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Great Change On Tariff

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TllLe O0GGT8 oí tlie American Protective Tariïf league report tibia t títere is a very graat obango rapi'dly t a Icing place ta ttoe demoe ratte sentiment tMirougliout the coaimbry as to a proteetAve tardif. Fïve yeiars agn wlieu tihi diemiaai'atAc watioiuil coiiation adoip'tied a platform witüi a plank dnLanxJing a tarht revenue only, tloe demaaratic papeirs ttorougliout tte w-hoite couBltiry accepedi it as democratie doetrtae, ,aad almost wittoQut exceptitooi diemaudied either t'üat sos't oí a tariïf of absolute free tnade. No democratie paper wajated potective t.iri'J literatwe, aMcll oiflers oí it byi Wis TarMf leaguie wOr replied fo 5a' t!b.ousaiid8 of instanceö wiltit bitter dianunciatioins auld epiltthets. The papers sbuck to tbis tarjü' poV ley rilgiht up to tlhie l'ast campaign, Tvtiein. tiie tariff was Bhunted and free eiiven." was miad;e ttue sLogaa of tdie party. Then. tlue chiangie b egaai. It Iwas firsti noitiböd by tihe Tariiff league people Milieu receaitly tlhey Beut out a circular to a ltob of newepapers tluat dliid no take theilr literature, ofJVniing sead ,i t, tíbem. Tlie Sun a week or so ago príjutedj a story ígiriinig a lo'b cf tbe answora sent by tlio edlbtoirs of a freak listí that was rung ia on Deaoon Wakeman, tiie secretary of tlx& league, by oaa oí Sica tj-pewilters. At tiliat tifme the anstvvens t the circultu se-at out t the igeawnime l'tefi liad rtob begun to come ka. They .etarted' ooiniing la juet after its publdbatiioin, aml they have been eince. Up tiO' yesterdiay the g-rand total oí an"ei"s requeatiug the ïeague to1 seuKÍ t'be literature waá 2,537. Thtó ad'ded ta' iihe -J-,000 anú moce papers tihat wierO ali'eady takíng tJie liitei-aturo, nearly 7,000 ue-wspapeis t'Jiro'aíjliiouit the oo'uiubry ttat are &preadkug thO pro■tective tailïf doctrinie. But tlie signiíficJanice O'í tJie change isa -tariiff ssntiimenti is not in the large ulerease iïL tibe list O'í the papers eervedi, Ití is lint t'he poliitloal pvedilictio'u of the new papona. Four lnmülred and fLíty-tihree oí tlieon. are str-algflut local democratie journal-, and so'nie oí tlueía SiaiO beea cut-and O'ut fi'ee-tra'de advocates Two huadred and tShir'ty-ediglit more lae been independent in piolitlcs and neutral ta tibe tarïff question. More. sigaijgtcaiLfc still is the Sact that of the 453 democratie papers ttot have come arounid, 192 arO in tilia sorotti, wtuere t.lic Tariiï-foa--reve,nue-oiily sentimierit -mas the strangest. Deacon AYakemaii had prepared foo1 the Sun reporter yesDerday a list otf the new mpena that have responded fco his circular anid requested tlie league to ïuimislh. Jts lilterature for publioatiob. Oí couxse, it is too long to pulblisth, in '■uil. In the so uthera states, beginniug 'witli Alabama, tihe ltet Bhows 16 öemoca-atic papers that want tke iteratare and 5 lieujtral. Prevdous ■oi tlh.e semdiing oat of the ciircular the eague sentb tio bab 7 papea-a la the eöate, anid tlbey were all republloau. o urnals. In Arkiansas 12 democratc papers ask f ar tihe liiteraturei aaö = neuibral omes. Th.6 league ionnery served 15 papers la tihe state, all "epufblican. TwO' dfemocratic jiapers n Delaware wanlb it. Bevn eratlic amd 4 nedtral papers ín Florida ast foc iib. Tli,e league foa-mierly had Oflly 2 papers in the wliole state Ia Georgia, wiliere the leo&ue had 10 papers, 1-i öemwnaitic aad 11 neutral papera ask lor tih.e stuff. In, Keiitucky po-iiitSes is suco, a game th&t tlkere is no sucih thfng as a rueun tii-al, but 17 folio wiens of Btareyed goddess of ï-efonii' seern to have oh.anged tliie-ir infads. Iu Maryland tihPe are 5 deaucKaratiic papers ttat, iiük Kr tbs literatuire. In Missfcsipp:, mhere bib 1 paper was eer ved, 15 demlocratiic papers ask Sor ib and 7 ueuitnals. In Missouri 29 democratie and 9 meu'tfral papers want it ; Ha Nortlh Carolina 6 díinocrat'it aiud 6 ïieuitiral, amd iu Souitih, Carolina 1 demioeratdc and 4 neuiirals. Ia Teamessie'e 12 diemiocirátác paiJers eay tiiey would like to have tlue li'tenature and 6 mewtiral ones. The g-reiatest ciiauge Beeme to ba in Texas, wbere 33 democratie papers wanib it and' 12 neutral. Iteacpn Wakeinian says that the dliiange there is due to the proposed tariff on wool, Texa-s beiag a eheep-raisi'ng stiate. In Virginia, tJie Last of the southörn ebates, 10 democratie papers amd 2 aani'traJB ask for t:he litrature. The clhnngO in tiie gouthern eentdr iniiein't is greatest an'd next to it eiomes t,he cibangxï in the ivest. Of the stetes west of the Mississippi river, California eiho.wB 8 denwcii'atic and 4 rueaïtiral ; Colo.ra.dO', 1 democratie anid 4 neutral ; ludían TerrHory, 5 deimiociratic and 1 neutral ; Kansas, 19 democratie and 7 neutral ; Montana 2 democratie ; Netwaska, 13 tianfocratac and 2 neutral ; New Mexico, 2 demiocratíc and 1 neutral ; N. Dak'Otta, 1 demxwa-tic ; Oklaflionia, 4 democratie and 1 neutral ; Orejón, 3 deiruocratic and 4 neutral ; Utah, 2 democratie, and 'Wasihi'ngton, 6 demiooratic and 2 neutral. Of the oüher state Oomnectátit siuo'ws 2 neutral tihiat want the literature ; Illimofe, 27 democratie and 17 neutral ; Indiana, 12 democratie andi 12 meutriai ; Iowia, 22 democratie anti 16 neutria! ; Mataie, 4 democratie auid '2 neutral ; ' Maseachuisetts, 2 demboTatdc amd 8 neutral ; Michigan, 19 democTiatiic amd, 9 neutral ; Mitaneso'ta, 17 demicxinaitte aoid 4 jieutnal ; New Hampëhiire, 1 democraAfc ; New Jersey, lo democnatiic and 4 neutral ; New York, 22 democratie and. 19 neutral ; Ohiio, 17 democraltic and 19 neutral ; Pemnsylvania, 19 demócratas and 15 neutral ; Rhde Xsland, 1 diemocu-aitaE and 2 neutral ; AVest A'úíigiiQia., 7 democra,tic and 1 neu'toal ; and Wteoonski, 7 democratto ama 3 neutral. ' Orne exceediegly irnte rest ing tdiing reigapdJing tlii matter," saM leacon Wakeonan "Ls tliat of the 2,500 papers t'hat have anewered the circular, fully 90 per ceat. liave had a great 'deal to say about ttie mioiney quest'ion Miany of the anteveré eay that the editora arO {or f ree siaver as well well as tor proteettoa. I caa't tell liow to account fOr this uníeaa iifc is tbat the han-d times have made a lot of people tJviiik thiat nothiing but a cihange wíH revive thimgs. Howevor, t,hie Ta-riff league ö'oes mot touoh thiis quesiit.on at adl. lts llterature te exclusiviely about tJne tartff. The c(oa.mge in sentiment thrat these etters stoow ia one of Hha most important KhlJngis poiitieally tluat lias dieveloped sïuce tlue campa-iign. Thiese country aewspapers usuially refleet t.he setttimedt of thie localïtiies ia which they are publilstoed, and a change of f roet of ttóla nature means tlhat there is a cbange in the sentiment of the people ■whio smpporfc the papers." Thie Tarilff leaguie circular has been out niow about tihireo weeks, and at least a tlhioueandl mo;re anawers are expected by tlue offiicei's oí ttoe league.


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Ann Arbor Courier