beaa, of NortliTille, aaid Airs. Mawlan Jemkins, of Portland, diuring tihe Feetdu-al. Mrs. L. Z. "WiUbur, of Baetl Creek nas been tlia gaedt of her sister Miss DLxio M'ulvatiey, oi E. Ancn st., for seTeral days during the week past. 'Miss Helen Salyer was given a very pleasant. surprise Safcuxtlay evening by aibout t went y of hier frijemdB m Ypsülaritr. loe creaon and cake were served. Emítoenl Oommemdier Jas. R. Bacil Kn:-'hits Templar and Pasfc E. C W W. Watts aire in attendtmce apon the Gri'ainld Oommandery in sessiion at Dei'iiojt yesterday an-J) tof-day. Dep-uty E.. E. Com. Wedeineyer re fccimed bo Aan ArT3ir Jrom Visa na, ïjio'mal B. B. Com's oonveutiton at öt. LCuüs last Satuirdlay ni'Oirniiag, much ömpressed wiöh St. Louis hospitaiity. Prof. A. A. Stanley leaves Ana Arbor fo-r New York on üaa 20th, of June, where he wffll meet with the M'iisifc Teatíhei-s Xatioaal Assoctation and reads a papear. Vrolm the-re. he wiMl go to Boston, Providiesnce, etc, an;d will sa'H for Btipop-a Jumia 30. tlluose who took ia and appTeciiated tiue May Festival was Theo. Quiniby, thi& mamagiing editor of the Detnoiit Free Press. Mr. Qaimiby, though yorung tn years te old ia good jadgmemt, and oocupies one ol the most respomsible posiltions ia Miciaiga ae-n-spaperdom Do-diay. Proi. J. J. McClellain, of Salb Lake City. Utaih,, who maidiO for Jiimself a line reputaitüoa as aa organist wnile liero atleniding the Uniiersity and School of Jiiisic, caime to Amn Arbor last week be prasenit at tite May Festival. He was the Jonnet; organist oí St. Thomas' cfaurch, a.nid om Siiaidlay la-gt his old ïriemds were deliuliibed. to sse hilm im his oid place agaiïi.


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