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The Comers And Goers

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Miss Elïzabetk Dean lias bcseai Ut Saaïfc Ste MaiSe ditiriiinig tb week. A jon-ag san toas come iinto the luousebold of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hiscock. 3Ii-s. E. A. Beal wemffc to Poortlauö toJd'ay te be pi'eseat at tte niarriage bi a n.ephit(w. Guy I). Newton of Toledo, spemjt Sttiiday wáitb Mb inofther, vrho Uves o ii Gait'h arïiie s t . Miss Maiöon Frazer oí S. Fittb ave., is Tïsiting relativee and Jriends a.t Flmit ainc Fluistüing. Frank Yott, fonnrly with. Murainery, lias takea a poaiüton in Beal's drug store, ypsiaia-atöi. Granïl Lectutrer L. C. Goodrich, repoTts au excellesnt tripto Allegan and lvalamaaoa, lat week. Col. a;nd Mrs. H. S. Etean ed Mi's. Adelle Hazle tt d uring her stay in tiae city Monda y . Paul (. Bne&ey a ml f a müy have retumed trom G-ernianj", und will vemain in thio city {ar a time. Maj. HarrisoD Souie weat to Owosso SatuniSay to atteiwl thie funeral of "tlLö late H'Jii. Geo. M. Dewey. Emery Ii. Beal was in vha city "tiiis imioiniii-usi, on hi. way to PortLan'd, pvbane be is to be miaimjöii tw-day. rM-ns. S. W. Bsakes Jias beaui eaïtert-ainilng: Mns. Lawsosi and Mts. La Fei't-e, of Dafcroït, duriing t)iii3 we-ek. Sd.aooi Comniifcsi'oner Cavaniiu-gti wetat to Saline yiesteirdfay miornfing, to vlisït t.te sahioals lm uhat -vicinity. 1!. F. OBlniger, oí üansitag, was iu tlie olty Saadlay and Mnday. H oame over and reburned up:n Iiis -vheel. Editar James E. Gaar oí Dundee, was ;ï ttoe city lianöay óo witmess the lading oS tías cocinar tone of St. Thomas' ehairch. Jiïdlge Xewikrk will leaiá íor Bufialo, N. Y., Saluïdlay, wtuere he will be dctaiwad by bxstoess uatil tlie HtJaxUe ou the following week. Mrs. Balsley and Miss ilabel Haz firü, wtoo lïave been. guiests of Mrs E. A. KeUhhi oï S. Thayer st., returnréü luo'ine ti Detroit Moaday evenitng AV. C. Spxaigue, wife and soa oí De troit, wene ia tto city O'ver. Sunduy Mr. Bpnagtte is ttue president oï the larg-est. correspcmidieni) law scliool in the 'woTld. ■Mrs. Heraniaa Krapf, of Detroit (t. las agaiin fracturecl the bons. af her left leg. Tte is thie foarth ttame' she lias been sa un)6oirtu'aate.. In lier jn&fortuaes she certaiitly has the deep íynipatihy of ma-ny ïrianidfi. Mr. and Mns. Janres L. Babcock let't oa Thnmsctay, last far New Haven ■Cü, Boetom, Mass., and Xew York City. They wHl b absamiD ;'ü:- t-ra! weeks wliea they especfc ta re'tum anti! go to Yaukes::i:i. WL.j id ' a m-omth. or two. .0 H. ];i;:rM!l has baan iai atiéndante upan : - : sor i tlie past tea ■ m -■-r in dfefeuding a $30,000 ' aainage stuit bnaugfiit agalnst tlie M. C. E"J! b.'caiise of uh,a djath of Bji■ G ■ urge Peppeíüt. i-iiii:1. i rrisey, presJdattt of Notre Dame Uudiveinrfty, tlie distlngT.i-lisd tliAlni' whiO deliveredthe most excelleiiL address at tlie laying ui the corner stome of St. TaonnaH cluurcli Siinday. is a watm personal irítend of out own di:st.2nguiSh,ed president, Ja. B. Angail. Guv. l'ïiïgree was in 'uiit?. cüty yesterü'ay in ooiiisultafciiO'ii wirfh Prol. H. 0. Atliani.s statástiolaa íor the Interstate Cömjnerce CommMooi, with Pnof. E. F. Jotomsoa, eeciretiary of tihe ïmv íaculty, Sbs&rifff Judisan, and ot'hers liier.e. He was ia searoh' of eome iilgures r,eUutive t tlhb railroadls.


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