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A Queer Will Found

A Queer Will Found image A Queer Will Found image
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'ilr' "Mollie" Benmett has got tto be a faraUia-r by-ward in1 ths !'!■! rourts of Yps&ajut, antlf tho pnobate aintt cü"cujfc cooirtá lisra, ïrom Dact thiat ia üíls way or ano-tfaei.V iit liiaii baea iacowrt neurly ever sdnce Ihe dea't.h or Müse Bemneitt, March 8 Uk, 1896. Thie íacte abaist tina casa are substatutilally as íollotww. TÍ13 iliscaseöi Mteürífcítita Bejnimertít, liived witli her liifiliei", bnown as "Doe." Bennötit, on a fai'm tivo infles northi of YpflSSanitiJ city, in Supariiorr townöhip. Dot. was tlirilfty anitl accumulated comsJHiei'ablie property, so ítaat when h.9 Ciï&d sama Bis or eig!h,b ago, betAveen tJie'tvvo t!iey wwnedi a íaim i 200 acres, well stocked and 'm good c ond'ltiiOTi. Aiter har broWier's dfextli a muUitt.o, mamad Jerome Seiiermer!h.orn, wiorkeö the farm a ml appeiw'ed uo nm l'lii.ragL-s to snit himself. The pLaoe was qu,3tO a resoi-fc few colore I pople, anid' hif-e soaneöhing oí an unBBTOTy repixtotaon as i'ar as moráis wet'o eoac&rnod. AYlveii "Mollfe'" (lied last. ye-.i", t.liere iwere no éüi-ect lies, and W wfll co'iild ba fouftrt, 90 thit thö property tad t'o go liafco ti'.iei hamd3 of au tidmlni-itnatior Frederick Gravas, and lüinionouis ttebant retati-es, couihis tlii'e or Jour remove?, eommeuced appearing to clailm! t)h.e property. Them Jerome Sohennerhorii brought sa'ii to recover eome Iwrsea and liive sítock lie claümed -was g-iivea him. Boro the dlaatli of th Boaiietifcs, anü also for serviices remdtered by iiiim on t'.ke farm, but widten !ie cliaiíneid1 were niever paild for. He won hii suilte, aa díid a giirl named Sadie Sliadleau, wta lived ab tibe h-ousO and claimed an am-onn lii3 liar for takíng care of M.!ls B&nnetit. Sh.e was allowed $125. 'Tlie claims preved ag-a.itaü-fc the estiate and allowed,, amounted to so mnei. tlnat the aitmiaiíKtL-ator had to anDrtg'age the ppoperty. for $2,000 to pay tbem off. It bas been rumpred'for eome tune ttot Mise Bemnett left a wJtt, but none ciould ever be foauid. Now ctoniiss a uew pUiaee En tíie nuitter. llr. George W. LoughrMge, bf Ypsilanlti1, a Bealer va tombstooes, etc., was callad Inbo ths Bennett hiome someftirae fia 1893, and' given a copy o f a will madte by Masa BmHctt, on or about Sept. lt, 1895. Th will as te uJpiail ít, u the tlm, ÍS aa foll'Ows : ■■ThLs iB to crti)fy thnt Jerüine Selbermertaorn slrould have what I lea ve üi regia rd to property and, real estlate aiwl houseliold goofls. I teive bo hton all tCiat I iiave under my ioc.k atiid key also in my euclO'Sure. Tliis paper sliouM mot b2 sbown ■uQttl niine montlLí after my. ' Tb was m.v brotïier Prank's w tumi ü Jerome.Sdlueirmerliorn Btayed wfcWi u3 tiluat lie Bhoald aarm wlmt was U-i i on ttbrs place andi tlie place. lt Is uiy w5áh.38 töuat ba shouM have It too. Ha Jnaa baeni i ma.n tliat has worfced luard for t'ü. I now U-.-ive two huoid)rOa dollars ítw MB (bmraal or mSua if ba H firsb 1b steil go iu ■ bis baria. II I d3 firsit, Martetta Benuett, it síiaU buy a íiKUkev nio. As ï ieave Wie balof üh.8 property to Jerome Sclierb i:ü I leave 1Ms wttli Mr. Geu. W. DougfcnMge. H made my moiir anaesLt auil put it on my' lot. This paper sliall not ba dlwwro tdll aftor ai:ln montilw a.fter my duiath. Je110 me hfi geite rattle-lieadedsometlmes ■böfaiie he buwws wSiati he is doáng he wüi Ieave hfe lioimia M I leave him and would no appreciate what I 1efb him. Tlua't wül Rive him a olwwice t,o see, w'luether I ara lWaig or whatfluer I a-mi nöt." (Sigued) MAEIBTTTA BENNETT. ■W'lbiLesses : Albert KJaapp, "Wm. Bwwe." At ttO tütoe of Miiss death the estáte was toTentoirteü at $800 (Continued on 8tb Page1) A OUEER WILL FOUND. (Continued frora lst page.) personal properby, and $8,000 real estáte. 16 Ite u aders bood tihat the two -witnesses metnitiiioned aboive are wllling to. swear tllLa't they iViltniessedi sueh a a wKU. aimd Lawrenoe & BuUterfi-eld of tihiis oilty, as attonnsy's foiP Schermwlinrn. w filie a pebition witlh tlio" Judge of Proibato to admát this wiill. a.n.d appoiinib Jerocm'e BchiermertuMii as aduVilniNstratioi". Hioariiag wlU be had' ia the probate court, oia July 2-ttlli, wlieu iit) is expecteü i'hat some furtlier aad perhiaps stai-tliing developnieiuts wiU be toade.


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Ann Arbor Courier