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E'wyfoodty sho'uld ölww theiir pafcriio-tj&ro S-atuTdlay. Tho grooery olf G. Hoeier & Co. has removed from 28 to 22 Detroitt eb. Thöre will bO soane clilanges ïor tlie unöar-graduiates at th.e ü. oi M. next jiear. Aniyiotte wttio tih)Lnks that D1". VaugWau lis mot pretty snuoothi miseg hiüs supp'osition. Prof. DeVo-lson WooA at ono tune in -tlhiO U. oí M'.i la íaculty, titea at 'Boointon, N. J., on Santllay. mué tow-Ji il3 quite íull of Btraagers, tmt Ihie atteindiaMcO Us tliought to be somie smolleir -ttiiain lasit year. Tbo Salvatiion Anxuy is qow enjoytag temt lile n tttia toy miarket to ttíio rea-r of tlue jaill on( Ashley t. Pnaf. J. B. Davjs arudl tlie senior pngilmeoi"s reiburtued fpomt t) camp iu tdie moirtlhioi-n part of the state! MoeaOay. v i ' Jii'd&o Nowki'i'k Ilias ordered a bufcton tQ put oa tho Lapeli oí liis coat reaöüng : "I dansb know wben I Kliall nu0ve." And is she wedded to sorae art? O ! bless you, no- uot any I A Bachelor of Arts is she- That is, she flirts with many. -Puck. Thie smiall boy ife very busy just now lajiinlg ia bis supply of firo crackers tor SatunJay. A iLumiber of Aon ArborJtes wno went on Une Sund'ay excursiion, to Toledo, got left, and dïd uob return uritil tdie next day. The Dniitiarian öliawcli aaid1 Bunday Scilioiol liield thjelïr oomual picnic 6atunday at Öampboll's gnoivo om thB soiiïtih. YpsUlanlit roaA Aiihom O'ttio lias luad hJs attoimey I. Oa-iner, preseab a claim agaiinst tih,o öiity oif $250 öianiiages f op imjuiriies sitóöainied ia a deïootivie walk. Last Fröldny aitenmaom 50 of the 80 lijgli school gpadtuiates ïnatriculalted at tihle üniliensiiity, niaiTOliing to -ttbo Sterarcl's oïfllee ito a body. Last S unidla y. Mre. Fred Esslinger o! B'rooks st., picked 90 blossoms oLf a sLdgle pamsy root that slie started ast iall aai kepb o vier winter. The ïtnst of tihe Kuudlay Oveaiiing union sen'ices for the Bummer wül be held la the M. E. caui-cbj next Sumday. Sermón by Eiev. J. M. Gtelstion. Capt. 15ab't Campbell ivas tlio oaly Alrui Arbortte iii attentlance upon the aiimuial rèxuiLon of tke 4 tb Mieli. In!iilranitii'y, at Manroe on tflis 25th Baiocll Sears, of táüs ciay, was ehosea secretiary aatl treasurer of the Sooitlh. MtoMgwn Moaiena Wootkaen Picnle Associa'tion, a,t Jackson last week. The followding telepliones Iiave beea put; üu on ooie liue : Anub'roso Keaxnej"-, 2 rings, Arlington House 3 rings, Tucher & ÖJ. 4rirugs, Kenray & Quinaa 5 rtiuga. Thie aniullveraary oxerdis-es oif tthe 2di Baptiöt dburcJii, as puib'Hahedi last wek wre oaiTiedi oiat?, andi the socie!ty anld its frieoida enjoiyed the occaeiKMi gnea'tly. It iia asserted tüjat Capt. IamfoTth of this oiity raises strawberries that t'ako O'aly 26 t o uuake a quart. He ebioulidl miake tluem a triifle larger so tthlat 25 woml'd do Kb. The Stneet K'y vriM. niake special e'ffOTfcs to tuaiEudlie the orowd Saturday J'uly 3d. Esta cars will bs pat pn tlie TpeltenlU linie and, tto fare redaced, tjo 25c paaad triip'. Janues W. Eo'bisoii hias bO'ughlt a can op y to cover tho walks trom c.liiwc'tues resiillieiaees tio the street, to be ui9eid! for wedü'iití oav o Muer o.oc-asiiloní wihuen ueedted. The addiress oï rearh Hutchiüus befare the semjor luw class Saturday evemlng. was a remarkaibly fine oee. Salid to have baan tJie bestl ever listarjod to upoa a lito occasion.' The Beltla Tlietiai Pi) chaptet" lias elected! Gooqge M. OhüJidler, Balpb E. AVisuier a.iiid Josep'hi Gr. Hamblen delegatos to the Fratsrrnijty; coaventïon tía be lueliii at Nja@ara Falls July lü. Aon Arbor orcihesita"a uadler tlie lcad'ei-süiilp oí Prof. R. H. ICemipf Is rapild'ly gettdag ta tlia {ramt. Por a roöw angamiizabiO'n it is receiving a reimarkable ainamib of praise, anti desei'viinigly, ten. Herman. Klra, ane of Ulie. iire döpartraenit boys, whílo mowing nvay liay Moinkïay mO'inilng elipped ftnd Teil (bawn tdie staiirs, breaklog lüs loft le(g. It was juoit a go-od' way ín rwh'Üca to commeace the week. About ttoeO yeiara agio one of our ■raliietT exc;hanges caonie o'u;b wittlv a long edfltorüal attemipti'ng to' prove that the lo'ng cxtendied drought was causcd by tlio eystem o," dmümage tliat was beilng carried out in tiMs cO'oiitrj It must be tbat tlie advSuO givou by that paper - tiuat the drainis bo Btopped up- was tiakaa, ais tji,e anno uut of raüa ttat ivs havw enjoyed thiB lias beeax larger tíian tliat of anjr yeafr lía thO meni'OTy oí the oldest inlhaMt'flait.- Ohelsea Standard. FlveHttle flngers on eaoh hand Haaeach Ilttle youngster In the land, Hut, thisweare asklng witn a sititi : "Will they all st.ay ttiere througn Ibe Fourth of July?" - Washington StarIt Is saJd tliiat oaly ame oi tlip Ypsïla.nti. h'igh school gnadfuates will enter the U. 03. M. Hüxt) year. What'B the matter ? The shliirt wa-i&t girt with the frizjiron oiirl, arut tina struw )ia.t, weltd and queci' ; ïdow walks tlie Btreet 'wïtih. a smiiie th&t'a sweet a-adi her ncckJtila tinder lier ear.- PljTnouth híxxiá. The reñíalas ai lire. Etoa Norti, T-ho öLecl at Karasas CUy, on; Tuesliay of liast week, aged 93 yea,re, were bno'ugjit to t)h'iis pLac Thuirsday and Kniteiired in the cenuetery on I-fOdi platos. At Amn Arbor you pliank down 25 ceinits and get 8 etceet oar tickets ; andi ïfc is aaid ttoat paopl rlOft about t'he city for tbe pleiasure oi ilt.- Stockbrildlge Sun. ThiatPa rilgSut. If you dion't betíew ft, ta-y it. Capt Rosa Gna.nlg6r aoad WÏfe h&vet taught diaaiciilnlg hiere fon' 15 years, aind next year tAieir classes will be Increased in numibeir fi-om eeven to (Diüne. The aeadieamy wiU be ttooroughly renovated and renewed thte surnmer. ypaüaintd h,as given inp heir p.o'urth of July project aadCwill joiia wiltlh. Ann Avbor, in return for woJoli. Ana ArIbor has promtead to go over ïiext yeai' and get druink ia Ypsólant- AdHilan Press. Nat muah. Jiothüng but ni.:meral water on tap dowa tlhei'e. The 3ú animal Y. il. C. A. excuireuiui is to take pDacO om tjh.O.15fchi oí July It wiai be to Bfc. Clair Fla3 anid return, $1 payilng í'he enture íare floï the trtilp. It ffliy ba well few you. to vraat for thiis, Ion it wil be a Joily; ooie. Owiing to the atuangö ia the course at the law schraal, tlie gradwatlng clasfe wJfU mot nnimbev oiver 50, and as a coasequence Judgè ICiame d'KL not have a vary big clasa to adaniit to tlie bar yesterday, at thei circuit cou'i-t. Mucli to tluo regie of County Clerk Sciliuli. Hls maniy Aan Aitooar adinirers wUl tio glad ta learn that ]r. Cobarn fluntog tihe last two Bundays paM oif $35,000 of tllie i!nidebtElm&?s of tihe Trilnilty M. E. chiarch, at Jeoreir, Cal. Thure remaiiued. $15,000 to imJse, whicli it was thowght woulid ba denO tlhö followimg Sandiay. A braco o:f olfücers, lo-okiliy for tin escapèd AVasihteauaw p-rtpomer, ]ialted a Bejlleviiilla lady. oiajipr way to a lulo evem'Jiig traitu t) meet her h.u&bamid-. BUie stateü tliat she was not tüie maai, but in truth ooly a dtafenelees wwniajn The ofltaera took hei' alïMavit ilial she had, always been a femaU and let ïsr depart.- Adriau Press. To meet a dexnamid for iwcaiib gr,C'u.iiids aliong tlhie motor liaO, tfeB 'ïiaiil'way co-inpaiiy hos opemad some pleasaint grounids at Camp-tiell's (vlhere tiluexe is sliade, water anid a safe place fw chiildren Several SujiIday títíli-O'OlB in. Aun Arbor have al'ready made arraneiinnrtis íor fets use. Tlie. streelt raMiwiají are güving reducd ralted lor traasportiation. ilirs. Bdlaa Bojse and Misa Florence F'Peosdorf of Hudsoa, are of a party of Kudiites wtoo aeccö week for a Bupopeaai tjriip. McKittistry, a b tu dient of tke UnLK'ei"siity at Ana Arbor, lias charge. They are exceedingly fOTtueate ia taving Dois annomg theif uumtier, tíiough ïlb ia regardied &trictly ap h. ladiee' junket.- Adirüan P'ness. Last Otíto.ber BráJdget Bagan, of. VbXs oity, uniniarrieid, dded lea ving an estatO valiied at $2,500 lield jolntiy; AV.Uia hier sister Nora, Hgan who was appO'Lnited special adaiinisttirator. A few days shice O't!h,e.r lnelrs of Bridget cam inltio tih,a probate coiKt andi pet' for t'tis appointnieiiit of an ftdmltoiBtriatOT, and hearing was Bet for July 3d. On Mondtay á wül vias iououdl glvilng the property to Kto-ra. A wdflüns tïiat atH'aeteü sotne attetabScto in Detroit lat Tliursdiay eventng, was thfljt oï iBIss Ellen, aaoaglilt-eir of James O'Dwyer of tlh,e. finn of O'Dwyer & AVa.rd), oï thu.t cilty, to Mr. Oscar iáchmtUí, fsiotai oï Bon. Fredexiïck Sciliimild otf tjiite city. A large recaptiliotn was yivien at tlue hoine öf tUie Ti'jldels pareauts om WiKJlwood ave. The eoiuple W'iül i"esdldie Sni Jaclcaon, whione Mr. KchniM in employed s a UruggiiiSt aiud eltomiist.


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Ann Arbor Courier