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Is This Theory True?

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'Jo yon know, tíiat I believ-e there ts the causa o; tho afcriingent tiimes, mot omly wiiiMi ma ho-.'o in Aan Arbor, buk all over titte cauinitry ?" said a wieli toown gentleman, watt is ín the foabiitv al lookinig iato fchlngs, the otheiY day, p-oiütiiing to several bïcycles ■wlüiclh wero cELspHayedi iia i'ronit oí a store. "Why so '?" ■wias askedi "There are several reasons," lie answered. "The firsib reason ís that people buy th&m wbO' ouight uot to. People will lat Uhieir hoaiest üebts go and purohase a whieel for ttoem-. selYes, and often foc xtveür families, also." "ís ití n-ot tru-e that suc'h. people ffiffuM buy soonetihiinlg ií fchey di'l not buy wteels ?" iiiquáred xhe llsIttíEigr. "Pefbaps so. Biuti they coulü purdhaso ottuer thiinlgs and not hurt thO towm t)he way tbíB does," was the reply. , "But hOAV does purciia&üng wheels liíurt tJie to'wn ?". "Well, see tere. How many wheels do you supposethet'e ae owiott iiu tibils oity ?" "Thlalt's a d'iffiíoult questiou toi ans"wer, but I shioiïld judge at a rough eiStimate. 3,000." "Juáb for llluatnatíoai iré will eay thtere are 3,000 bácycles ownedl in Hihia oiíty. Oa a low averageí tiliey oost $50 eatíh,, that makes $150,000 tinvestied in bieycles luare ia Ann, Arbior. I belitevie thiere ils üfcmble tJiat amouint, buít thiat fls matter. Wlieu-O tata thiat $150,000 gone t? ■V'ery liibtla oif it ia retainedj ini the haincDs of aay one heire atl home. ït lias -nearty all giomei to the. otties ■whiare thO íaíft'ar'ie'S are. It ie a üead lass to us. AMlien a man tmys a hicxnse, tlhO motiey he pays for fct rem'a-i'nis hiere ar gioies to some farmer in thie vicLnity. The oíate ana 'hiay anid feed tliaít he buya toi maintlain tlhie hoirse rema.ilras at. home oí'. ín 'tlho Tioilníty, but for tihis steel steed nearly every penmy repatre alsio goes off to thie ïaytory iiu some city, so Irt la a coróinmied' dirain, and tJiere ts no wn-y t!oi couuiníbec'act ilt. It íb nll pay ouifc anid! no pay jm. The moimey leaves us far Lood', aniík goes toi ■buiiW up and eniricli so.mO other commumity, wheriethey were enterpi-isitaig enO'uigh and giiptedi witto suffiicienlt foresíight to sae the Ürifti and tiake adA'ainitiag off it by goiiug into tlhe bueinass r manjuBaoturimg the ■wihieeS." '■Yes, but yau musít rememlber. thiat niaiay of 'ühese w.helis are )iat owned by oun" oütiiizeias but by atudenits." "Gnant tlaafc to be -orue, iit makee IWtle diffenence. Tiie student who 'Owins a AVhieel takes tlha.t much mon■ey away fnam here. What he pays flor th,at waulxl otnerwíbe haive Taeea pMd ta livmen, oír for car iflare, ar far some'thiinig else. It is just sa rauch moaiey dinawa away íi-om erar merchants aoá busüness men. Evei-y wheel purchaseU! takes just bo muoh. mioaey away from,t!iie aveniuee ■ai triado and transfers It to so me o't'lier place." And wlien yo:u come to t.liiiik it over ka not that abcfet the Sizë oí it ? The Times man enijoyed a pleasant yestierdlay a the home of F. B. and C. Braam, throe mütes ouit on the Dtxlbo'iio Paadi, tlie seat os the we 11 knowii Throe Oaks Dairy. It dloee mot seem iossi;bl)e tiliat there coaild be a bettei1 diairy farm tliam Thiera are 22 miilk-giving cowis, smany o i thexn ftniesti gnade Jerseys, and air the arranigeani&nits Jor liandling: anld dliistributing) the precioue fluid are mosb complete. The liirm has juist added ano t hier grade Jersey to1 the heird! and to-duy beginisi makinlg two rouinüs a day w'iiMi ilts erj" 'wiagioius.-


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier