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Senator John M. Thurston And

Senator John M. Thurston And image
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Charles Emery Smitli haVe arceptec nvitiitions to speak at the Nationa League Gonvention in Detroit, July IS Tbie Adr.'ii.ui l'ress abjecfte . i Prea&íent MeK:;iili' '.- letter al c ngnatnr tetllcm Qnees Vioborïa. Muere is a i■ ■ kii nv -ivlt il i;-(it!u-l Sbearns wónij gay vrore lue callea upon to wTüte oa.. Pe.rJnap3 lie can glvo tibie pii'bl'.-j a sample af hite own effo'rts 1.11 -th-it Ha. X jhigoism, Bno-, Steanas. Geo. H. Span:.:i!-;-. son Oí Coogressma'ii SpahJlaig, oí Monroe, Iiaa p ed i-'h . .- : --v-i!)ij:iíi i'ia tequirei V admit h,im West A ■" speetosm ■' yoang imui-ii ki-;1, .illy meaiíally ana pthysically has -' ' ■ ■■ i ;. iaaJ mú'.ilt.ary acad my. Mr. Spaldiaits's ulin'ssion ras r. ' iy-1 by a uingular aecklenilt, Bhat at tia tian s, seem i:l t liare exf-Imfcii i-i. .1 ai; :,,;.. af hte cherlahed as a Wesb PoWter. la compana u ■ otihiar yoi-jmg of Hcxorae. G-eorge, wttio :(? athJere of ttoi ardümary attiaínmient, oae i -. nndiertiMk a sjdiewialk foot race, ki :i the thi'-'h b me vrns bnakea bj19 energ-y of t'he :-;i. Vi m act af qií'ickly liïting t!i leg, and h:e feil ]ielpl5s on 1fee walk. The Press congratula tes Mr. SpaltlCng on oompliete recove:"y and admie Xa the miilibary saliool.- Aii-.Lm Press. Tl great -pectacular e vent of Queeii Yictiarja'ö luas niot been 'ü a-t ïbs etffeet upoa tía practical aglnatíottií oí Wall Bfcreet. The P'fpulat;ion of thie country has grown iip to probaWy fan iba aeigiaborhooa of 73,000,000, vhicli i.5 aibomt doublé what it was at t'.ie teí"mJinatioiL ol clie war- t;h!,rty-tv-o years ago- thus wdmg that thte is a pretty ps-og'ressive ooaniry - bat tiisre are ethers. Let tía see hmv the above statemeaït campares wiiJi fh.8 increAse in the Britlsh Empire. At the. oommLinoemeiït of ihe Queen's reLgn iu 1837 th,e niumber O'f lieir subjeats was 127,500,000. Aften: sbety yea p'.o.-psrous reign (wfluiah has baen celeTB'ated so grandly üi London) hier sul jëets now number 353,500,000 ; and "tUis grea't aai vomaIl ie now Queen and Empress over one-fouri-lh f t(h,9 populated globe. This cx''t makes the sbno'nigest argument yoaafible to favor of tihia Initeraatiional ArhJttaatiilO'a Treaty between this couffbry and1 Great Brütain. SucJl an oblitgaltiion. ivHl unite 420,000,000 of people under an intematiional compact, so that thié couatry -n-iill get a full equcivaleuit ia tihe undertakhig, espeöïally as its iaflaeiaoe. otot ottoer aatüoms cannot fail to gradually bring ttem imt.o a simiiar happy relationsüi:), wtai tihe sword will ba effeotually ootiquered by tha pn. Thte siiould be broiight abom-fc ia titae to aart tthie 20th century wirth, aad a jubilee beveea tlie various aations tánould tak placa tluat widl eclipse the notable one of ttuli? week, making th.e li'-.-st yiaar al the aamitag century g:'eat jubilee eivilizatioa year.


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